Posted in Affirmations, alchemy, Awareness, Beauty, Blessings, Co-Creation Manifestation, Creativity, Divinity, Dreams, Love, Music, Oneness, Peace, Presence, Transformation, Trust, Truth, Unity

Being The Dream!

Namaste Divine Dreamers! I greet you this Thoughtful Thursday in a place of peaceful balance as I allow priorities to inform my actions and disallow the sense of overwhelm and not enoughness I know too well as informant. You could say I am employing Unity tools of affirmation and denial to bring me into harmony along with a whole host of other tools from my Transformational Toolbox!

So! I return where I left off here on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Monday, drawing from a talk I gave wherein we explored Unity principles, which again, I must say are universal principles! We looked at ourselves as divine dream of the One Presence (principle #1) and spent time being with ourselves as divinity:

In the infinity of divinity and beauty created on this planet; magnificent life forms as tall as mighty majestic mountains and as small as miniscule mushroom mitochondria supporting all of life, so are we created with this same magnificence. Look at your hand or any part of your beautiful body now and see the wondrous Love you are created of. Be with your body, any part of it or all of it and feel yourself as this Love you are created of here and now ~ experience your body with Love, appreciation and celebration! Let’s sing it!

I Am! The acknowledgment and affirmation that we are Spirit, The metaphysical meaning of I AM denotes our oneness with Source. Created in Love, we are this Love and goodness expressed as stated in Unity principle #2, I am good, we are good, made in the likeness of our Creator, each of us embodies divinity. Sometimes or perhaps often times, in the wake of distraction and forgetfulness, we don’t see our divinity and beauty. We may not even see it in the beauty that always surrounds us; in our loved ones, spouses, children, parents, pets; in our food sitting on dishes crafted for us and our nourishment, beauty smiling at us from the tree outside our window, or from clouds in the sky or the colors there that begin and end each day. Beauty and goodness is indeed all around us and inside us even if and when we forget to notice it. All too often, we take beauty, divinity, creativity for granted! We forget who we are and where we are; beautiful divine miracles able to co-create our reality, co-create our dreams and callings into reality on this multifaceted dreamscape of beauty and abundance where we live. Even those of us on a conscious path are only aware of so much. Generally we take (too) much for granted, we don’t think too much about the very essence of life that animates our bodies ~ the breath! Our breath keeps our bodies alive of course yet it is also one of our greatest transformational tools! We all know to take a deep breath to calm down and many of us have practiced different breathing patterns in yoga and other teachings. Let’s center now with our breath as we breathe in the goodness and beauty of who we truly be. With or without this song, breathe deep now into the essence of the beautiful dream you are created of.

an you see yourself in the mirror of your mind with only eyes of unconditional Love and appreciation? Deepen into that appreciation and awareness of the beauty of your body temple, your spirit home; keep breathing beauty down deep in your depths, breathe your truth, you are a blessed breath.While the busy distractions of the world may call us away, we can always take a mindful moment to breathe (our) beauty. No matter where we are and what’s going on, we can always take a beautiful breath, a deep breath of our beautiful depths.

Unity principle # 3 says that we co-create our reality with our thoughts. Thoughts held in mind produce after their kind. This includes all we feel and believe. This can be the place where our dreams give way to a different “reality”; the one that surrounds us rather than the one inside us. When we think about the life we dream of, do we know it as possible or do we make alterations based on what others or society may say is not easy at best and impossible at worst. We know that impossible is also ‘I’m possible’ with the Spirit I Am of our being if we so choose it. Still most folks I know including me have dreams that are subject to a long list of compromises. Many dreams become ‘rationalized away’, some dreams are completely forgotten. Can you recall a forgotten dream now?

From the song When Dreams Die Â©1994 Laurie Story V
Where do dreams go when they die?
Do they live in salty tears that dreamers cry?
Or do they float to a home where hope can make them fly?
When dreams die, where do they go? Does anybody know?
Since I wrote that so many years ago, I have come to know there are many, many places dreams can go including into the divine order of alchemy and sometimes better, bigger dreams. If we live long enough, there’s usually at least 1 pretty big, aha, ‘ glad I didn’t get that’job, person, house, whatever, that you once thought was so perfect! And there is also the aforementioned dreams that we never realize due to arguing for our limitations. Just as we can forget or divinity, we can diminish our powerful creativity to create our dreams and visions. We are created out of Love AS Love to express Love! Acting on our dreams is a way we express the Love we are made of. Consciously, unconsciously, with divine grace, we are indeed the cocreators of our lives including how and if we manifest our dreams. Unity principle #4 says that we use cocreation manifestation tools like affirmative prayer and meditation.

