Posted in Awareness, Blessings, devotion, Divinity, expression, Grace, Light, Love, Music, Nature, Presence, Remembrance, Reverence, Yes

Spring Things Alive & Bright ~ Reverent Remembrances!

Namaste Meditative Minds & Brave Hearts ~ Circle of Life Alive & Bright!
Glad Greetings this Mindful Monday! We are celebrating Spring ~ Equinox 3/19, Easter 3/31, Palm Sunday hailing Holy Week and dad’s 2 year departure date anniversary, 3/24. Whew! No wonder this post took me more than a minute. I vlogged and blogged most of this on the 24th yet it took well into the 25th to get here. So! It’s here and NOW so let’s hop to it! Thank you, thank you for joining me; let’s be wHOLY centered in this celebration circle of Life!

On this 2 year anniversary date of my dear ‘ol dad’s departure, I am SO reminded to keep finishing what I start and to commit and re-commit to all I choose to do as me, Laurie Story V. May my life be an incarnation celebration for the Love that created me, expressing as me ~ may my humaness be Love blessed, yes expressed!

From February’s Love letters found here:

And so it is that the Circle of Life and Love bring us to this moment; the top of Holy Week, Spring/Autumn, Birth/Death, Seeds, Gold, Rainbows, Bunnies, oh my! Let’s Play & Pray in this 3/24/24 reverent & playful Vlog:

This vlog is a voluminous 24 minutes on the 24th day and year. So! If you just need a blessedly brief spring salutation invitation, got you clovered, click this one!

The egg altar in the video above joins many other spring invitations here. My home has been enJOYing some Spirit Rising UPliftment this month including a visit from Mr. and Mrs Clover who came to visit on Equinox! Their video is linking this week with more Om Home invitations on our Leaping Literacy Library Spring page.

There are SO many Spring invitations hopping about here at home and in the Leaping Literacy Library. Our daily Play & Pray video calendar, Planting Seeds has us planting Love, Hope, Joy, Surrender … oohh, let’s DO today’s Reverence:

There are SO many ways to be reverent for this gift of life. Always centered in awareness and nurtured with gratitude, reverence provides us a good compass for our heart and soul. As I discuss in the vlog, our inner GPS< Grace Positioning System, is always a wise whisper away to bring us back to the center essence of our egg, ourselves embodied as that Love blessed, yes expressed.

Rabbit is center stage this week with lots of celebrations @ and here with other spotlighted spring things on our New Thought Families Mindful Multimedia page including the Spring Celebration Om HomETV show.

If you shared the 24/24/24 vlog with me, yippee skippee! If you want to hear some of those songs, yippee skippee x3! Ostara, Daddy’s Song, and Pot of Gold are linked below on the Site Blog! From the bottom of my egg to yours, thank you for singing along in the musical rainbow of my heart & soul song!

And! Before we go, let us send 1 breath of peaceful love into the world ~ aho!

Sent with the breath of this month’s full moon! (In this time zone, 3/25, 3:00 a.m.) Picture taken 3/24, 9:00 p.m.

Wherever you are, this holy moment in the Circle, I wish you Joyful Peace & Passionate Purpose that you are able to experience with reverence & express with happiness. Yippee Skippee! We truly be Love blessed, yes expressed!
Namaste, Love!

Ostara Playing Here!

Daddy’s Song Playing Here!

Pot of Gold Playing Here!

Posted in Awareness, Beauty, Co-Creation Manifestation, Divinity, Energy, Gratitude, Light, Love, Presence, Transformation, Vibrations

Valentine Shine!

Namaste Divine Shine Valentines!
I greet you in Love this Valentine’s eve turned day ~ Happy Valentine’s Day! We have lots of Valentine & heart celebrations @ and here on our New Thought Families Mindful Multimedia page including the Divine Shine Valentine Om HomETV show. Our February Heart of Love video calendar is playing to remind us daily to be home in the heart of Love. My mind and heart are stayed on the freedom of big Love; the ‘Always Love’ referred to by Earnest Holmes that I put into song some time back and return to often, especially on Valentine’s Day. For while the holiday is indeed a celebration of couples and romantic love, it is a spotlight on Love itself, what it means and what it brings. And what we bring to it. I embrace it as a joyful holy day even though I am not coupled.
I did an active meditation on the word Valentine as Love in action:

It is fully explained in the Valentine vlog @ New Thought Families if you want to spend some heart shine time with me. You can also do your own heart exploration meditation with these words or whatever words, concepts, visions, come to you.

However you celebrate Love on this and every day, may you know yourself in the heart of it. Thank you for your divine shine, visionary Valentine! Namaste, Love!

Posted in alchemy, Awareness, Beauty, Co-Creation Manifestation, Creativity, Freedom, Imagination, Intuition, Light, Love, Music, Nature, Oneness, Presence, Reverence, Sacred, Vision, Yes

August Promise: Flowing and Knowing

Namaste Sacred Yes, Love Expressed!

I greet you late day this Sacred Sunday in a grateful allowance of promise after promise! I speak to the challenges and celebrations of being me in this week’s video vlog sitting (via technology!) by the sea. I speak of my pervasive patterns and ask what is in you, waiting to be honored. There is an invitation to sing with me; my little mermaid song that speaks to what it is to live in divine flow:

I Am A Mermaid ©2021 Laurie Story V

I am a mermaid in the ocean of life
flowing like water, playing like an otter,
knowing like a daughter of the sea
free, free, free,
musical, magical mermaid me

How are you flowing with your sacred truth? What are you doing to play and honor that all important child and playful spirit that lives in you? What are you knowing; mystical, wise child of creation? In your flowing, play, and knowing, you are FREE! You are free to be Love expressed as the divine shine you truly be!

The playful, prayerful video vlog @ New Thought Families has the mermaid song with some video footage of the sea and a meditation invitation. You can also just go there with these words and your imagination. Sit right down and hear the waves in your mind. Drop into the space in your heart and soul that is always longing to bring you home. Home to yourself, home to the One, home with the whole. Listen to the rhythm of the waves coming to shore. Always in the flow, sometimes high and sometimes low. Yet always home. Our seas are such a masterpiece of divinity and so are we, my friends! Namaste flowing knowing of divine shine!

Posted in Abundance, Co-Creation Manifestation, Divinity, Energy, Gratitude, Light, Love, Solstice, Vision, Wisdom

Shining Summer Solstice Magnifications & Illuminations!

Namaste & Happy Summer Solstice Shining Stars of Light Filled Beauty! Welcome to the circle of the sun celebration. At this midpoint and shortest night of the year, the light of purpose can be magnified; our divine magnificence as well as our debilitating shadows all illuminated for our good.

In the vlog @ New Thought Families I speak and sing to the shadows and the light in celebration of illumination including connections to Juneteenth and Father’s Day. I also offer 3 simple invitations for honoring this moment in time there and below. Solstices and Equinoxes are portals of energy long revered and honored by many of our ancestors. The energetic power is ramped up before, during, and after the actual times of light. Of course, the invitations are good any day, any time, we want to focus on our light and on the sacred.

Solstice Celebration Magnification of Illumination Invitations:
Do 1 or all 3 ~ Anytime you want to align with the shine of your divine design!

1. Turn your face to the sun, if even for a moment. Close your eyes and feel the light and warmth bathe your face. Say a prayer, focus your intention and attention on the light, or simply soak it up. You can also speak aloud or in your mind some gratitude for the magnitude of how the sun gives us light and life itself all over our pretty planet home.

2. Light a candle. As you spark the flame, give it your intention and attention. Call in the light. Acknowledge the light. Ask for illumination and/or give thanks for the same. You can surrender any pain into the flame. You can honor those that have gone before us. You can recognize the divine that is ever present, omnipresent, in this right now moment. You can align with the Presence, with the Light, with any or all who have ever done the same around the flame.

3. Witness, renew or set an altar. As I speak of in the vlog, altars are touchstone places whereby we can bring our mind and heart into remembrance and resonance with the divine. Nature provides so many altars of beauty from sweeping landscapes to the center of a flower where beauty is perfectly placed and smiling. You could just take a moment to witness an altar in nature that speaks to you and stirs your soul. Perhaps you have an altar in your home or many of them as I do. In this Solstice energy, it is a great time to revisit and renew your altar(s) especially with nature elements. If you are new to altars or it’s been awhile, just center in your heart, set the intention in your mind, and go about finding and placing any objects that speak to your sense of the sacred. Create a place that when you look upon it, you will feel more centered and aligned with the shine of your divine design!

Whether you make an altar, or take a moment with flame or sun, may your heart be illumined in knowing the divine Love you are made of. In this Solstice shine or any moment of time, may you align with the shine of your divine design! Namaste Light of Love!

Posted in Awareness, Co-Creation Manifestation, Compassion, Creativity, Divinity, Fortitude, Freedom, Gratitude, Hope, Light, Love, Music, spiritual family literacy, Transformation, Trust, Truth, Vision, Yes

Shining Through The Darkness

Namaste Shining Summertime Friend of Intention!

In this week before Solstice, we have had a June to swoon weather wise, unseasonably and utterly delightfully cool. Which makes for a great space in my upstairs of the barn. I have been creating playful, sacred space there and all over the playhouse for the longest time yet definitely renewed of late as I have once again become mobile after the winter/spring of healing off my feet.

As I have been healing and recalibrating into my future, there has been a lot of dancing with grief and release, listening with compassion to the places of darkness and depression. I have been leaning into the intentions to bring all my online content (back) into fruition and it has definitely been a getting ready to be ready to be ready! Ever called to shine through the darkness!

I sing about shining through the darkness on the blog space @ New Thought Families.

Darkness can show up in SO many ways to get in the way or light the way ~
or both ~ as we journey through the duality of life. When we stumble on our journey in doing what is ours to do, it is ALWAYS an invitation to love ourselves through the insistence of resistance, no matter how persistent! We are, indeed, created of a light stronger and brighter than any darkness!

Messy me is in celebration of opening up 4 summer camp invitations even though the manifestations were short of the vision and behind in the timing. I am ever aligning knowing the bigger picture of the constant invitation to keep divining! Here’s yesterday’s vlog speaking to that process and inviting you to show up for whatever is calling you, found @ New Thought Families! Irrespective of you sharing the vlog conversation, I do issue you an ongoing invitation or at least a meditation to show up for whatever calls to you, especially if it is something that continues to knock at your door! Show up messy, late ~ incomplete ~ show up any way you have to! When you show up for what calls you, you shine your light brightly through any darkness that would diminish you or your calling! As my new song sings, we are created of a light way to powerful to hide in the darkness. Shine the divine design of your radiant goodness!

And YES! I do invite you into the online camps with the intention of continuing to clean up, level up, and dare I say, continue to perfect the celebrations and invitations coming your way throughout this summer of divine shine!
May we all continue to align and shine! Namaste, Love!Summer FUNdamentals!Summer FUNdamentals!Summer FUNdamentals!Summer FUNdamentals!

Join us on the Free Shelf of Leaping Literacy Library for participation in these invitations. Yippee skippee for Leaping Literacy and to be soul play free!

Posted in Advent, Joy, Light, Love, Music, Nature, Peace, Prayer, Presence, Yes

Shining Solstice: Yes In The Darkness!

Namaste Shining Expressions of Divine Design~

Happy Winter Solstice! On this shortest day of the year here ~ and longest for our friends on the other side of the globe ~ we look to this day’s auspicious alignment of planets bringing us the age of Aquarius and a brilliant ‘Christmas Star’ just in time for the holy days. It is indeed a deLIGHT to be here in celebration and appreciation.

When last in this sacred spot, we were celebrating and appreciating Hummingbird as Feature Creature Teacher and the (Advent) Light of Hope that so powerfully shines through any darkness. Our Hope resources including Om HomETV were added to this month with the other Advent virtues of Love, Peace, and Joy. While Hummingbird also speaks to Joy, Dove is THE bird of Love and Peace.

As seekers in this life, we are ever turning within and listening to the messages that call us higher into our fullest expressions of ourselves. Dove can teach us so much! A few fun facts; dove and pigeon are synonymous, they share parenting equally even down to both the male and female producing a kind of milk to feed their baby squabs. WOWSA! Both parents fast a few days before the eggs hatch to purify the milk they produce. We too can purify ourselves in various physical, emotional, and spiritual ways to allow a fuller embodiment of Spirit. We can live in balanced partnerships. We can disallow the human tendency to judge some as high and lofty and others as a dirty nuisance. Always about perspective, as we open to embody more Love, peace becomes a more common occurence.

Indeed, when we feel loving and well loved, we are naturally at peace!

In our Spiritual Literacy Offerings, we have various transformational tools for inspiration and action as found in our Leaping Literacy Library:

We have a new CD coming out next week, Circle Of One. It has a song for each Solstice and Equinox. Here is the Winter Solstice Song:

“The Light Of Love is who we are!”

In the markings of time and nature, there are always Spirit messages to be found and appreciated. Summer Solstice shines the bright light of purpose. In Winter Solstice, we sift through the darkness for our purpose. Like all of the green sprouts on this earth, we are ever reaching for the light. On the Fall and Spring Equinoxes, we are reminded to be in balance. In every noticing of light and dark, balance beckons. Doves/Pigeons also have strong messages of balance as they mate for life, almost always have 2 young at a time and share all the parenting duties. In looking at the lessons of 2, it is easy to see that balance is a strong foundation for sustainable Love and Peace.

As we are moving into the new era of humanity and the new calendar year, let us pray for balanced harmony; within ourselves, our families, communities, nation, world. We live on a glorious planet that needs us to heed more careful stewardship. We live at a time of divided values and priorities that beckon us all to compassionate truth. May all beings everywhere feel loved and peaceful even in the midst of humanity’s insanities. May we all fly with the dove in all things possible Love. Thank you for continuing to raise your vibration in life celebration! Namaste Messenger of Light filled, hopeful, joyful, loving Peace.

And so it is!

Posted in Advent, Affirmations, Co-Creation Manifestation, Creativity, Divinity, Dreams, Energy, Hope, Imagination, Joy, Light

Singing Notes Of Hope

Namaste shining beacons of hope!

I greet you in the flame of the 1st Advent candle lit this week for hope as we open our hearts to this 2020 Christmas season and the beckoning of a new, brighter year. I have a whole list of 2020 gifts to share here at some point this month yet this Transformational Tuesday of charitable giving, I am focused on the powerful gift of hope.

Our newest Om HomETV is centered on the fiery power of hope with song and some time to play and pray. Our Feature Creature Teacher is Hummingbird who reminds us of the power of small and the mightiness in keeping it light. As the tiny teacher Hummingbird shows us ~ when we are light weight energy moving with faith filled dreams, we do feel joyous and filled with hope.

The smallest bird in the world has the biggest brain and certainly keeps the energy moving!

The whole OM Hope show is below at the end of this post if you want to spend more time with Hummingbird and all the rest. From The Transformational Toolbox, there are 3 invitation celebrations. Should you choose, here it is in a video excerpt and/or in part, in the wonders of words!

Om HomETV Transformational Tool of Hope

Yes! As we reach into our Transformational Toolbox for hope, we find the friends of hope are there too; light, faith, imagination, dreams, joy, and as always, divine energy flowing!

Shine the light into any darkness!

Hope is the light in the darkness. A deep despair feeling is a dark place we can light up with a hope filled thought. The candle is an age old transformational tool and these days (especially with younger children), we can easily use a battery operated flame or even a flashlight to call in the light. We can call in the light to any darkness. You can sit in a dark room and then switch on a battery candle or flashlight in silent motion or affirmation spoken. As we affirm the presence of light in hopeful affirmation, we fill our hearts and minds with faith. We choose to believe in our hope filled thoughts. Let’s try this now …
Think of anything that feels like darkness … some disappointment, disillusionment, or despair. You can have eyes closed or be in a dark room, ready to flip the switch of light. Your affirmation of light opens your mind and heart with the power of hope and new possibilities. Hope is a light in the dark! Hope is also the fuel for your dreams! When you open up, with a hopeful yes and let your imagination help you experience your dream as reality, you are entering into the great potentiality that you possess as co-creator. As we spend transformational time with hope, we know that we can always begin again in any moment we have only to say YES!

Shine the light of hope on any darkness!

