Posted in Acceptance, alchemy, Appreciation, Awareness, Blessings, Co-Creation Manifestation, Divinity, Energy, Gratitude, Music, Prayer, Transcendence, Transformation, Trust, Truth, Unity, Vision, Yes

April Awareness Celebrations: Alchemizing, Strategizing, Prioritizing

Welcome April Blossoms of Beauty and Bravery!
As we near the end of April, May Transformations are beckoning! There are so many April celebrations that are near and dear to my heart, I had to speak to them before month’s end! Even though the bigger, better spotlights I woulda, coulda, shoulda given the following didn’t happen, we can still take a mindful moment of honoring and recognition. Let me first recognize you with gratitude for being here and honoring us with your time, heart, and mind. Thank you for being here!

April! The month that is often a menopausal one for our Mother with her warm flashes and surprise storms. April is the time of recognition of our mother with Earth Day/Month. Of course, Earth Day every day of the year yet April 22 is a longstanding calendarization for our attention. We love you mama earth! We have this and other earth songs featured on our ETV Music Video page.

April is also the official month to celebrate Young Children and Libraries; 2 cornerstones of our work/play at Leaping Literacy Online Library!

Much as I thought I would leverage these celebrations this month with progress in the Library and new production work, my main focus was inward yet again. I came face to face with an ongoing health challenge that actually has its roots in another April occasion ~ today is the 42nd year anniversary of breaking my neck. The vlog below speaks to the journey. Some of the metaphysical nuggets are letting go of ‘old fixes’ and employing new opportunities, releasing resistance, allowing alchemy, transcendence, and evolution, trusting transformation. I still struggle with the volume of me expressing concisely! I did this April vlog twice and while the 2nd time conceivably is more organized and concise, it is just as long and in fact, a bit longer than the 1st! The 1st one was full of tears and led me to some places I needed to go to gain the clarity for the 2nd one 🙂 I spent time producing the 1st one and had vowed to put it out so in a game time decision, I am posting both onsite in the quiet vlog space. If you are going to invest the time, I highly recommend the 2nd one over the 1st. Yet, in the spirit of birth and death, i did post both, at least for now. So goes the journey of messy me trusting the divinity of alchemy!

There are MANY celebrations, every month and every DAY! In the April Vlog 2, I celebrate some of them noted TODAY from the fun website whereby they give all the history and significance of each day’s celebration/honoring. Apparently, anyone can start a Day with a little momentum! April 28th is noted for many things including Biological Clock Day, Clean Comendy Day, National Super Hero Day, Pet Parent Day, Stop Food Waste Day, Great Poetry Reading Day and more! I read from the great Unity poet James Dillet Freeman in Vlog 2 as a nod to another of today’s celebrations, ‘Pay It Forward Day’. Poets indeed pay it forward sometimes for generations with the power of their words!

There is an infinity of ways we can focus and show up any moment, day, month. There are so many celebrations, honorings, ponderings we can give our time, heart, and mind to. By following our heart and natural curiosity, we are aligniung with our soul purpose in being here, in this incarnation and lifetime. With our own unique gifts and skills, we are here to serve each other and our own soul’s purpose in choosing to be here now.

There is much to say about where Leaping Literacy Library is now and is going yet I will be ok, this anniversary day with just being messy me, showing up as me ~ the light of divinity mirroring the same in YOU! Free from needing to be anything more. My latest song is on the site Blog page, Be Free. As I root in the call of prayer (James Dillet Freeman) and the sense of what free is for me, I allow this moment’s April alchemy to be enough. Just right. As is. Divine perfection expertly evolving through transformation. That is a celebration! Thanks for being with me and your own divine alchemy. Namaste, Love!

Posted in alchemy, Awareness, Balance, Beauty, Blessings, Co-Creation Manifestation, Oneness, Peace, Prayer, Presence

Let There Be Peace

Greetings of Peaceful New Beginnings! Happy 2024!
A year to dream more while we alchemically explore what has gone before!
Here is a New Year’s vlog speaking to the circle; a return to Music Camp, coming home, December blog absence, and alchemical song of life ringing on. Found here!