Through spiritual practices, we do stay anchored in source and centered in our truth of beauty and goodness. We can use affirmations and denials. I love using the word CHOOSE to help me align with these tools and keep the words, intentions and vibrations positive, especially when I am needing to transition from a negative or low place like feeling lonely or unsupported, “I choose to know that I am not alone. I choose to know I am surrounded by Spirit and that I am loved and supported. “ In these positive denials and appreciative affirmations, I usually shift my feeling and vibration quickly. Words are so powerful! Along with prayer, meditation, denial, and affirmation, there are so, so many transformational tools like the breath and visualization, all of which help raise our vibrations of Love and Peace and goodness. We know that raising our own vibration also raises the whole planet’s energy and can even help those who are suffering next door or around the world! The vibration conversation is, of course, an important one in our evolution! In the wake of this moment’s unification conversation, we take note of how embodying our divinity does indeed ripple out to the world. Which brings us to the 5th and final Unity principle:

With this, we return to the truth of our beautiful breath selves and living our dreams. We remember to be anchored in Source, to breathe our beauty, to dream, to use our transformational tools to align with the shine of our divine design, to be and live the truth of the dream we were birthed to be.

No matter where we are planted and who we are with, we can and will keep listening and trusting our own divinity and creativity, unified with Source and our divine essence. We choose to stay anchored in this omnipresent, ever present presence, breathing our beauty, living from this place, able to reset into our beautiful depths in any moment. We can, will, do, use our transformational tools to know our dreams and live them. Aligned with Source and highest good, we raise our vibrations and send this blessing out to raise the consciousness of humanity. Together, we dream and we rise, living the dream of the Love we are created of. And so it is!

I am sharing the dream in Leaping Literacy Library with a spotlight on Panda this week! The gentle giant is a beautiful breath of beauty gracing the planet for the last 8 million years! Once a carnivore, now Panda only eats bamboo and reminds us to sit peacefully and chew on our blessings! Namaste, Love!

Posted in alchemy, Awareness, Balance, Beauty, Blessings, Co-Creation Manifestation, Oneness, Peace, Prayer, Presence

Let There Be Peace

Greetings of Peaceful New Beginnings! Happy 2024!
A year to dream more while we alchemically explore what has gone before!
Here is a New Year’s vlog speaking to the circle; a return to Music Camp, coming home, December blog absence, and alchemical song of life ringing on. Found here!

Yes, I continue to sift, sort, situate all aspects of life ~ peacefully! I will be doing a talk for Unity Spiritual Community on 1/14 entitled, “Living the Dream: A Co-Creation Unification Conversation. I will also share it, at least in part, here. In this right now, new day, new year moment, I pray for peace. For each heart, and the heart of humanity, I pray for peace. We are created and rooted in unconditional Love that knows and abides by peace. My prayer is that all beings will continue to evolve and embody more and more of this essence. Here is a singing prayer, a kind of a meditative chant, for Peace. I sang it last night as the clock and calendar turned. I continue to sing it as we embrace this new start. Within ourselves, each of us, and all of us nationally and globally. Peace, let there be peace … Found here!

As I keep releasing and breathing Peace, I am updating the Leaping Literacy Library structure including this blog, more on that soon as our new year unfolds. For now, I simply, again, wish you Peace. This is from the ‘peace tree’ decorated in my front yard. Peace, beloveds, Peace, from my heart to your heart, heart by heart we unite and ignite more and more peace on earth.

Posted in Awareness, mystery, Nature, Oneness, Presence, Remembrance, Reverence, Sacred, Service, Vision, Wisdom

October Circle of Mystery: Ancestor Awareness in the Circle

Namaste Blessed Awareness in the Divine Design Circle!
I greet you at the end of this Mystery month, as we near Samhain, aka, Halloween. I remain in a deep clean of my work webs, ever rejoicing for the gifts of life. I am surrounded in remembrances of my ancestors who are illuminated now at Samhain.