As we embrace the infinite possibilities that hope helps us center in, we play with the light. Feature Creature Teacher Hummingbird in free form flight is always feeding from the sweetness of life, reminding us to keep our energy moving and light!

Helicopter Hummingbird can fly in any direction reminding us to change course (of thought) as needed. Keep your energy moving in a positive direction. Keep it light!

LIGHT! Shine a light on any darkness with hope filled affirmation. You can also illume any dreams or visions with imagination! Spend time with your dreams fueled by hope filled faith … experience your dreams as reality with imagination ignited by your hopeful YES I can! Feel the comfort and joy that hope brings!

At New Thought Families, we are playing in the light for our daily Play and Pray Calendar tis December. We are singing our transformational thoughts to the traditional tunes of Christmas. And this week, we center on hope with our Feature Creature Teacher Hummingbird ETV, Power Point, and Ask and Affirm Cards. Our new Your TruEBook templates are focused on generating hopeful thoughts all found on our Leaping Literacy Library Free Shelf. With or without our templates, generating hopeful thoughts you can draw from at any time you need a lift, can be a positive, light filled gift!

EnJOY our Leaping Literacy Library Free Shelf Resources for fostering Hope!

YES! We be blessed with the light of hope. Thank you so much for sharing your light here and in the world! Below is our Om HomETV Show, Notes of Hope. It’s also found at

Keep your flame of hope ignited as you fly freely, lightly and playfully with your dreams! Namaste friends.

Posted in Co-Creation Manifestation, Creativity, devotion, Light, Love, Music, spiritual family literacy, Spiritual Parenting, Trust, Truth

Telling The Truth

TruthNamaste Truth Tellers!
Ah, truth. It sometimes seems a scarce commodity these days at least politically and culturally speaking. I am often ~ still! ~ shocked at how different the truth is for people in our polarized nation. When contemplating truth, it’s hard not to think about fake news and the huge discrepancies in our national divide. Like all else, there are many ways to think about truth. As spiritual beings, our truth resides in our core; most easily experienced in the stillness and oneness of prayer and meditation. Being in that receptive and flowing mode is the journey of a lifetime, or perhaps, many lifetimes.

“Discovering the truth about ourselves is a lifetime’s work, but it’s worth the effort.”
~ Fred Rogers

Telling the truth begins with ourselves. The truth we can see, accept, act upon, can vary at any given stage of life. It can be said that in challenging times like (Covid) 2020, we come back home to ourselves, to the truth of who we are.

Who we were and what we loved as a child is a still present gift to us at any age. This alignment with childhood joys and passions, is a helpful and truthful look into who we are.

What we say can be the truth. When we speak up for truth and justice, that is another way of telling the truth as we see it although I have found all too often the words I speak in this arena ‘fall on deaf ears’ dating all the way back to my childhood heated interactions with my bigoted father.

Words are powerful. Facts do exist and certainly matter. Yet, ultimately the best truth telling we can do is to live our truth every day in everyday ways. My truth is that I continue to over produce and under communicate to those who could be best served by the work. I am doing 2+ ETV shows a week this month which is ALOT. YET! I feel on purpose and grateful to be showing up as a disciple to the work. AND! In keeping with the beckoning balance of the season, I may well need to adjust and scale back the production schedule. When I think of working so hard for no money and few to no views, I KNOW I must be completely crazy. When I think of producing long time visions and alchemizations of my prolific work, I KNOW a rousing zealous YESSSSSSSSSSS from the depth of my soul! I KNOW there are children and families I am here to serve with this spiritual literacy work so I will keep showing up and living my truth as well as the inner work to allow and receive ease and grace in all phases of this gift! Last Sunday’s Om HomETV show is Live The Truth and it is here:

This show has much truth telling and living! My Jeremiah sings with me and I honor his request not to introduce him. I often have to adjust from our old way of being to honor who he is now. Such are relationships ~ especially parent to grown child! Honoring others, is of course a huge way we can live truth for ourselves and each other. I was blessed this morning with a Zoom interview surprise for this Sunday’s special Rosh HaShanah celebration. I love speaking to the interfaith ways of being in our Sacred Sunday Celebrations! You can view all of our growing list of September shows at

My continued prayer for all of us is that we can increasingly live the truth of the loving essence we are made of. May you be blessed in continuing to shine loving expressions of your light, your Love, your BEing. Namaste, Love!

Posted in Appreciation, Gratitude, Justice, Light, Love, Thanks Living, Transformation, Transition, Trust, Truth

ThanksLiving In Total Trust

On a wing and a prayer!

Namaste Trusting, Thankful, Truth Tellers of ThanksLiving!
I am truly thankful to share this 11/11 moment with you, whenever that is for you! I greet you in the name of trust and deep gratitude expressed as a way of living, a way of being, ThanksLiving! Thankful for all things, great and small, joyful and painful, planned and unplanned, loved or not. Thankfully trusting that all is always working out for our highest good and the highest good of all.November is generally the month to remember gratitude; home to Thanksgiving and today’s tribute to Veterans. We rightly express our thankfullness for our abundance and for the service of generations who have served our nation both in war and at peace. As we collectively become more ‘woke’, necessarily more layers of truth are woven into such tapestries of remembrance. For Native Americans, Thanksgiving is not a day to celebrate. Though veterans are to be thanked and honored, the purpose of military action and war is the ultimate insanity of humanity.Can we employ our grateful ThanksLiving even in the face of injustice? Can we trust ourselves to feel grateful even when things are all ‘wrong’? In New Thought, we often bring big spiritual principles back to ourselves, where we have some measure of contol. Famously, “Peace begins with me” sums up this practice. When we are at peace within ourselves, we show up to injustice or any other ‘wrong’ with compassion, forgiveness, and yes, the trust that all is well. This doesn’t mean we don’t act for justice and the changes we want to see in the world yet it does mean we have a sense of peace and grace flowing through us. And as Colin Tipping’s Radical Forgiveness incorporates, we are even grateful for the painful situations that surround us. As Lightworkers and Light Bearers, gratitude helps us keep a higher vibration that makes flowing Love, Light, Peace, and Grace possible. Hence, we move and breathe and have our being in the Light, embodying and flowing that Divine Light. And so it is that we are actively ThanksLiving more goodness in this world!As we navigate these globally turbulent times, with so much unrest worldwide, and our very planet in dire need of reverent attention and social action, we do well to come into harmony with reverent awareness in our ThanksLiving. Our Great Creator gifted us with an infinite array of beauty and wonder. What would happen on this earth if all being aligned with the shine of the divine design of all life? If we lived in reverence and deep gratitide, not just for a moment over our dinner plate or before going to sleep or waking in prayer (all great practices by the way!) but what if we lived in this way as a way of being, of ThanksLiving! And yes, it begins with us. Any and every moment we can do so! Our November ThanksLiving Calendar has daily invitations and celebrations!

And so our journeys go, moment by moment, step by step. Sometimes we are reverent, peaceful, shining rays of Life’s Lovelight and sometimes we feel something (far) different than that. Yet! When we can thankfully trust that our Creator loves us more than we can fathom, we return to more of our true, divine essence, even, and especially in the midst of our transgressions, big or small! Total trust insists that everything is always for our highest good!So! For my own transgressions in this blogspace … I vowed in September to be here every week until yearend and I let a month go by. On 10/11, I published my 300th blogpost here; the first being on 2/7/2011.  This milestone set with many recent challenges like multiple power outages stirred up my sense of purpose in being here ~ or not. This journey of life is filled with twists and turns so I just compassionately and thankfully return, here and now, with a grateful honoring of this space and a few other milestones. I have been in my house for a year ~ it was a big move here at the time of the deadly Camp Fire for our Northern neighbors in Paradise. At this anniversary, we have all felt such a myriad of fear, grief, Love, trust and gratitude. I am immensely grateful for this home. And for our Leaping Literacy Library home that continues to grow and change with compassion in action, always trusting divine order ThanksLiving!Behind the Leaping Literacy curtain of creation, are many videos and the co-creation of spiritual eTV. My friend, Rev Karene Piccolo is showing up as Gramma K and you may remember her as Owlive with little Owlet. Here they are:

And in the Spirit of evolution, here’s where we started: Password: OTOO

Ah, it is a wonder to co-create and though we (I!) often need to know our words are heard, our Creator knows when we show up in trust and gratitude to do what we are called to do. Along with the Leaping Literacy Library and eTV revisions and expansions, I am in the process of bringing our first group of student authors (state grant) to the publisher/printer this week and the journey has definitely had many unexpected turns! This, as all things do, has given me so much practice in being centered in trust and ThanksLiving. Total trust. Total gratitude!My wish for you is that you can be joyfully surprised by the unexpected goodness ever waiting for you as you trust life’s flow every day in everyday ways … living a life of ThanksLiving as shining light YOU! Namaste, Love!PS! Join us by the sea? A playful retreat! See if your soul is calling you to be with us!

Posted in Awareness, Creativity, Divinity, Freedom, Light, Music, Presence

Living Free: Liberty, Dignity, Divinity

Namaste Free Spirited Expressions of the Divine!

I honor the light within you and within all aspects of this world ~ especially those shadowed in darkness. I surrender into the divine perfection of this moment that includes several sittings to this post since July 4th. Independence Day. Arguably, our greatest freedom in this country is our freedom of speech. Words are powerful tools that shape our thoughts, feelings, conversations, communities, government.

“Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins.” Ben Franklin

The lieing/lying POTUS and spotlight on ‘fake news’ in recent and current times highlights how destructive and constructive words can be. People will, it seems, believe claims on the surface without further investigation because what is being said resonates with some aspect of their being. Fear is one of the greatest tools being employed. We must all reckon with fear on multiple layers. Softening and healing fear with Love is a lifetime journey.

It is fear that delayed this post on multiple days. Not a visceral fear of me being scared to show up here. Just a list of other choices deemed more of a priority supported by the reality I have created across the board in my life; that me showing up here on any given day goes relatively unnoticed or at least not outwardly recognized by others. We all want and need to be seen and heard. Our children that live within still have an aspect of, “Look at me! See what I can do? See me! Hear me! Love me!” We separate that need from our divinity thinking there is no dignity there yet it is fulfilling this need that brings us true liberty! Knowing we are always seen and held as divinity, with, in, through The Divine.

Ah, freedom! On a personal, familial and societal level, we yearn for it, struggle with it, deny it to ourselves and others. The effects of racism and sexism have certainly improved by great measure and yet we still have such a ways to go. So many brothers and sisters still suffering in the insanity of humanity, and at the top of that list is the ongoing crime against humanity at our southern border. Deep breath. At the heart of the freedom we yearn for, is justice. Without justice, we are all enslaved.
Kindness and Compassion lead the way to Justice and Freedom!

And! Kindness and Compassion are inherent in Dignity and Divinity! And when we are denied these truths by ourselves and others, we become caged. Trapped in the inside looking out. Sometimes silenced, sometimes finding the courage to speak from where we are. From Maya Angelou‘s great poem, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings:

But a BIRD that stalks down his narrow cage
Can seldom see through his bars of rage
His wings are clipped and his feet are tied
So he opens his throat to sing.

We will further celebrate the great Maya Angelou in upcoming posts ~ ! Here and now, from my own barred cage, I announce our latest CD, We Are Called! Click here for an 8 minute sampler of 9/13 songs dedicated to Freedom & Justice from We Are Called!

Here’s the chorus of the title song,
Life itself is calling us from within our hearts
The light that shines in each of us guides us where to start
We are called, we are called, we are called
The lyrics and samples of all the songs on We Are Called are onsite!

Though I struggle with my roads less travelled leaving me to announce this new birth into the sea of songs that is the vast wilderness,. I choose to be the bird who sings from inside my cage and outside of it too. To live in dignity and divinity, we must answer the callings of our hearts to the best of our abilities. What songs are singing inside your heart and who can you sing them to??!! For my part, I am freest when I express my heart, even if no one is listening. The bird in the forest or in the cage sings whether anyone is listening or not rather than sit trapped in the silence within.

Though birds have flown into today’s look at liberty, we are floating free in our divinity on this month’s Daily Play & Pray Calendar. And though our Leaping Literacy Library revisions entered into a maze of walls, we are still at it and the Free Shelf is fully stocked:

Thank you for being here and being clear in shining the divine you truly be ~ with dignity and liberty! Namaste, Love!