Posted in Acceptance, Divinity, Freedom, mystery, Reverence, spiritual family literacy, Vibrations, Vision, Wisdom, Yes, Zeal

October Circle of Mystery

Namaste Mystery’s Love Expressed,
I welcome you and your wise heart of reflection, here on this 1st day of October or in whatever divine appointment moment of this connection. We now join in the circle of the changing season, the heightened awareness sitting between illumination and darkness, oneness, ancestors, birth, death & rebirth, the balance of all in the circle, and the discerning wisdom of the witch. Witch, of course, meaning wise one in touch with the wisdom of the earth and all creation in the circle. I center in my inner witchy wisdom in today’s vlog:

Yes, the season of the witch is upon us! And it is high time we honor the truth of the witch as wise woman. As I sang in the vlog, we do indeed welcome the wisdom! Here are the lyrics and Mp3 Song (download!) of the Welcome Wisdom song found on my Timeless Spirit A-Z CD. On the recording, I am singing and playing with extra cool guitar added by the CD’s young and talented producer Cameron Lawson. Also, on the site in music video honoring all the wise women past, present, and future.

While we all have powerful inner wisdom, we don’t always tap into it. In fact, all too often we forget it is there and/or we really only turn inward for guidance when we are feeling lost or in pain. More often, we seek our answers from anyone else besides ourselves and our higher guidance. From this naturally human place of conditioning, we may consider The Mystery as a puzzle to be solved or perhaps never understood. While there are aspects of the mystery beyond our comprehension, we have an ongoing invitation into being with this divine flow of inspiration and supportive co-creation.

If you have been a visitor to this New Thought Families’ website anytime since its’ inception in 2007, you most likely encountered the anonymous audio, eventually turned video, of The Mystery. It is an endearing, simple, and profound invitation to BE the Mystery and to live full, free, and happy! After all these years, it still speaks to my heart and I hope it does to yours as well:

rom this place of being the mystery, all the imperfections melt into unconditional Love. My ever lovin’ looooooooong list as usual got partly done for this 1st of the month and on a later timeline than what I had planned. I had some intense tangos with the dance of resistence this week as well as the OMG overwhelm yet I made new inroads in my Library work and my inner playground of who I be. Definitely messy and I choose to embrace the chaos of creativity with the compassion of divinity. I choose to see, know, and affirm my progress even if it is less than what I had hoped to be sharing in this meoment. No need for the blah blah deets because I am living my divinely expressed Mystery ~ choosing to experience this life as full, free, and happy! I will share the part of the calendarization that is done that shows the themes of our explorations this month.

There is rotating content spotlighted on our multimedia page currently featuring the Om HomETV show The Mystery and the full segment with Feature Creature Teacher Cat. We are revisiting the brief daily invitations to play and pray with the Mystery in everyday ways on our October calendar!

For you, the wise one reading this, here’s an extra invitation for you:
Watch the flow of the Mystery in and through you and all you do.
What makes you feel free, full, and happy?
How can you realign with this consciousness when you or anyone else would act in ways that would have you forget the Mystery? Finally, can you simply just BE in the Mystery allowing for all that is there in any given moment?! Blessed BE!
Namaste, Love!


Passionate about co-creation; deepening awareness & embodiment of Love. Life's work focus on children & families playing with literacy & spiritual literacy. Author/Illustrator/BookTeller/MusicMaker/Webmaster/ContentCreator&Producer

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