Yes, I continue to sift, sort, situate all aspects of life ~ peacefully! I will be doing a talk for Unity Spiritual Community on 1/14 entitled, “Living the Dream: A Co-Creation Unification Conversation. I will also share it, at least in part, here. In this right now, new day, new year moment, I pray for peace. For each heart, and the heart of humanity, I pray for peace. We are created and rooted in unconditional Love that knows and abides by peace. My prayer is that all beings will continue to evolve and embody more and more of this essence. Here is a singing prayer, a kind of a meditative chant, for Peace. I sang it last night as the clock and calendar turned. I continue to sing it as we embrace this new start. Within ourselves, each of us, and all of us nationally and globally. Peace, let there be peace … Found here!

As I keep releasing and breathing Peace, I am updating the Leaping Literacy Library structure including this blog, more on that soon as our new year unfolds. For now, I simply, again, wish you Peace. This is from the ‘peace tree’ decorated in my front yard. Peace, beloveds, Peace, from my heart to your heart, heart by heart we unite and ignite more and more peace on earth.

Posted in alchemy, Awareness, Balance, Creativity, devotion, Divinity, Energy, Nature, Prayer, Presence, Vision, Wisdom

September Structure, Chaos and Balance in the Equinox Circle

Namaste Bright Spot of Beauty in the Circle! A Blessed, Balanced Equinox to You!

In what is hopefully a positive transformation, the promised Sacred Sunday posts of September went into renegotiation. I will return on Sacred Sunday, 10/1/23! There is a bit more on that below in the ‘Entropy and Evolution’ section.
For NOW, let’s focus on the turn of the wheel at hand! Equinox!

I am joining you in the Equinox Spirit of Balance. This post comes in sacred circle awareness celebration of the Tao of dark and light, day and night, yes and no, fast and slow, male and female energies, structured and chaotic synergies. Here, we are embracing the fall season and Mabon. Let’s sing it @ New Thought Families:

As we embrace this time of balance ~ equal light and dark ~ and prepare ourselves for winter or summer depending on where we are on the globe, nature invites us to clean, take stock, prepare for the new season ahead. All in good balance, right?!
Here are a few Equinox activities that can bring harmony and balance:

1. Clean house! This can include everything from a light dust to washing windows and reorganizing closets to moving furniture and re-hanging pitures!

It is a perfect time to clean; spring cleaning and fall cleaning are a natural rhythm for many of us. As part of the dusting off process, purging of excess is always good. Use it or lose it! For some of us abundant collectors, this can be quite a time! As I was just walking again, 6 months ago, for spring cleaning, I have been going after the corners this fall like never before. Coming up on 5 years in this playhouse and there is no spot safe from the sweep, much less the overhaul! Like so much of life, a certain chaos of cleaning can happen. In my case, this week, I kinda went off the rails with some deep clean renovation work around the playhouse The vlog takes you into some of the deep dives though the vlog itself was definitely a chaotic journey in process all week long. Enter at your own risk ~ @ New Thought Families!

2. Reset your altar(s) with seasonal remembrances and inspirations. Bring nature or nature remembrances in to amplify the energies. Center in the light of the candle’s flame allowing it to ignite more illumination in knowing your inner light’s glow.

Here is our nature altar and prayer from today’s Equinox walk with friend Jessie:

3. Use fall leaves and acorns for release and stocking up! In this ETV Transformational Tools segment, I do this process if you want to travel through the deets with me. Yet, let me just give you the overview as invitation and you can do this process in any way that works for you!

Fall leaves represent release. What do you want to let go of in your life? Can you use leaves as a representation of these things? Write them on the leaves and ‘leaf’ them around where you can see them, burn them, or anything else that calls you deeper as reminders and remembrances into your letting go process.

Squirrels are busy hiding acorns this time of year. They stash them away for cold, bleak winter days. What would you like to stockpile for any dark days or moments ahead? Think of as many heart smilers as you can. You can even just make a list and remember where to look for it when you need a smile to balance out any sadness, grumpies, etc. Making art or something visual to hang around or put in a pretty box you can pull out are great ways to do this. What can you use to remind you of all that makes your heart smile and brings light to any darkness, warmth to any cold?

Entropy and Evolution

Nature is always in entropy and evolution. Thereby, so are we! The breakdown or decay of entropy is part of our aging process and what can be termed as chaotic in terms of personal or collective changes in our structures. Many factors can be seen as unstable yet we know that in divine order, all IS in order even when it is in breakdown mode. Sometimes this is readily seen on the physical plane yet it also lives and sometimes reins in the mental or emotional bodies.