Ah, the time of year where ghosts, goblins, tombstones, giant spiders, all appear in people’s yards as decorations with Jack-o’-lanterns, initially constructed to ward off evil spirits, now elaborately stencil carved ~ all of it in the name of fun.

Here, on this web space, we play with Spider, Pumpkin, Cat, Cat, Owl, as Feature Creature Teachers with much to say about how we are the co-creators of the web of our own lives. Our fun is to align with the shine of our divine design!

Spider is being integrated on our Oneness page for a visit in any season! She joins our other Feature Creature Teachers of the month, Bat, Cat, Owl, and Pumpkin,
in the backroad wrap up vlog that also speaks to nature and the ancestors found on our New Thought Families Blog page.
Nature is indeed always our great healer, teacher, preacher, and soul reacher, speaking to us of earth’s rhythms and seasons and also always offering beautiful sacred ground to stand upon ~ barefoot if you can! The Mother Earth is always providing us a place to anchor and ground for more wellbeing. She is also always whispering of all who came before, and are still here now in the circle.

It is said the veil is thinnest this time of year between here and those who have gone before us, oft referred to as the dead, they are simply not in bodies among us anymore. Their Spirits live on and are available to us to continue our relationships, just in a different configuration. People often receive signs from their loved ones on the other side ~ pennies, butterflies, anything of meaning can bring a meeting of heart and mind. Most often, our departed loved ones are held in memories rather than direct presence interaction yet any medium can tell you, their loving Spirits certainly are among us should we choose to experience them. In meditating on how I wanted to speak to this today, a new song was born! It is an invitation into conversation and inspiration with whoever comes to heart and mind.
Brand New Song: Ancestor Circle is playing on our Blog Page

I mention my mom and dad, aunt and uncle yet I have friends I also visit with regularly. My dear Renee gave me a Tinkerbell travel mug and I often speak to her when using it. Today was a special event for Faith, the matriarch of the SF Folk Music Club and I really felt her reaching out ~ literally through the voices of a few club members I haven’t connected with in a while. Faith and Ranger Bob, both gone from here 10 years now though they, and others, are still friends I visit with. Of course ancestor visits are necessarily different than human to human interactions yet Spirit relationships are real nonetheless. I have been experiencing them my whole life and am the richer for it, to be sure. This way of being has also eased some of the pain experienced in the transition we all go through when a loved one makes their transition to the other side. A huge part of having these Spirit relationships is doing what we can to honor what they left behind, sometimes the actual physical things that require us to be their hands and feet for incompletes. I have had a heaping helping of this from multiple peeps and it has made me all that much more inspired to take care of as much of my own accumulation as I possibly can. Having relationships with those on the other side is a huge inspiration to live fully while here. I am currently embracing life as if I have another 30 years or could go tomorrow. Truth is, that is one Mystery question most of us don’t know.

These Ancestor Treasure, Vintage Voices are playing on our Blog Page and @

And so it is that I bid you a sacred Samhain, and take leave of you with these ancestor voices. May your holiday be fun and may you also connect with a dear one or ones on the other side if that calls to you. Thank you for answering the callings of your heart and for sharing this moment in the circle with me. Namaste, Love!

Posted in alchemy, Awareness, Balance, Co-Creation Manifestation, interfaith, Oneness, Presence

September Glimpse Of Sacred

Time & Service in the Circle

Namaste Sacred Awareness in the Circle! And a Sweet New Year to You!
Yes, the Jewish New Year begins this Friday beckoning a time to release and embrace a sweet new year.

Below are some Leaping Literacy Library teachings and songs from guest Joanie Calem a few years back. Under those I have a few videos from 2 years ago that are reminding me of the ever present, omnipresent presence of hope and positivity in the circle of life and time. In some ways, they seem spot on for today. Kinda the good news and bad news. I also have blogs quoted and linked from 9 and 10 years ago with some of my same life laments & attempts. Sigh. I embrace myself & my phyche in the circle!

If you are intrigued, do peruse these snapshot invitations into oneness awareness’, yet irrespective of visiting with me from the past, here are some mediation invitations to visit with YOU in the circle…

Are there patterns you have been aware of repeating for what may feel like too long? Can you love yourself deeply even and especially through any desire or need to transform them? Can you reside in divine order or at least a ‘good enough’ acceptance?

Can you see and appreciate the different facets of you that have changed despite the persistent pattern? Can you find a balance of oneness in all of it?

All of the above ponderings leave me with this look at oneness from the past. I am at one with this & with you in the circle. Thank you for joining me. Namaste, Love!

Here are 2 posts of the past:

Love Expressed: Balance In Oneness Posted on September 10, 2013

Called To Love Posted on September 10, 2012 

And the videos are onsite @ New Thought Families!

Posted in Awareness, Oneness, Sacred, Service, Trust, Yes

September Circles Of Sacredness: Time & Service

I greet you late day this Sacred Sunday in the circle of time! I was, like so many other days and times, called to serve in several places in the circle of lifetime today. I sat down to do this blog and vlog this morning and realized Librarian me had not updated the ETV Vlog page, essentially all year. So I was in service to that! And then did the vlog and then onto my dad’s ranch for some scheduled service there. I will return there tomorrow morning and I have returned here to the blog in this right now, divine timing moment. I have re-committed to being in service here each Sacred Sunday this September. I am in service to the One that calls me here, in the oneness of the circle’s sacredness. There are so many ways to serve!

What does being in service mean to you? Service to yourself, family, community, in what ways do you serve? And in what ways are you served?! Wherever we place our hands, hearts, time, attention can be said to be what we are in service of. The blessings of our lives can be said to be the way that life and Love serves us.
Thank you for being here, in service to this moment of circle connection.

While our society frames our lives in a linear fashion, we are created and do indeed live in the circle. We will be exploring different faces of the circle this September beginning with the circles of time and money. Here are the lyrics and MP3 (download!) of the Circle of Time song found on my Circle Of One CD. Jeremiah and I are singing and drumming it with some extra drumbeats added by our CD producer Cameron Lawson.

Circle Of Time Mp3 Song!
© 2008 Laurie Story Vela

Standing on the mountaintop,
in the circle of time
heartbeats of my ancestors
are beating with mine
& the heartbeats of the children
who will be here soon
We are all one heartbeat
in the Sacred Mother’s womb

In the heartbeat of the circle,
oneness is the call
Heartbeats now and heartbeats then
beat with one and all
Here in the circle,
the sacred circle of time
There is just one heartbeat
beating with mine

One heartbeat, One circle, One time
One heartbeat, One circle, One time
The sacred circle of time
There is just one heartbeat
Standing on the mountaintop

Yes, oneness lives in the circle, We are at one with all of our lifetime(s), when we view it from the circle of time. As the song sings, we are home and at one with all our relations and generations with the one heartbeat. I sing some of this song in this week’s vlog centered on service in the circle.

The vlog altar is filled with mermaids and seahorses in celebration of the final (for now!) and 7th show in the Sea Splash series of ETV shows that began last summer! It was a big birthing process in August to complete the series with the Whale Wonders Show followed by this one which included the 2 Laurie’s StorEbooks I spoke of in last week’s Mermaid vlog. Sometimes, what we consider going backwards, is really just bringing some aspect of the circle into more completion!

This Labor Day weekend is a great time to think about work and how we trade our time for money. Yes, we do need money in this society yet the work we do is so much about being in the circle of giving and receiving energy on many levels, money being just one aspect. My playmate, Rev Karene, aka Gramma K, enJOYs our time co-creating for ETV as does her hubby, covered in the picture below as he is voicing Wally, the pet walrus of the Sea Queen. Can elders play pretend? YES, it is fun for them! We all have an inner child who is not only willing to play but needs to play for our whole being health and vitality. We are ageless in the circle. Laughter and play have no age or time limit. We can always benefit from a good laugh or playtime in any way that makes our heart sing and feel alive! How do you like to play? What is fun for you? What makes you laugh? Can you give some time into being of service to that?!

Here I am playing with Feature Creature Teacher Seahorse who has AHmazing adaptations and life lessons!

There are many Seahorse takeaways from how slow they are & how they anchor to how they mate and do a connecting Love dance each morning. And YES, