Posted in Awareness, Blessings, devotion, Divinity, expression, Grace, Light, Love, Music, Nature, Presence, Remembrance, Reverence, Yes

Spring Things Alive & Bright ~ Reverent Remembrances!

Namaste Meditative Minds & Brave Hearts ~ Circle of Life Alive & Bright!
Glad Greetings this Mindful Monday! We are celebrating Spring ~ Equinox 3/19, Easter 3/31, Palm Sunday hailing Holy Week and dad’s 2 year departure date anniversary, 3/24. Whew! No wonder this post took me more than a minute. I vlogged and blogged most of this on the 24th yet it took well into the 25th to get here. So! It’s here and NOW so let’s hop to it! Thank you, thank you for joining me; let’s be wHOLY centered in this celebration circle of Life!

On this 2 year anniversary date of my dear ‘ol dad’s departure, I am SO reminded to keep finishing what I start and to commit and re-commit to all I choose to do as me, Laurie Story V. May my life be an incarnation celebration for the Love that created me, expressing as me ~ may my humaness be Love blessed, yes expressed!

From February’s Love letters found here:

And so it is that the Circle of Life and Love bring us to this moment; the top of Holy Week, Spring/Autumn, Birth/Death, Seeds, Gold, Rainbows, Bunnies, oh my! Let’s Play & Pray in this 3/24/24 reverent & playful Vlog:

This vlog is a voluminous 24 minutes on the 24th day and year. So! If you just need a blessedly brief spring salutation invitation, got you clovered, click this one!

The egg altar in the video above joins many other spring invitations here. My home has been enJOYing some Spirit Rising UPliftment this month including a visit from Mr. and Mrs Clover who came to visit on Equinox! Their video is linking this week with more Om Home invitations on our Leaping Literacy Library Spring page.

There are SO many Spring invitations hopping about here at home and in the Leaping Literacy Library. Our daily Play & Pray video calendar, Planting Seeds has us planting Love, Hope, Joy, Surrender … oohh, let’s DO today’s Reverence:

There are SO many ways to be reverent for this gift of life. Always centered in awareness and nurtured with gratitude, reverence provides us a good compass for our heart and soul. As I discuss in the vlog, our inner GPS< Grace Positioning System, is always a wise whisper away to bring us back to the center essence of our egg, ourselves embodied as that Love blessed, yes expressed.

Rabbit is center stage this week with lots of celebrations @ and here with other spotlighted spring things on our New Thought Families Mindful Multimedia page including the Spring Celebration Om HomETV show.

If you shared the 24/24/24 vlog with me, yippee skippee! If you want to hear some of those songs, yippee skippee x3! Ostara, Daddy’s Song, and Pot of Gold are linked below on the Site Blog! From the bottom of my egg to yours, thank you for singing along in the musical rainbow of my heart & soul song!

And! Before we go, let us send 1 breath of peaceful love into the world ~ aho!

Sent with the breath of this month’s full moon! (In this time zone, 3/25, 3:00 a.m.) Picture taken 3/24, 9:00 p.m.

Wherever you are, this holy moment in the Circle, I wish you Joyful Peace & Passionate Purpose that you are able to experience with reverence & express with happiness. Yippee Skippee! We truly be Love blessed, yes expressed!
Namaste, Love!

Ostara Playing Here!

Daddy’s Song Playing Here!

Pot of Gold Playing Here!

Posted in Awareness, mystery, Nature, Oneness, Presence, Remembrance, Reverence, Sacred, Service, Vision, Wisdom

October Circle of Mystery: Ancestor Awareness in the Circle

Namaste Blessed Awareness in the Divine Design Circle!
I greet you at the end of this Mystery month, as we near Samhain, aka, Halloween. I remain in a deep clean of my work webs, ever rejoicing for the gifts of life. I am surrounded in remembrances of my ancestors who are illuminated now at Samhain.

Ah, the time of year where ghosts, goblins, tombstones, giant spiders, all appear in people’s yards as decorations with Jack-o’-lanterns, initially constructed to ward off evil spirits, now elaborately stencil carved ~ all of it in the name of fun.

Here, on this web space, we play with Spider, Pumpkin, Cat, Cat, Owl, as Feature Creature Teachers with much to say about how we are the co-creators of the web of our own lives. Our fun is to align with the shine of our divine design!

Spider is being integrated on our Oneness page for a visit in any season! She joins our other Feature Creature Teachers of the month, Bat, Cat, Owl, and Pumpkin,
in the backroad wrap up vlog that also speaks to nature and the ancestors found on our New Thought Families Blog page.
Nature is indeed always our great healer, teacher, preacher, and soul reacher, speaking to us of earth’s rhythms and seasons and also always offering beautiful sacred ground to stand upon ~ barefoot if you can! The Mother Earth is always providing us a place to anchor and ground for more wellbeing. She is also always whispering of all who came before, and are still here now in the circle.

It is said the veil is thinnest this time of year between here and those who have gone before us, oft referred to as the dead, they are simply not in bodies among us anymore. Their Spirits live on and are available to us to continue our relationships, just in a different configuration. People often receive signs from their loved ones on the other side ~ pennies, butterflies, anything of meaning can bring a meeting of heart and mind. Most often, our departed loved ones are held in memories rather than direct presence interaction yet any medium can tell you, their loving Spirits certainly are among us should we choose to experience them. In meditating on how I wanted to speak to this today, a new song was born! It is an invitation into conversation and inspiration with whoever comes to heart and mind.
Brand New Song: Ancestor Circle is playing on our Blog Page

I mention my mom and dad, aunt and uncle yet I have friends I also visit with regularly. My dear Renee gave me a Tinkerbell travel mug and I often speak to her when using it. Today was a special event for Faith, the matriarch of the SF Folk Music Club and I really felt her reaching out ~ literally through the voices of a few club members I haven’t connected with in a while. Faith and Ranger Bob, both gone from here 10 years now though they, and others, are still friends I visit with. Of course ancestor visits are necessarily different than human to human interactions yet Spirit relationships are real nonetheless. I have been experiencing them my whole life and am the richer for it, to be sure. This way of being has also eased some of the pain experienced in the transition we all go through when a loved one makes their transition to the other side. A huge part of having these Spirit relationships is doing what we can to honor what they left behind, sometimes the actual physical things that require us to be their hands and feet for incompletes. I have had a heaping helping of this from multiple peeps and it has made me all that much more inspired to take care of as much of my own accumulation as I possibly can. Having relationships with those on the other side is a huge inspiration to live fully while here. I am currently embracing life as if I have another 30 years or could go tomorrow. Truth is, that is one Mystery question most of us don’t know.

These Ancestor Treasure, Vintage Voices are playing on our Blog Page and @

And so it is that I bid you a sacred Samhain, and take leave of you with these ancestor voices. May your holiday be fun and may you also connect with a dear one or ones on the other side if that calls to you. Thank you for answering the callings of your heart and for sharing this moment in the circle with me. Namaste, Love!

Posted in alchemy, Awareness, Balance, Creativity, devotion, Divinity, Energy, Nature, Prayer, Presence, Vision, Wisdom

September Structure, Chaos and Balance in the Equinox Circle

Namaste Bright Spot of Beauty in the Circle! A Blessed, Balanced Equinox to You!

In what is hopefully a positive transformation, the promised Sacred Sunday posts of September went into renegotiation. I will return on Sacred Sunday, 10/1/23! There is a bit more on that below in the ‘Entropy and Evolution’ section.
For NOW, let’s focus on the turn of the wheel at hand! Equinox!

I am joining you in the Equinox Spirit of Balance. This post comes in sacred circle awareness celebration of the Tao of dark and light, day and night, yes and no, fast and slow, male and female energies, structured and chaotic synergies. Here, we are embracing the fall season and Mabon. Let’s sing it @ New Thought Families:

As we embrace this time of balance ~ equal light and dark ~ and prepare ourselves for winter or summer depending on where we are on the globe, nature invites us to clean, take stock, prepare for the new season ahead. All in good balance, right?!
Here are a few Equinox activities that can bring harmony and balance:

1. Clean house! This can include everything from a light dust to washing windows and reorganizing closets to moving furniture and re-hanging pitures!

It is a perfect time to clean; spring cleaning and fall cleaning are a natural rhythm for many of us. As part of the dusting off process, purging of excess is always good. Use it or lose it! For some of us abundant collectors, this can be quite a time! As I was just walking again, 6 months ago, for spring cleaning, I have been going after the corners this fall like never before. Coming up on 5 years in this playhouse and there is no spot safe from the sweep, much less the overhaul! Like so much of life, a certain chaos of cleaning can happen. In my case, this week, I kinda went off the rails with some deep clean renovation work around the playhouse The vlog takes you into some of the deep dives though the vlog itself was definitely a chaotic journey in process all week long. Enter at your own risk ~ @ New Thought Families!

2. Reset your altar(s) with seasonal remembrances and inspirations. Bring nature or nature remembrances in to amplify the energies. Center in the light of the candle’s flame allowing it to ignite more illumination in knowing your inner light’s glow.

Here is our nature altar and prayer from today’s Equinox walk with friend Jessie:

3. Use fall leaves and acorns for release and stocking up! In this ETV Transformational Tools segment, I do this process if you want to travel through the deets with me. Yet, let me just give you the overview as invitation and you can do this process in any way that works for you!

Fall leaves represent release. What do you want to let go of in your life? Can you use leaves as a representation of these things? Write them on the leaves and ‘leaf’ them around where you can see them, burn them, or anything else that calls you deeper as reminders and remembrances into your letting go process.

Squirrels are busy hiding acorns this time of year. They stash them away for cold, bleak winter days. What would you like to stockpile for any dark days or moments ahead? Think of as many heart smilers as you can. You can even just make a list and remember where to look for it when you need a smile to balance out any sadness, grumpies, etc. Making art or something visual to hang around or put in a pretty box you can pull out are great ways to do this. What can you use to remind you of all that makes your heart smile and brings light to any darkness, warmth to any cold?

Entropy and Evolution

Nature is always in entropy and evolution. Thereby, so are we! The breakdown or decay of entropy is part of our aging process and what can be termed as chaotic in terms of personal or collective changes in our structures. Many factors can be seen as unstable yet we know that in divine order, all IS in order even when it is in breakdown mode. Sometimes this is readily seen on the physical plane yet it also lives and sometimes reins in the mental or emotional bodies.

My son, Jeremiah, first taught me about entropy many years ago. This year, after graduating college, he has been travelling Central America alone, though definitely with Spirit, pictured here after a 10 day silent retreat high atop a mountain in Peru. His adventure has been one of divine order and evolution.
The entropy moments have been managed masterfully; Jeremiah is not only intelligent smart, he is heart smart, able to navigate for his highest and best.

For my part, I have long been struggling with my life’s work in terms of what is doable for 1 person and how much sense it makes to keep creating work that goes unseen, much less paid. If I allow ‘common sense’ to have its way with me, I would never create another thing, ever again! For better or for worse, I do not choose common and do choose the spiritual senses that say, just create! That’s who you are and always will be, yippee, skippee! Trust, flow, create! Allow entropy, trust evolution and transformation! So! I am calendarizing the rest of the year with the life’s work I am still vowing to rectify. Though, continuing to show up lately has been a challenge to say the least, I am continuing to commit. And recommit. And recommit. Until entropy and/or evolution whisper me and my co-creative energies elsewhere in the circle of creation.

Wherever you are on your journey this equal day/night, may your entropy be filled with divinity ~ a divine shine aligned with order, always, and in all ways.
Blessed Be, Balanced Love Expressed!

Posted in alchemy, Awareness, Beauty, Co-Creation Manifestation, Creativity, Freedom, Imagination, Intuition, Light, Love, Music, Nature, Oneness, Presence, Reverence, Sacred, Vision, Yes

August Promise: Flowing and Knowing

Namaste Sacred Yes, Love Expressed!

I greet you late day this Sacred Sunday in a grateful allowance of promise after promise! I speak to the challenges and celebrations of being me in this week’s video vlog sitting (via technology!) by the sea. I speak of my pervasive patterns and ask what is in you, waiting to be honored. There is an invitation to sing with me; my little mermaid song that speaks to what it is to live in divine flow:

I Am A Mermaid ©2021 Laurie Story V

I am a mermaid in the ocean of life
flowing like water, playing like an otter,
knowing like a daughter of the sea
free, free, free,
musical, magical mermaid me

How are you flowing with your sacred truth? What are you doing to play and honor that all important child and playful spirit that lives in you? What are you knowing; mystical, wise child of creation? In your flowing, play, and knowing, you are FREE! You are free to be Love expressed as the divine shine you truly be!

The playful, prayerful video vlog @ New Thought Families has the mermaid song with some video footage of the sea and a meditation invitation. You can also just go there with these words and your imagination. Sit right down and hear the waves in your mind. Drop into the space in your heart and soul that is always longing to bring you home. Home to yourself, home to the One, home with the whole. Listen to the rhythm of the waves coming to shore. Always in the flow, sometimes high and sometimes low. Yet always home. Our seas are such a masterpiece of divinity and so are we, my friends! Namaste flowing knowing of divine shine!

Posted in Awareness, Co-Creation Manifestation, Divinity, Nature, Transformation

Resonance, Resistance & Resilience!

Namaste Celebrations of Transformation and Inspiration!

If you have found your way here at any given moment or calendar day,
thank you, thank you, thank you! I am always ahmazed at the divine order of divinity’s resurgence and resonance ever flowing through life. I am also ever humbled at the persistent insistence of Spirit to Love, Love, Love me through my resilient resistance.

Though I have not been here in this space for quite some time, I have Blog and Vlog sharings here. I have not been here for many reasons. It started as not wanting to be in a commercial zone and then there have been many layers; losing my why/who, doubt, too many other places and callings to engage in and the never good enough vibes, all being central to the resistance. Through Spirit Love, Love, Love, I am here now and SO grateful that you are too!

Nature’s miracles: new life growing from ‘dead’ wood!

I have had a stop start journey with this blog for several years now yet intend to show up regularly here and @ New Thought Families where the full blog with vlogs resides.

I have come to know that no matter how vivid our life visions and guidance, if we are not a resonant vibration, we will resist action through procrastination and other means. Yet! In divine order, I often ‘catch up’ on other things in the process that hopefully increase my ability to hold vibrational resonance with what I have been side stepping. There are always so many layers of growth happening simultaneously as nature (and springtime!) remind us.

I have also come to know that I am never sorry for saying yes to Spirit in my co-creations, no matter how silly they may seem years later. And! I am always sorry for saying no out of judgment, lack of resonance, or any other reason. What can happen, all too often, is that some things left undone can haunt me as if to prove that I am not enough. Cycle of insanity! It is really just a natural cycle of habitation. As conscious beings on the path, we always have the opportunity to see ourselves, our patterns and cycles, and ways to change. We are always transforming into more of who we truly be. Yet without conscious co-creative action, the transformation can be like water over stone, a slow, steady process of softening and sculpting. Irrespective of our (ability towards) actions, our soul is always calling us high and higher! One way to hear and heed our soul calls is to return to places that feed our soul. This is the pond at my dad’s ranch, where I grew up. A forever soul anchoring place for me to be! Come visit there with me! There is a vlog from the pond and much more @ New Thought Families.

Thank you again for being here, and if you are, please join the transformation conversation! Let me know what is helpful for you in your dance of resistance and application of resilience. And! How you resonate and vibrate with all that is great!

Posted in Advent, Joy, Light, Love, Music, Nature, Peace, Prayer, Presence, Yes

Shining Solstice: Yes In The Darkness!

Namaste Shining Expressions of Divine Design~

Happy Winter Solstice! On this shortest day of the year here ~ and longest for our friends on the other side of the globe ~ we look to this day’s auspicious alignment of planets bringing us the age of Aquarius and a brilliant ‘Christmas Star’ just in time for the holy days. It is indeed a deLIGHT to be here in celebration and appreciation.

When last in this sacred spot, we were celebrating and appreciating Hummingbird as Feature Creature Teacher and the (Advent) Light of Hope that so powerfully shines through any darkness. Our Hope resources including Om HomETV were added to this month with the other Advent virtues of Love, Peace, and Joy. While Hummingbird also speaks to Joy, Dove is THE bird of Love and Peace.

As seekers in this life, we are ever turning within and listening to the messages that call us higher into our fullest expressions of ourselves. Dove can teach us so much! A few fun facts; dove and pigeon are synonymous, they share parenting equally even down to both the male and female producing a kind of milk to feed their baby squabs. WOWSA! Both parents fast a few days before the eggs hatch to purify the milk they produce. We too can purify ourselves in various physical, emotional, and spiritual ways to allow a fuller embodiment of Spirit. We can live in balanced partnerships. We can disallow the human tendency to judge some as high and lofty and others as a dirty nuisance. Always about perspective, as we open to embody more Love, peace becomes a more common occurence.

Indeed, when we feel loving and well loved, we are naturally at peace!

In our Spiritual Literacy Offerings, we have various transformational tools for inspiration and action as found in our Leaping Literacy Library:

We have a new CD coming out next week, Circle Of One. It has a song for each Solstice and Equinox. Here is the Winter Solstice Song:

“The Light Of Love is who we are!”

In the markings of time and nature, there are always Spirit messages to be found and appreciated. Summer Solstice shines the bright light of purpose. In Winter Solstice, we sift through the darkness for our purpose. Like all of the green sprouts on this earth, we are ever reaching for the light. On the Fall and Spring Equinoxes, we are reminded to be in balance. In every noticing of light and dark, balance beckons. Doves/Pigeons also have strong messages of balance as they mate for life, almost always have 2 young at a time and share all the parenting duties. In looking at the lessons of 2, it is easy to see that balance is a strong foundation for sustainable Love and Peace.

As we are moving into the new era of humanity and the new calendar year, let us pray for balanced harmony; within ourselves, our families, communities, nation, world. We live on a glorious planet that needs us to heed more careful stewardship. We live at a time of divided values and priorities that beckon us all to compassionate truth. May all beings everywhere feel loved and peaceful even in the midst of humanity’s insanities. May we all fly with the dove in all things possible Love. Thank you for continuing to raise your vibration in life celebration! Namaste Messenger of Light filled, hopeful, joyful, loving Peace.

And so it is!

Posted in Affirmations, Awareness, Blessings, Co-Creation Manifestation, Creativity, Divinity, Family, Music, Nature, Oneness, Presence, Remembrance, Sacred, spiritual family literacy

The Blessedness of Wondrous Oneness

We belong to the whole, we are one!
Sing it with me on today’s Om HomETV!

Namaste threads of Love in the Web Of Life!
I greet you with steadfast faith in the prevailing goodness of humanity even from the moments that feel like our tapestry is unraveling. I suppose it is and at the same time, we are weaving new patterns of ways to be. Such is the gist and the gift of oneness.

Like peace and all else, oneness begins with me, and you, and each heart and conscious mind that inhabits a body. Personal oneness is to be aware and in harmony with maiden, mother, crone, with pacifist, playfulness, and passing, passionate angry thought bursts. In our oneness with self, we reckon with ages, stages, and phases, dreams and schemes, perceived triumphs and failures. Hopefully we love ourselves through it all and when we fall, we find our way back up and in again. Back into self awareness and careness, fairness and dareness. When we can be compassionate with ourselves ~ all parts of ourselves ~ the blessedness of oneness finds us in the circle of time. Every time.

When we allow the infinity of divinity in and through us, we are open to this oneness with self and increasingly, with all others. In this expanded place of awareness and compassion, we can ever more fully understand and live this memorable poem from Thich Nhat Hahn:

Please Call Me By My True Names

Do not say that I’ll depart tomorrow
because even today I still arrive.

Look deeply: I arrive in every second 
to be a bud on a spring branch, 
to be a tiny bird, with wings still fragile, 
learning to sing in my new nest, 
to be a caterpillar in the heart of a flower, 
to be a jewel hiding itself in a stone.

I still arrive, in order to laugh and to cry, 
in order to fear and to hope. 
The rhythm of my heart is the birth and 
death of all that are alive.

I am the mayfly metamorphosing on the surface of the river,
and I am the bird which, when spring comes, arrives in time 
to eat the mayfly.

I am the frog swimming happily in the clear pond, 
and I am also the grass-snake who, approaching in silence, 
feeds itself on the frog.

I am the child in Uganda, all skin and bones, 
my legs as thin as bamboo sticks, 
and I am the arms merchant, selling deadly weapons to 

I am the twelve-year-old girl, refugee on a small boat,
who throws herself into the ocean after being raped by a sea
and I am the pirate, my heart not yet capable of seeing and

I am a member of the politburo, with plenty of power in my
and I am the man who has to pay his “debt of blood” to my
dying slowly in a forced labor camp.

My joy is like spring, so warm it makes flowers bloom in all
walks of life.
My pain is like a river of tears, so full it fills the four oceans.

Please call me by my true names, 
so I can hear all my cries and laughs at once, 
so I can see that my joy and pain are one.

Please call me by my true names, 
so I can wake up, 
and so the door of my heart can be left open, 
the door of compassion.
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

For my part, I am the one woman show, the audience of one, the dreamer who sees something greater than I am able to be. Yet. Yet! I experience the infinity of divinity in the flow of yes, the flow of blessed, the flow of oneness. Check out my flow at!

In today’s Om HomETV, we are celebrating the blessedness of Oneness with heart literacy in song, story, prayer, imagination. Spider is our Feature Creature Teacher in the web of life and we hear from Anansi and Infinity. We playfully practice oneness with imagination in our Transformational Toolbox. We spend time in nature’s oneness affirming the native teaching, :We belong to the whole, we are one.” A visit through this week’s interfaith calendar includes the Hindu festival Navarati Dusserha. We open in oneness, we open with om!

Thank you for being here in any moment that you are. Thank you for practicing presence to oneness, to goodness, to ISness! May you be fully compassionate with all in your circle. I am grateful for you and all you do. Namaste, Love!

From the New Thought Families’ daily Play & Pray Calendar today, the 292nd day of 2020!
Posted in Awareness, Balance, Beauty, Divinity, Nature, Reverence, Sacred

Sacred September Equinox

Namaste Sacred Remembrance of Equinox Balance & Beauty!

I greet you in this Spirit of equal night & day, dark & light, movement & stillness. I breathe in the divine order beauty of how this world is made with you now on this Equinox day, marker of time, center of beautiful, balanced, motion and stillness. For us here, north of the Equator, we are embracing the harvest and winds of change whispering of approaching winter.
For all of our brothers and sisters south of the Equator, Happy Spring!
As some plant new seeds and hail new blossoms, we celebrate the swirling descent of leaves leaving the trees as  animals like squirrels remind us to prepare for the winter. As the days in the southern hemisphere grow longer, ours grow shorter until we reach the longest night in three months. In another expression of balance and Tao, our beautiful planet simultaneously holds space for the planting and harvest.
We can heed the lessons of squirrel and prepare ourselves, stocking up on the acorns of our lives that we will nurture as they sustain us through the dark, cold winter months. The winds of change in sacred September are soft, sometimes subtle, yet definitely beckoning us to heed nature’s urgings to prepare.

This Equinox weekend brought millions of young people around the world, feet to the street, for change. Awareness and action for climate change. Greta Thunberg, sixteen year old activist from Sweden, is at the center urging us all to listen to the science as powerful and real. Folks in Sweden do. We are in the midst of the 6th mass extinction of the planet, this time caused by human pollution and environmental disruption.

Our youth and our planet are calling to the sacred essence of the best in us. The us that listens and acts with respect and reverence. Sacredness is the awareness that can change our denial into action.

This Equinox, may we individually and collectively come into more awareness and action, belief and balance, consciousness and connection to ourselves, each other as global family, and to our incredibly beautiful planet home. Here is a sacred Sierra moment from this weekend with a waterfall prayer:

Thank you for being here as the divine drop of balanced goodness you truly be, a blessing of balanced harmony. Namaste Love!

Posted in Awareness, Faith, Nature, Presence, Quiet, Truth

Green Listening

Namaste All Things Possible Seeds Of Green Potentiality!
Below is a little video honoring of St Patrick and a moment of listening in nature. As we celebrated St. Patrick today, and as we embrace Spring Equinox this week, may we align with what it is to listen. To truly listen to the sacred voice of the Divine that whispers inside us and all around us. And as we listen, may we continue to grow and shine in the light of Love we are created of. And so it is.
“Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am.
Be still and know.
Be still.
― St. Patrick


Posted in Acceptance, Affirmations, Awareness, Blessings, Love, Nature, Oneness, Prayer

The (9/11) Legacy Of Living Love

Namaste Blessed Breath Of Love Expressed!

This week marked the 16th American anniversary and remembrance of the 9/11 tragedy. As with many national occasions, our streets were lined with American flags and many POVs (points of view) were flying about in live and digital conversations.  I felt compelled to re-tell my own recollection of that day and how it was to be on an airplane at that moment with 18 month old Jeremiah on my lap. I found a version of that retelling here in this blog voice from 2011. Our New Thought focus that September was the same as this September (and most in between!) ~ Oneness. I find myself in oneness awareness at this time of year for many reasons … for one, September as our season shifter, Spirit lifter, is often home to many interfaith celebrations. Our current Inspirations page is loaded with them! Next week I will speak to the sweet Jewish New Year Rosh Hashanah and Fall Equinox. Yay for the blessings of balance and new beginnings! For today’s mindful moment musings, consider the apple below and how it’s cut influences what/how we see.

Let’s look at Love expressed from point of view. We all have POV operating all the time both consciously and unconsciously. Lately personal and collective perspectives have seemingly put a spotlight on fear and lack ~ the opposite of what we know to be spiritual truth. From a knowingness of oneness and abundance, we can align with each other as global family. To quote Mama T again this week, “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” Mother Teresa

To return to the remembrance of 9/11, I find my heart hurting that 16 years later, terrorism has increased to epic proportions with the numbers of worldwide refugees reaching past the point of a humanitarian crisis. And yet this country that I love is not responding yet rather from the governmental stance is threatening deportations of our dreamers, disallowing rather than increasing the intake of refugees and still planning to build … the wall. In a time of evolutionary expansion, fear is still calling for walls … even though it is true that we are one family who belongs to each other! (BTW, American DIY super store Home Depot wants to help build the wall so you may choose not to support their business.) Our individual and collective POV‘s are in a widespread range of fear and Love. I, like many, remain somewhat conflicted about how and when to speak up and out.While it is essential that we decipher for ourselves how we see things and what is ours to do about it, we do well to return to our center as spiritual BEings in the midst of our action or non-action DOings. In New Thought, the surest pathway to this (re)alignment is prayer. Unity was founded on prayer and this evening marks the beginning of the 24th annual Unity World Day Of Prayer :
Unity Christianity
Unity Annual World Day of Prayer. A 24 hour vigil & celebration held the 2nd Thursday in September. 2017 theme is Peace In The Midst Of All Matters affirming: I am peace in the midst of all matters!

No matter how you center or pray, it is always a comfort and support to do it with others. There is always someone praying in this world; at Unity village they do it 24/7. Prayer can be a lifeline to peace as we release our individual and collective burdens to a higher Source of infinite Love and potentiality. I am deeply grateful that my 17 year old Jeremiah and I still pray in and out our days. Hopefully, prayer will indeed be a lifeline for my son throughout his years as it has been for me and for us!

Ultimately, how you pray and align with your divine design is uniquely up to you. Remember the eye and the star of the apple and to check your points of view. Remember the Access Consciousness tool to ask, “Who does this belong to?” We are sovereign beings even and especially in the truth of our oneness. It is from this place of sovereignty, we most effectively live our divinity while simultaneously embodying life and Love as One. May we continue to be blessed in Living as Love expressed! Namaste, Love!