My son, Jeremiah, first taught me about entropy many years ago. This year, after graduating college, he has been travelling Central America alone, though definitely with Spirit, pictured here after a 10 day silent retreat high atop a mountain in Peru. His adventure has been one of divine order and evolution.
The entropy moments have been managed masterfully; Jeremiah is not only intelligent smart, he is heart smart, able to navigate for his highest and best.

For my part, I have long been struggling with my life’s work in terms of what is doable for 1 person and how much sense it makes to keep creating work that goes unseen, much less paid. If I allow ‘common sense’ to have its way with me, I would never create another thing, ever again! For better or for worse, I do not choose common and do choose the spiritual senses that say, just create! That’s who you are and always will be, yippee, skippee! Trust, flow, create! Allow entropy, trust evolution and transformation! So! I am calendarizing the rest of the year with the life’s work I am still vowing to rectify. Though, continuing to show up lately has been a challenge to say the least, I am continuing to commit. And recommit. And recommit. Until entropy and/or evolution whisper me and my co-creative energies elsewhere in the circle of creation.

Wherever you are on your journey this equal day/night, may your entropy be filled with divinity ~ a divine shine aligned with order, always, and in all ways.
Blessed Be, Balanced Love Expressed!

Posted in Advent, Joy, Light, Love, Music, Nature, Peace, Prayer, Presence, Yes

Shining Solstice: Yes In The Darkness!

Namaste Shining Expressions of Divine Design~

Happy Winter Solstice! On this shortest day of the year here ~ and longest for our friends on the other side of the globe ~ we look to this day’s auspicious alignment of planets bringing us the age of Aquarius and a brilliant ‘Christmas Star’ just in time for the holy days. It is indeed a deLIGHT to be here in celebration and appreciation.

When last in this sacred spot, we were celebrating and appreciating Hummingbird as Feature Creature Teacher and the (Advent) Light of Hope that so powerfully shines through any darkness. Our Hope resources including Om HomETV were added to this month with the other Advent virtues of Love, Peace, and Joy. While Hummingbird also speaks to Joy, Dove is THE bird of Love and Peace.

As seekers in this life, we are ever turning within and listening to the messages that call us higher into our fullest expressions of ourselves. Dove can teach us so much! A few fun facts; dove and pigeon are synonymous, they share parenting equally even down to both the male and female producing a kind of milk to feed their baby squabs. WOWSA! Both parents fast a few days before the eggs hatch to purify the milk they produce. We too can purify ourselves in various physical, emotional, and spiritual ways to allow a fuller embodiment of Spirit. We can live in balanced partnerships. We can disallow the human tendency to judge some as high and lofty and others as a dirty nuisance. Always about perspective, as we open to embody more Love, peace becomes a more common occurence.

Indeed, when we feel loving and well loved, we are naturally at peace!

In our Spiritual Literacy Offerings, we have various transformational tools for inspiration and action as found in our Leaping Literacy Library:

We have a new CD coming out next week, Circle Of One. It has a song for each Solstice and Equinox. Here is the Winter Solstice Song:

“The Light Of Love is who we are!”

In the markings of time and nature, there are always Spirit messages to be found and appreciated. Summer Solstice shines the bright light of purpose. In Winter Solstice, we sift through the darkness for our purpose. Like all of the green sprouts on this earth, we are ever reaching for the light. On the Fall and Spring Equinoxes, we are reminded to be in balance. In every noticing of light and dark, balance beckons. Doves/Pigeons also have strong messages of balance as they mate for life, almost always have 2 young at a time and share all the parenting duties. In looking at the lessons of 2, it is easy to see that balance is a strong foundation for sustainable Love and Peace.

As we are moving into the new era of humanity and the new calendar year, let us pray for balanced harmony; within ourselves, our families, communities, nation, world. We live on a glorious planet that needs us to heed more careful stewardship. We live at a time of divided values and priorities that beckon us all to compassionate truth. May all beings everywhere feel loved and peaceful even in the midst of humanity’s insanities. May we all fly with the dove in all things possible Love. Thank you for continuing to raise your vibration in life celebration! Namaste Messenger of Light filled, hopeful, joyful, loving Peace.

And so it is!

Posted in Awareness, Creativity, Divinity, Intuition, Prayer, Presence, Quiet, Remembrance, Reverence, Sacred, Spiritual ABCs, spiritual family literacy, Wisdom

Allowing Our Knowing

Namaste Nurturers of Knowingness!
Thank you for joining us in our celebration of intuition and knowingness! It is good to come together to play, to pray, to remember. Our voice of inner wisdom is always happy to be heard when we do remember to listen, to tune in, to google within and trust what we hear. To access our divine inner wisdom, we must simply be willing and able to show up and engage in this guiding light spiritual practice. It can be as simple as being Aware to deep Breathe into our hearts and Connect. Spiritual ABCs!

Today’s Om HomETV is focused on intuition and knowingness with playful reminders of connection. We breathe and pray into our hearts, reach into our Transformational Toolbox for intuition practice, sing and affirm our inner knowing, explore whimsical faces of the quiet, are visited by Owlive, Owlet, and Bat as Feature Creature Teacher. Celebrating with you the wisdom within and how to access it! Find all of our current Leaping Literacy Library ETV at and today’s show is below. Thank you for being here and for being in the flow of the infinity of divinity you know. Namaste Love!

Posted in Awareness, Blessings, Children's Books, Co-Creation Manifestation, Family, interfaith, Prayer, Presence, Sacred, spiritual family literacy, Yes

Activating Blessedness Consciousness

Namaste Activated Blessedness Consciousness!
In the ever dramatic swirl of 2020, I greet you in this quiet space of reflection and introspection for expansive conversation. Thank you for being on this path of awakening as we assist in elevating the vibration from chaos to creation to ultimate celebration. In sacred awareness, we see the divine threads of life. We see the infinite beauty and holy divinity present in life. We know the blessings available in every moment seeing the blessedness in all of life. And when we can’t see, we reach to remember, supported in (re)aligning with our own divine design.

Taking Care To Be Aware
The spiritual practice of awareness is at the root of all others. Tuning into our physical, mental, and spiritual well being let’s us know when we need to reach into the transformational toolbox for a tune up! When we are willing to go within, as deep as necessary, awareness serves us well. It can even be considered synonymous with consciousness. We let go of auto pilot living when we are awake and aware. We strip away the clutter of the world, quieting the constant, and often fearful chatter to see what’s really true for us as individuals and to see our spirit based individual take on what is happening all around us. We can more readily see the blessings and experience the blessedness of life.

To Be Aware We Are A Prayer
Awareness of divine blessedness can anchor us in seeing all of life as holy. With the eyes of our heart, we can also see ourselves as sacred expressions of the divine ~ a living, breathing prayer of co-creation. Today’s OmHomETV web show includes the LaurieStorEBook, Sebastian Wakes Up:

Our Awake And Aware Om HomETV is centered in prayer and includes tools from the transformational toolbox for staying aware as well as some interfaith celebrations. Today is St. Francis Day and the blessing of the animals so we include the St. Francis prayer in the show and here. The famous prayer is one of aspiration to be good and to be better. Being an improved version of ourselves takes such prayerful awareness and alignment, courage and commitment. For my part, I am showing up with these offerings to serve families with spiritual literacy. Whatever is yours to do, may you know the blessedness in it and the divine sacred that is you! Thank you for being in my parliament this moment. Namaste, Love!

Posted in Affirmations, Awareness, Blessings, Co-Creation Manifestation, Creativity, devotion, Peace, Prayer, Presence, spiritual family literacy

Released For Peace

Namaste Thoughtful Ones Breathing & Releasing For Peace!

Happy Clocktober as we embark on the 4th and final quarter of 2020. The way things appear, the last 25% of this unprecedented year could match up with the first 75%. Irrespective, we can still and always keep breathing deep, keep breathing peace.

The September swirl of circles for our Leaping Literacy Library ETV et al was on the one hand, my usual messiness and on another hand a clarity of blessedness and breakthru of yessness. Though it seems I am perpetually ‘behind’ for what I set, I am ever more increasingly at peace with it ~ and all else. Within reason and not without continued trips to the transformational toolbox, I am breathing and vibrating peace. Logistically, that shows up here in this right now moment as a linked sharing of our last 2 Om HomETVs which both came out late on their Sundays. The plan going forward for this last quarter is to post each Sunday’s show with a few words here on the actual Sunday they come out. The peaceful prayer remains to connect with those who would be served by these co-creations. Whatever you are co-creating, I wish you well in staying centered in peace and well being. Thank you and namaste, Love!

Transformational Tools For Peace!
Interfaith Inspirations!
Posted in Awareness, Balance, Co-Creation Manifestation, Creativity, Divinity, Family, Humanity, Prayer, Sacred, Service

Begin Again! If Not Now, When?!

Namaste dear friends of light filled, compassionate Love rising!

I greet you this Easter Monday with a few updates, some heart sharing, and the prayerful Spirit of reflection, renewal and resurrection! Happy Easter! Happy Passover! Happy Spring!

I do pray that each of you and all of you are faring with well being during this unprecedented pandemic time of sheltering and restructuring. I hope you are able to be and connect with those you love in ways that are supportive, kind, creative, and innovative. In times of darkness, the worst and the best of us can come up. The (Easter) Spirit invitation is always to rise up into life in celebration of what it is to be alive! The (Easter) bunny rabbit is a definite symbol of life’s abundance with all of its duality of timid, jittery fear and cuddly softness and tenderness.

Our newest resource speaks to all of the above if anyone wants to visit with Feature Creature Teacher Rabbit and some meanings of the season along with some silly fun! Leaping Literacy Library ETV is the little web show I have long been dreaming of and the 5th episode is an Easter Celebration! You can view it here: or here:
or here:
or HERE!

True to the duality of my own darkness and light, it wasn’t finished until last night 😊 Yet! Still hoping and hopping it can be enjoyed this week by some of you and/or others you know. The shows are steeped with FUNdamentals of positivity and layers of traditional, creative and spiritual family literacy. Our Leaping Literacy Library Free Shelf has some corresponding goodies.

With next week being National Library Week, the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and National Arbor Day, the Yippee for Libraries and Trees Show is underway and oh so hopefully due out on Saturday! (~Reminiscent of my childhood and Saturday morning cartoons, I keep trying to hit that Saturday mark 😊)

If ever there was a time to reset our relationship with the earth, this would be it! It’s actually a golden opportunity. If not now, then when??!!

And so goes the silver lining in this time that is so scary and uncertain for so many. We get to review and renew what we’re up to. What is most important? What do we want to nurture and sustain? What can we let go? What can we release for deeper peace? What brings us true joy? Lots of questions, and all the answers, even the societal ones, are best answered from within. Again, if not now, when?!

Of course I pray that those who have lost loved ones, and those that are in harms way every day are filled with the peace that passeth understanding. I pray for divine intervention protection along with all of us doing our best to adhere to the guidelines set forth by those in the know of how a vicious virus such as this can grow and flow. I also pray that we, as individuals, as families, as humanity, take this opportunity to truly reflect and reset.

Because our days can run together at this time, and because mindfulness and heart centered living is a daily spiritual practice that always serves us well, I remind you of our daily Play & Pray Calendars:

Our April Compassion in Action is there along with the year long For Humanity Calendar. Perhaps they can help support you and yours. Whatever your daily practice ~ from yoga & meditation to the walks & talks, to the preparing & eating of good, nurturing food ~ many you find rooted comfort practicing presence there.

Our Feathers Of Freedom Family Camp is still planned for August with early bird registration extended to Mother’s Day, May 10th. It is, of course, like all else, tempered with uncertainty. Hoping a summer gathering of 100 or so in the high Sierras will be allowed and a good life choice for some of you.

Thank you so much for sharing a heart moment with me. May you be blessed with the best within you, your Spirit rising, always saying YES! Namaste Spitit of Love ever rising!

Posted in Affirmations, Awareness, Divinity, Family, Gratitude, Humanity, Prayer, Remembrance, Reverence

Reverent Remembering


Namaste Reverent Remembrance of all that is good, wise, and Spirit revived!
Thank you for being here in what is a return to Love after an absent August; I greet you with a grateful heart for we have both shown up in this sacred September moment for our divine appointment. After all, showing up is most of it, hugh?! Yet! The how and why we show up is all about the remembrance!
Every tool in our transformational toolbox leads us to our roots; tethers us to the Spirit beings we are inside these bodies, families, communities, humanity. Our connection to the Great Spirit is the elevating force that opens us more and more to the divine beings we truly be. As we experience our divinity, so we open the eyes of our hearts to see the divine everywhere present in this beautiful creation we are all a part of. Rooted in remembrance, we reverently travel the route we came here to travel.
As our ‘I Remember’ song from the Trust What You Hear CD sings, “There are so many things to remember, sometimes I forget … (insert list of forgotten things!) … I remember who I am. I’m a child of God born to Love and serve in all the best ways I can. When I look down deep inside of me than I truly understand. I’m a child of God born to Love and serve, I remember who I am!”  It sings better than it writes, so do give it a listen! The point is, in the midst of all there is to remember in our day to day busy-ness, anchoring in remembering who we truly be is essential to embodying our divinity in all the moments of remembering and especially in those of forgetting!
As we age, we tend to forget. We joke about ‘senior moments with the seriousness increasing for some into  dementia, ‘old timers’, Alzheimers which of course can be so painful for family and loved ones living this journey with those experiencing it. Our brains are incredible and it is disconcerting at best when memory or cognitive functions slow or fail. Our hearts and other organs also hold memory and more of the vast complexities of this are being studied and understood through such things as organ transplants whereby organ recipients inherit inexplainable desires from the organ donors!
Today’s awareness of forgetting and invitation to remembering is more about the indwelling Spirit and how issues of the heart, aka pain and trauma, can lead us into a hardened heart that takes us out of our ability to live life in reverence, awe, grateful joy. Babies and small children remember. They delight in the world around them moment by moment. Instead of learning from them, we actively train them to be of this world, to forget! And oh this world is so set on forgetting! Shiny objects everywhere, we can forget why we first logged on to the computer, much less remember who we came here to be.
Active Remembering!

Honoring, rituals, and holidays are important markers of remembrance. The first Sunday after Labor Day ~ this year September 8th ~ was set aside by President Jimmy Carter as Grandparent’s Day. Memories of our ancestors as well as important people in our lives and society help shape who we are individually and collectively. Having our kids remember, honor and celebrate our elders and each other fortifies the Circle of Love that is family and humanity.
Interfaith Inspirations
Grandparents DayChristianBaha'iBookWorm
Our New Thought Families’ Inspiration page highlights some of the Interfaith holidays and remembrances each month. Sometimes the intersections are fascinating. This September to remember, the 8th is Grandparents Day, the Christian celebration of the birth of Mary, the beginning of the tenth month of the Bahá’í year, ‘Izzat meaning “might”  and (always) International Literacy Day. While literacy is the ability to read and write it also means a knowledge or competency of a certain subject; i.e. financial literacy or spiritual literacy. It is certainly an important and motivating remembrance for us here at New Thought & Creative Spirit Families!
This Thursday, September 12th is Unity’s Annual World Day Of Prayer. The 2019 theme is Infinite Presence ~ Unlimited Potential And the affirmation is: I celebrate the vast possibilities for my life. Prayer is the ultimate lifeline to remembrance! The 12th is also the last day of the Jain Paryushana Parva festival that is a celebration of the natural qualities of the soul whereby Jains practice forgiveness and actively reach out to family with cards and letters. Hindus celebrate Anant, Ethiopia a new year, and the 4 day Ghambar Paitishahem festival celebrating the creation of earth and the summer harvest begins for the Zoroastrians.
Every Day is a Good Day to Remember & Celebrate the Infinity of Our Divinity!
When we go through rough patches of personal and collective life as we have been experiencing on various levels for all of time, we do well to remember the beauty, harmony, divinity within us and all around us. Some of the best alignment tools are prayer, gratitude, forgiveness. Nature offers us an endless expanse of beauty and inspiration. Hug a tree or look up to the sky for Spirit renewal!
Nature Remembers!
Elephants Never Forget!
It’s true that elephants have amazing memories and have been studied to show that they always remember each other even when separated for 20 years or more. They are also one of the few species with grandparents, specifically grandmothers often stay with the herd and when they do, it greatly increases the fertility of the daughters and the mortality of the young. Feel the grandmother Love! It is indeed, the Love that is the remembering.
It is Love that brings me back here and into an ongoing realignment with what is mine to do for spiritual family literacy. For years this was a weekly blog and in most recent years, monthly at best. For the rest of 2019, I will be here weekly. A new resolution for (dis)continuation will be set for 2020. For this right now moment, I leave you in celebration of Love, in remembering the Love we are and came here to be. On the Leaping Literacy Free Shelf are celebrations of remembrance and family ~ sing Remember Sacred, I Remember and Family Of Love!
We have returned to the intergenerational voices and invitations to SMILE on this month’s daily Play & Pray Calendar. Smile into the truth of who you are in this remember September moment! A beautiful, smiling memory! Thank you for smiling with me. I do smile with you as we collectively remember the Love we truly be. Namaste Love!
Posted in Family, Freedom, Love, Music, Oneness, Peace, Prayer, Spiritual ABCs, Spiritual Parenting, Transformation

Love Making Nurtures Oneness, Opening Peaceful Possibilities Quietly

Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary.
What we need is to love without being tired.Mother Teresa

Namaste Breath Of Love Expressed!

I greet you in the name of the greatest power, Love! It is Love that calls me here, Love that calls me forward, Love that unites us in this right now moment, and Love that can heal our hurting humanity.

I open with a song; a music video made for those families separated at our US border. I wrote the song while on ocean retreat sharing it with many international visitors at the hostel where I was. Written from the perspective of a child, it has been a prayer of solidarity I have been singing to help my own hurting heart and helpless hands in this horrific situation. The song, Mama Where Are You? is here:

I have not posted in this sacred cyber space for 3 months due to so many other commitments including the weekly, pictorial news I have been doing for the Youth Ed at Spiritual Life Center. My own family life continues to be exhausting, intense and demanding. The last May day I posted here, my auntie had a cerebral hemorrhage and left her body 3 days later. She was able to hear us at times letting her know we loved her and I sang to her multiple times including as she took her last breath. Song helped bring sacred awareness to her death. That reverent moment still opens my heart to peace. Both of my parents are in heart failure and too often gasping for breath as my one and only #1 son prepares to leave for college after being away adventuring most of the summer. Deep breath of yes allowance … Our transfomational tool of the day … breathe deep!

Through a deep, conscious breath we can come into oneness with ourselves, with another, our family, our world family. In the conscious yes breath, I align with the shine of my divine design doing what is mine to live Love, to make Love in this world. The life sustaining breath is an instant go to for nurturing oneness and practicing peace.

For any who know me or this place of sharing, you know there are millions of words for the last 12 weeks. So! In case you want to listen some, breathe with me, sing with me ~ pray and play with me, Owl, and Octopus, here is a (long!) Vlog:

As mentioned in the vlog, the Love making I do in this world that feeds me most is my work/play. Returning to my work feeds my soul and keeps me happier. We all need to feel on purpose by showing up for the truest callings of our hearts. For me, that’s music, the Leaping Literacy Library and our Creative Spirit Family events like our annual Feathers Of Freedom Family Camp. There are a few wonderful updates to report on all of the above!

The CD of short Spirit songs I began writing in 2016 is at the duplicators! Originally planned as ‘Children’s Chants’, it morphed and became an I Am exploration through the alphabet ~ Awake And Aware Through Zeal Zap! It is 37 songs (not all letters are created equal!) with a total run time of 54:22. I will continue to be in service to the songs by showing up here and elsewhere with links and samples and such!

The CD debuts next week at our annual Feathers Of Freedom Camp; some of the songs will be shared at some of our circles with my young master musicians, Jeremiah (18) and Cameron (17) who recorded, mixed and mastered the CD. Yippee!

Camp! I have been saying for years we will have 100+peeps and this is the year! Great gratitude for partnering with Spiritual Life Center; through their promotion and invitations, we have lots of new peeps of all ages joining us this year. And great gratitude for our wonderful crew who are also saying woo hoo! I am knee deep in feathers, tea cups and wings for Fairy Tea, Feature Creature Teachers for our (inner) Treasure Hunt and so much more! If you are called, we can still fit you in if you sign up this week!

And the Leaping Literacy Library! Yes the 2016 ABC’s For Humanity daily Play & Pray Calendar continues to be re-purposed and replaying for 2018. We are currently embracing Peaceful Quiet on our daily pages and the August Free Shelf

There are many aspects of the Library in what seems like a slow incubator. From the archives to the dreams and everywhere in between, here is a glimpse of some developing goodness with my supportive friend Rev Karene as Olive and me as puppet Owlet. 

I am celebrating this right now moment with a deep breath of gratitude for this space and especially for you sharing it with me at any mindful moment. Thank you. I know I have not been up for nurturing a regular connection here this year yet I am re-committing hopefully in service to others as well as myself. When our hearts keep calling, we can always begin again … in any blessed breath.

Whatever goodness you are up to, may you be blessed in it. May we all be oneness blessed in the Love that created us as we continue to make Love, live Love, do and be Love in our all too often troubled world. Thank you for the Love of you. Namaste, Love!