Posted in Acceptance, Divinity, Freedom, mystery, Reverence, spiritual family literacy, Vibrations, Vision, Wisdom, Yes, Zeal

October Circle of Mystery

Namaste Mystery’s Love Expressed,
I welcome you and your wise heart of reflection, here on this 1st day of October or in whatever divine appointment moment of this connection. We now join in the circle of the changing season, the heightened awareness sitting between illumination and darkness, oneness, ancestors, birth, death & rebirth, the balance of all in the circle, and the discerning wisdom of the witch. Witch, of course, meaning wise one in touch with the wisdom of the earth and all creation in the circle. I center in my inner witchy wisdom in today’s vlog:

Yes, the season of the witch is upon us! And it is high time we honor the truth of the witch as wise woman. As I sang in the vlog, we do indeed welcome the wisdom! Here are the lyrics and Mp3 Song (download!) of the Welcome Wisdom song found on my Timeless Spirit A-Z CD. On the recording, I am singing and playing with extra cool guitar added by the CD’s young and talented producer Cameron Lawson. Also, on the site in music video honoring all the wise women past, present, and future.

While we all have powerful inner wisdom, we don’t always tap into it. In fact, all too often we forget it is there and/or we really only turn inward for guidance when we are feeling lost or in pain. More often, we seek our answers from anyone else besides ourselves and our higher guidance. From this naturally human place of conditioning, we may consider The Mystery as a puzzle to be solved or perhaps never understood. While there are aspects of the mystery beyond our comprehension, we have an ongoing invitation into being with this divine flow of inspiration and supportive co-creation.

If you have been a visitor to this New Thought Families’ website anytime since its’ inception in 2007, you most likely encountered the anonymous audio, eventually turned video, of The Mystery. It is an endearing, simple, and profound invitation to BE the Mystery and to live full, free, and happy! After all these years, it still speaks to my heart and I hope it does to yours as well:

rom this place of being the mystery, all the imperfections melt into unconditional Love. My ever lovin’ looooooooong list as usual got partly done for this 1st of the month and on a later timeline than what I had planned. I had some intense tangos with the dance of resistence this week as well as the OMG overwhelm yet I made new inroads in my Library work and my inner playground of who I be. Definitely messy and I choose to embrace the chaos of creativity with the compassion of divinity. I choose to see, know, and affirm my progress even if it is less than what I had hoped to be sharing in this meoment. No need for the blah blah deets because I am living my divinely expressed Mystery ~ choosing to experience this life as full, free, and happy! I will share the part of the calendarization that is done that shows the themes of our explorations this month.

There is rotating content spotlighted on our multimedia page currently featuring the Om HomETV show The Mystery and the full segment with Feature Creature Teacher Cat. We are revisiting the brief daily invitations to play and pray with the Mystery in everyday ways on our October calendar!

For you, the wise one reading this, here’s an extra invitation for you:
Watch the flow of the Mystery in and through you and all you do.
What makes you feel free, full, and happy?
How can you realign with this consciousness when you or anyone else would act in ways that would have you forget the Mystery? Finally, can you simply just BE in the Mystery allowing for all that is there in any given moment?! Blessed BE!
Namaste, Love!

Posted in alchemy, Awareness, Balance, Creativity, devotion, Divinity, Energy, Nature, Prayer, Presence, Vision, Wisdom

September Structure, Chaos and Balance in the Equinox Circle

Namaste Bright Spot of Beauty in the Circle! A Blessed, Balanced Equinox to You!

In what is hopefully a positive transformation, the promised Sacred Sunday posts of September went into renegotiation. I will return on Sacred Sunday, 10/1/23! There is a bit more on that below in the ‘Entropy and Evolution’ section.
For NOW, let’s focus on the turn of the wheel at hand! Equinox!

I am joining you in the Equinox Spirit of Balance. This post comes in sacred circle awareness celebration of the Tao of dark and light, day and night, yes and no, fast and slow, male and female energies, structured and chaotic synergies. Here, we are embracing the fall season and Mabon. Let’s sing it @ New Thought Families:

As we embrace this time of balance ~ equal light and dark ~ and prepare ourselves for winter or summer depending on where we are on the globe, nature invites us to clean, take stock, prepare for the new season ahead. All in good balance, right?!
Here are a few Equinox activities that can bring harmony and balance:

1. Clean house! This can include everything from a light dust to washing windows and reorganizing closets to moving furniture and re-hanging pitures!

It is a perfect time to clean; spring cleaning and fall cleaning are a natural rhythm for many of us. As part of the dusting off process, purging of excess is always good. Use it or lose it! For some of us abundant collectors, this can be quite a time! As I was just walking again, 6 months ago, for spring cleaning, I have been going after the corners this fall like never before. Coming up on 5 years in this playhouse and there is no spot safe from the sweep, much less the overhaul! Like so much of life, a certain chaos of cleaning can happen. In my case, this week, I kinda went off the rails with some deep clean renovation work around the playhouse The vlog takes you into some of the deep dives though the vlog itself was definitely a chaotic journey in process all week long. Enter at your own risk ~ @ New Thought Families!

2. Reset your altar(s) with seasonal remembrances and inspirations. Bring nature or nature remembrances in to amplify the energies. Center in the light of the candle’s flame allowing it to ignite more illumination in knowing your inner light’s glow.

Here is our nature altar and prayer from today’s Equinox walk with friend Jessie:

3. Use fall leaves and acorns for release and stocking up! In this ETV Transformational Tools segment, I do this process if you want to travel through the deets with me. Yet, let me just give you the overview as invitation and you can do this process in any way that works for you!

Fall leaves represent release. What do you want to let go of in your life? Can you use leaves as a representation of these things? Write them on the leaves and ‘leaf’ them around where you can see them, burn them, or anything else that calls you deeper as reminders and remembrances into your letting go process.

Squirrels are busy hiding acorns this time of year. They stash them away for cold, bleak winter days. What would you like to stockpile for any dark days or moments ahead? Think of as many heart smilers as you can. You can even just make a list and remember where to look for it when you need a smile to balance out any sadness, grumpies, etc. Making art or something visual to hang around or put in a pretty box you can pull out are great ways to do this. What can you use to remind you of all that makes your heart smile and brings light to any darkness, warmth to any cold?

Entropy and Evolution

Nature is always in entropy and evolution. Thereby, so are we! The breakdown or decay of entropy is part of our aging process and what can be termed as chaotic in terms of personal or collective changes in our structures. Many factors can be seen as unstable yet we know that in divine order, all IS in order even when it is in breakdown mode. Sometimes this is readily seen on the physical plane yet it also lives and sometimes reins in the mental or emotional bodies.

My son, Jeremiah, first taught me about entropy many years ago. This year, after graduating college, he has been travelling Central America alone, though definitely with Spirit, pictured here after a 10 day silent retreat high atop a mountain in Peru. His adventure has been one of divine order and evolution.
The entropy moments have been managed masterfully; Jeremiah is not only intelligent smart, he is heart smart, able to navigate for his highest and best.

For my part, I have long been struggling with my life’s work in terms of what is doable for 1 person and how much sense it makes to keep creating work that goes unseen, much less paid. If I allow ‘common sense’ to have its way with me, I would never create another thing, ever again! For better or for worse, I do not choose common and do choose the spiritual senses that say, just create! That’s who you are and always will be, yippee, skippee! Trust, flow, create! Allow entropy, trust evolution and transformation! So! I am calendarizing the rest of the year with the life’s work I am still vowing to rectify. Though, continuing to show up lately has been a challenge to say the least, I am continuing to commit. And recommit. And recommit. Until entropy and/or evolution whisper me and my co-creative energies elsewhere in the circle of creation.

Wherever you are on your journey this equal day/night, may your entropy be filled with divinity ~ a divine shine aligned with order, always, and in all ways.
Blessed Be, Balanced Love Expressed!

Posted in alchemy, Awareness, Balance, Co-Creation Manifestation, interfaith, Oneness, Presence

September Glimpse Of Sacred

Time & Service in the Circle

Namaste Sacred Awareness in the Circle! And a Sweet New Year to You!
Yes, the Jewish New Year begins this Friday beckoning a time to release and embrace a sweet new year.

Below are some Leaping Literacy Library teachings and songs from guest Joanie Calem a few years back. Under those I have a few videos from 2 years ago that are reminding me of the ever present, omnipresent presence of hope and positivity in the circle of life and time. In some ways, they seem spot on for today. Kinda the good news and bad news. I also have blogs quoted and linked from 9 and 10 years ago with some of my same life laments & attempts. Sigh. I embrace myself & my phyche in the circle!

If you are intrigued, do peruse these snapshot invitations into oneness awareness’, yet irrespective of visiting with me from the past, here are some mediation invitations to visit with YOU in the circle…

Are there patterns you have been aware of repeating for what may feel like too long? Can you love yourself deeply even and especially through any desire or need to transform them? Can you reside in divine order or at least a ‘good enough’ acceptance?

Can you see and appreciate the different facets of you that have changed despite the persistent pattern? Can you find a balance of oneness in all of it?

All of the above ponderings leave me with this look at oneness from the past. I am at one with this & with you in the circle. Thank you for joining me. Namaste, Love!

Here are 2 posts of the past:

Love Expressed: Balance In Oneness Posted on September 10, 2013

Called To Love Posted on September 10, 2012 

And the videos are onsite @ New Thought Families!

Posted in Awareness, Oneness, Sacred, Service, Trust, Yes

September Circles Of Sacredness: Time & Service

I greet you late day this Sacred Sunday in the circle of time! I was, like so many other days and times, called to serve in several places in the circle of lifetime today. I sat down to do this blog and vlog this morning and realized Librarian me had not updated the ETV Vlog page, essentially all year. So I was in service to that! And then did the vlog and then onto my dad’s ranch for some scheduled service there. I will return there tomorrow morning and I have returned here to the blog in this right now, divine timing moment. I have re-committed to being in service here each Sacred Sunday this September. I am in service to the One that calls me here, in the oneness of the circle’s sacredness. There are so many ways to serve!

What does being in service mean to you? Service to yourself, family, community, in what ways do you serve? And in what ways are you served?! Wherever we place our hands, hearts, time, attention can be said to be what we are in service of. The blessings of our lives can be said to be the way that life and Love serves us.
Thank you for being here, in service to this moment of circle connection.

While our society frames our lives in a linear fashion, we are created and do indeed live in the circle. We will be exploring different faces of the circle this September beginning with the circles of time and money. Here are the lyrics and MP3 (download!) of the Circle of Time song found on my Circle Of One CD. Jeremiah and I are singing and drumming it with some extra drumbeats added by our CD producer Cameron Lawson.

Circle Of Time Mp3 Song!
© 2008 Laurie Story Vela

Standing on the mountaintop,
in the circle of time
heartbeats of my ancestors
are beating with mine
& the heartbeats of the children
who will be here soon
We are all one heartbeat
in the Sacred Mother’s womb

In the heartbeat of the circle,
oneness is the call
Heartbeats now and heartbeats then
beat with one and all
Here in the circle,
the sacred circle of time
There is just one heartbeat
beating with mine

One heartbeat, One circle, One time
One heartbeat, One circle, One time
The sacred circle of time
There is just one heartbeat
Standing on the mountaintop

Yes, oneness lives in the circle, We are at one with all of our lifetime(s), when we view it from the circle of time. As the song sings, we are home and at one with all our relations and generations with the one heartbeat. I sing some of this song in this week’s vlog centered on service in the circle.

The vlog altar is filled with mermaids and seahorses in celebration of the final (for now!) and 7th show in the Sea Splash series of ETV shows that began last summer! It was a big birthing process in August to complete the series with the Whale Wonders Show followed by this one which included the 2 Laurie’s StorEbooks I spoke of in last week’s Mermaid vlog. Sometimes, what we consider going backwards, is really just bringing some aspect of the circle into more completion!

This Labor Day weekend is a great time to think about work and how we trade our time for money. Yes, we do need money in this society yet the work we do is so much about being in the circle of giving and receiving energy on many levels, money being just one aspect. My playmate, Rev Karene, aka Gramma K, enJOYs our time co-creating for ETV as does her hubby, covered in the picture below as he is voicing Wally, the pet walrus of the Sea Queen. Can elders play pretend? YES, it is fun for them! We all have an inner child who is not only willing to play but needs to play for our whole being health and vitality. We are ageless in the circle. Laughter and play have no age or time limit. We can always benefit from a good laugh or playtime in any way that makes our heart sing and feel alive! How do you like to play? What is fun for you? What makes you laugh? Can you give some time into being of service to that?!

Here I am playing with Feature Creature Teacher Seahorse who has AHmazing adaptations and life lessons!

There are many Seahorse takeaways from how slow they are & how they anchor to how they mate and do a connecting Love dance each morning. And YES, Seahorse is the only animal on the planet whereby the male/dad carries the babies (pregnant) and births them. We can be heartened by Seahorse to stay anchored in Love, go slow, at the pace of grace, focusing on our abilities and gifts vs. the challenges we all face. What gifts do you have that fuel your service in this life?

While I have a lifetime journey with working in service in return for little or no monetary pay, I am on purpose and in joy in serving these callings of my heart and soul. I am anchored in safe home and in Love! And! All is well, Spirit always has my back with wonderful home and a belly full of good food! I can and do choose to focus on my good! I am so blessed in Love!

If you so choose, to be in service to you, take some time to be with your gifts and/or some contemplative time to see who and what you serve and who and what serves you!

Thank you for being in the circle with me ~ I do consider we are in service to one another just by saying yes in this sacred moment!

And thank you for sharing some of my life’s work here, irrespective of your choice to spend time further with ETV and my playful co-creations undersea!

More September sacred circle awareness moments to come. Namaste, Love!

Posted in alchemy, Awareness, Beauty, Co-Creation Manifestation, Creativity, Freedom, Imagination, Intuition, Light, Love, Music, Nature, Oneness, Presence, Reverence, Sacred, Vision, Yes

August Promise: Flowing and Knowing

Namaste Sacred Yes, Love Expressed!

I greet you late day this Sacred Sunday in a grateful allowance of promise after promise! I speak to the challenges and celebrations of being me in this week’s video vlog sitting (via technology!) by the sea. I speak of my pervasive patterns and ask what is in you, waiting to be honored. There is an invitation to sing with me; my little mermaid song that speaks to what it is to live in divine flow:

I Am A Mermaid ©2021 Laurie Story V

I am a mermaid in the ocean of life
flowing like water, playing like an otter,
knowing like a daughter of the sea
free, free, free,
musical, magical mermaid me

How are you flowing with your sacred truth? What are you doing to play and honor that all important child and playful spirit that lives in you? What are you knowing; mystical, wise child of creation? In your flowing, play, and knowing, you are FREE! You are free to be Love expressed as the divine shine you truly be!

The playful, prayerful video vlog @ New Thought Families has the mermaid song with some video footage of the sea and a meditation invitation. You can also just go there with these words and your imagination. Sit right down and hear the waves in your mind. Drop into the space in your heart and soul that is always longing to bring you home. Home to yourself, home to the One, home with the whole. Listen to the rhythm of the waves coming to shore. Always in the flow, sometimes high and sometimes low. Yet always home. Our seas are such a masterpiece of divinity and so are we, my friends! Namaste flowing knowing of divine shine!

Posted in Awareness, Blessings, Co-Creation Manifestation, Divinity, expansion, expression, Music, Remembrance, Sacred, Yes

August Promise: Sacred Awareness of Now

Namaste Sacred Yes, Love Expressed!

I greet you this right now moment with the certainty of alchemy that weaves divine order’s tapestry! If you were here for last week’s post and stepped into any part of the invitations, do you have moments of alchemical clarity and celebration?! As with any of our spiritual practices, the more we stay present to the gifts of presence, the more mastery we will see manifest. Think back on your day, week, life block of any amount of time where something(s) came together. In this sacred recognition, give your divine awareness over to sacred celebration. Life IS always working out for us. Alchemy IS always weaving a tapestry of goodness. Yes, we are always divinely blessed!

Some of what we choose to co-create does take the insistence of persistence. The persistence of showing up, releasing resistance, putting in the efforts required for completion. Yet, as natural as the blooming of flowers, we have the innate capacity and beauty to be blessed in all we manifest! It IS a celebration!

I am celebrating a bunch more hours this week and all morning today to launch all the new ETV Whale content that began last summer, yippee skippee! Co-creation manifestation is always a celebration especially when it has taken such an ongoing conversation with all the layers of resistance and other life commitments. Whew! Anything and everything you are in a creation conversation with, I support and celebrate YOU! No matter where you are in your process, may you know your sacred essence, here, and now.

This week, I offer a vlog in the sacred now from my main altar at the playhouse.

At the urging of my friend who was here this weekend, I included a time of meditation and this song from the Born For CD.

In This Moment Ã‚© 2021 Laurie Story Vela Mp3 Sample

All is well in this moment.
All is well with me.
I breathe in deep, gratefully.
Knowing in this moment, all is well with me.

Present to this moment of peace
I consciously choose to release
the need to look behind or ahead
I center in this breath of now instead

Now I separate from
all that’s been and all to come.
No need to know where, when or how.
My well being is right here, right here, right now.
Present to this moment, all is well with me

Thanks for sharing your sacred essence in this time of centering in Presence.
YES, we be blessed as Love expressed. Namaste, Sacredness!

Sacred Essence Awareness Now at the Altar @ New Thought Families!

Posted in alchemy, Awareness, Blessings, Co-Creation Manifestation, Compassion, Creativity, Divinity, Gratitude, Love, Music, Presence, Sacred, Vision

Sacred Awareness with Alchemy & Clarity

Namaste Goodness Blessed, Love Expressed!

I greet you with gratitude and a prayerful, playful attitude of embracing this messy life! I join you in sending a prayer for divine order restitution to Maui and all other places in this world where people are both suffering and banding together to help.

In the sea of infinite possibilities, how does this divine timing moment find you? Hopefully you are able to see yourself and your life with the heart of compassionate Love and the clarity of infinite possibilities!

In the all too often chaotic collective we are one with, it can be a tall order to live with such clarity and positivity. I just posted the vlog below that speaks to alchemy, divinity, and divine order. I speak to you from my heart on the front porch with some playful sea friends, ukulele, and song. If you are called, come on over, take a deep dive ~ and sing along!

I continue to breathe in the reverence of divine order’s perfection in an ongoing process that says clean up, show up, listen up, and Love UP!

Yes, I am still breathing through my Spirit blow hole this Sacred Sunday and diving into the wondrous world of whales! Some of the serious work play I mentioned last Sacred Sunday with Feature Creature Teachers Whale, Narwhal, Dolphin ~ ALL whales ~ remains in process and not yet launched. I did finish and publish the new Laurie StorEBook Nana Narwhal’s Knitting @ Laurie’s Stories if you want to read/see it in ETV. This was no small feat! Woo hoo! Still fully honoring that, it is, indeed complete. It’s been on the (loooong) list since 2016!

I have had another round of clarity on how my vision is SO much faster than the flow of daily human energy. And! What a wonder my existing energies ARE with all I AM able to do! And oh how the gremlin part of me wants to say “See, I told you that you can’t, you’re not enough!” Ya, that old habitual look at the impossibilities instead of seeing with positivity the infinite possibilities ~ with joy and gratitude! I am seeing with increasing clarity the need of continual alchemy between my visionary divinity and human reality. As I surmise and alchemize, I feel the crabbies as they reappear and retreat, tempering it all with compassionate, unconditional Love as I keep affirming divine order and choosing positivity. I sing my song!:

Positivity Possibilities Â© 2016 Laurie Story Vela Mp3 Sample

I possess positivity for infinite possibilities.
I am positive all is possible!
While some practice practicalities,
I prescribe to positivity.
Potentiality of prayer
persists inside my heart.
And! I positively do my part.
I prepare. I pray. I proclaim. I play!
And I persistently practice presence
to potentiality and possibilities every day!
Positivity of possibilities, positivity of possibilities…
It’s all possible … I’m positive.

I sing this song in the beginning and end of this Week’s Sacred Sunday vlog @ New Thought Families:

Irrespective of you sharing the vlog experience, I offer you 3 alchemical activities with questions for this week should they resonate as something that could benefit you and your soul’s journey:

1. Ask the eyes of your heart to see the divine order of your lifetime. As you look back and look forward, what is a thread of alchemy that runs through your tapestry? This will be a predominent theme (s). (For me, spirituality and creativity.)

2. Wherever you need to see the divine order of this theme in your life, put it in the center of any situation, past, present, future. You can ask, “How did this, or will this (ex. creativity) help me live my soul’s purpose?”

3. Say a prayer or otherwise center in the Divine, Source by any name. You may want to do this with angels, angel cards or other tools you relate to. Ask to see a missing piece to a question or life challenge where you need clarity. If you get an immediate answer, great! Live with it, and allow it to keep expanding. If no answer readily appears, trust that the clarity is coming and release it. Choose a grateful affirmation you can employ going forward to remind yourself that it is done. Ex. : “Thank you Holy Creator for helping me see with more clarity.” I say with certainty, your allowance of divinity will bring you more clarity! Blessed Be!

I wish you the best in whatever your quest and in always knowing you are blessed!

Maui Photo by James Wheeler on
Posted in Appreciation, Awareness, Beauty, Blessings, Co-Creation Manifestation, Freedom, Gratitude, honor, Reverence, Sacred, Yes

August Promise: Sacred Awareness with Honor and Reverence

Namaste Shining Souls! I greet you with grateful reverence for the gift of your presence here and now. I honor this moment and the blessedness it holds. It is our joined consciousness with these words that ignites this awareness of the sacred. Sacredness is inherent in all of life yet it is our awareness that helps manifest more of its magnificence into our experience!

Honor. I have been meditating on this concept for a very long time as I honored my aging parents and elder relatives, their transitions out of this world, the belongings they left behind. I have watched what those ‘belongings’ did to bring out the worst in people and cause such separation. I have been lied to and lied about in the process. It has been a deliberate decision to keep the majority of this process private while allowing the pain to allow more of my soul’s purpose in being here to manifest. And yes, always a (messy) work in progress!

To honor or dishonor, like all else, must be filtered through our evolving perceptions. I clearly see, personally and collectively, how each one of us has our own perspective on what is true and what it means to honor truth. We can honor ourselves, our callings, our families, ancestors, country, or anything else we deem of great value worthy of our respect. And reverence.

To bring honor even deeper into manifested mystical mindfulness, we can approach any aspect with the appreciative awe that is reverence. I find it requires a slowing down ~ sometimes even a break like my ankle! ~ to really allow awe to be present in our daily consciousness as the blessed gift it is. We have the capacity to see this life with the eyes of wonder, the appreciation of awe. When we do that, moment by moment, we honor who we truly be and the infinity of blessedness we are indeed gifted with. Such is sacred awareness; a blessed way to live and give in the circle of life and time!

And so it is that in the August promise to myself and any of you kindred souls who are here as compassionate witness ~ thank you! ~ I choose to reverently honor all that calls, especially the unfinished business I have said no to. I am choosing a sacred yes to the blessed awareness that says to honor the sacredness, simply by turning, and returning to Love!

For me, that is sharing the July vlog I did about Feather’s Camp below. I think it was too raw for me at the time I spoke it to put it out. Which is an important point in the honoring circle of time; sometimes no is the best we can do and when we allow things to incubate and heal, we can and will transcend the doubt and fear that so often fuels the resistance to the sacred yes.

I left the vlog content complete with the tears and snot yet took a fair amount of time adding footage of the snowy camp and some pictures from past Feathers’ Camps. Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the beautiful souls who have gathered with me! And those who did so much work to keep up with my creativity and add bountiful gifts of their own! I honor all that has been with such a deep appreciation and reverence. And I have had some real grief in letting it go though I knew I had to do so for years. I also know Camp is likely to be reborn in a different form in the future forward of the Circle of Love. Taking the time to be with it all has been a transcendent experience. For so many years, I would do pre-camp videos from the mountain, so the July posts were in part, old habit I suppose. There is much more on the way here this August Promise, regarding honoring and alchemizing the old and the new in the Circle! Again, always a process of sacred awareness! You can hear the alchemized shift in the vlog that I make with transcending the pain into oneness awareness in the Circle of Love.

Whether or not, you take in the vlog ~ which is actually shorter than most I post 🙂 ~ here are a few bullet points for you to ponder in your own lives no matter how messy or magnificent they are in this moment:

  1. Where in your heart is there pain?
    Pain is always an invitation to healing and transformation. Can you have a conversation with your pain and/or your higher self, Source, angels, the divine of any kind to help you transcend?

2. What are the happiest memories you can bring to the painful situation?
We can choose to sift through any memory or ongoing circumstance to see the good, and honor that with our appreciative attention.

3. What are the happiest memories you can bring to the painful situation?
Can you use the alchemy of happiness and sacredness through seeing with the eyes of your soul that only knows radical acceptance and forgiveness? In this place, we are steeped in the reverence of divine order’s perfection.

I am breathing that in myself as I post this Sacred Sunday Something and dive back into the wondrous world of whales! Still some serious work play to employ this sacred Sunday to launch the new week of ETV tomorrow with Feature Creature Teachers Whale, Narwhal, Dolphin ~ ALL whales! I am finishing the new Laurie StorEBook Nana Narwhal’s Knitting, singing about Sophie James who rides on the tail of a whale, making a recycled plastic whale speaking (again!) to the unthinkable trash in the sea and so much more, yippee skippee, such is the play way of ETV! Below is a picture of the whale dress I painted yesterday plus one more ‘discarded’ July vlog thought on Freedom from (Feathers) Silver Lake!

Whatever is calling your heart this moment, let the sacred reverence of your soul help inform you. Be in the quiet with nature, a journal, a creative flow with song or paintbrush, or anything else that calls you into reverent awareness. If it is your wounded heart that calls, be with her in soothing acceptance and forgiveness for any circumstance. Choose happiness through alchemy’s transcendence. Such is the gift of freedom, going backward or forward, it truly is one sacred circle of Love. Thank you for having this conversation. In so doing, you raise your vibration and that of all of humanity. Blessed Be!

Posted in Acceptance, Awareness, Blessings, Co-Creation Manifestation, Creativity, devotion, Dreams, Transformation, WOW

Harvest August Promise!

Namaste Blessed Wonders of Wowness! I greet you with awareness of our sacredness this Lammas Day, 1st of August Promise!

Lammas is the midpoint holiday between Summer Solstice (last time i was here at the blog!) and the upcoming Fall Equinox coming in September (9/22/23). While mainstream consciousness looks at the Solstices and Equinoxes because of the sun’s and astronomical placements, the midpoint holidays were and still are celebrated by some in pagan traditions. Lammas and Lughnasa are the first of the Harvest Festival celebrations followed by Mabon and Samhain.

Image: Wheel_of_the_Year.gif but redrawn, Public Domain Found Here

Interfaith traditions and reflections can help all of us find navigation and inspiration. August begins with this harvest focus under a full super moon. It is invitation to give seasonal gratitude for the abundance of sun, food, life itself! The celebration can also be invitation to wrap up things in progress, tie up loose ends, take care of unfinished business.

I am allowing for all of the above; celebrating so much gratitude and abundance while simultaneously being with my harvest mess. At the worst, I can focus on mess as lack of coherence and at best, mess is just creative chaos here to bless. In the Lammas, August Promise Spirit, I offer you a few July vlogs that went unposted. Here’s a quick overview video of the 2 that are offered in full on the site; one a short shout out from Silver Lake and the other an embrace of self and infinite potentiality!

So! There is actually quite a bit more that went into the quiet corner in July like this tearful vlog about Feathers Camp that will be posting here 1st sacred Sunday in August, 8/6:

1st Sacred Sunday in August? Yes, I am vowing to post a sacred something each Sunday in August here in this space ~ even if it’s a vlog from last month. July vlogs in August? Why not? In the circle of time, I am choosing to re-align with my Harvest! Part of my mess happens when I fail to say yes, resistance acts as an anchor to slow or stop progress. So there are many areas of life and production harvest that I am choosing to say yes to! Again!

Are there places in your life where you resist actions you are called to do including recognizing and appreciating your harvests of abundance? It really is never too late!
We do well to regularly take stock of all we have, do, are. We CAN keep showing up for whatever is calling … especially if it is the same or a similar call. If the call is indeed coming from our heart and soul, by saying yes, we are always blessed!

So yes, there are many aspects I am saying a blessed yes to and I have them mapped out for our Sacred Sunday Somethings. In part, the structure is my way of saying yes ~ to me ~ and to you if you so choose!

I am also finishing our Sea Splash ETV Series this August that I ‘ran out of time’ and energy for last summer! I am choosing to return for Whale, Narwhal, Mermaid, Seahorse and more! Yippee Skippee Harvest of Creativity!

Our ETV Feature Creature Teachers this week are Crab and Octopus. I am definitely an Octopus! From multitasking to ghosting or hiding out, I relate to the wonderous Octo in so many ways! As I bless the mess of my harvest and invest in the August Promises including Sacred Something Sundays, I am inspired by the 3 hearts and 9 brains of Octopus as well as the way Crab moves sideways, so fast!

Explore Octopus and Crab @ ETV! Whoever and however you are called to play and explore facets of you, your life, your harvest blessings, may you say yes to all that calls you to be yes expressed! Love and Appreciation! Hugs and Celebration!

Posted in Abundance, Co-Creation Manifestation, Divinity, Energy, Gratitude, Light, Love, Solstice, Vision, Wisdom

Shining Summer Solstice Magnifications & Illuminations!

Namaste & Happy Summer Solstice Shining Stars of Light Filled Beauty! Welcome to the circle of the sun celebration. At this midpoint and shortest night of the year, the light of purpose can be magnified; our divine magnificence as well as our debilitating shadows all illuminated for our good.

In the vlog @ New Thought Families I speak and sing to the shadows and the light in celebration of illumination including connections to Juneteenth and Father’s Day. I also offer 3 simple invitations for honoring this moment in time there and below. Solstices and Equinoxes are portals of energy long revered and honored by many of our ancestors. The energetic power is ramped up before, during, and after the actual times of light. Of course, the invitations are good any day, any time, we want to focus on our light and on the sacred.

Solstice Celebration Magnification of Illumination Invitations:
Do 1 or all 3 ~ Anytime you want to align with the shine of your divine design!

1. Turn your face to the sun, if even for a moment. Close your eyes and feel the light and warmth bathe your face. Say a prayer, focus your intention and attention on the light, or simply soak it up. You can also speak aloud or in your mind some gratitude for the magnitude of how the sun gives us light and life itself all over our pretty planet home.

2. Light a candle. As you spark the flame, give it your intention and attention. Call in the light. Acknowledge the light. Ask for illumination and/or give thanks for the same. You can surrender any pain into the flame. You can honor those that have gone before us. You can recognize the divine that is ever present, omnipresent, in this right now moment. You can align with the Presence, with the Light, with any or all who have ever done the same around the flame.

3. Witness, renew or set an altar. As I speak of in the vlog, altars are touchstone places whereby we can bring our mind and heart into remembrance and resonance with the divine. Nature provides so many altars of beauty from sweeping landscapes to the center of a flower where beauty is perfectly placed and smiling. You could just take a moment to witness an altar in nature that speaks to you and stirs your soul. Perhaps you have an altar in your home or many of them as I do. In this Solstice energy, it is a great time to revisit and renew your altar(s) especially with nature elements. If you are new to altars or it’s been awhile, just center in your heart, set the intention in your mind, and go about finding and placing any objects that speak to your sense of the sacred. Create a place that when you look upon it, you will feel more centered and aligned with the shine of your divine design!

Whether you make an altar, or take a moment with flame or sun, may your heart be illumined in knowing the divine Love you are made of. In this Solstice shine or any moment of time, may you align with the shine of your divine design! Namaste Light of Love!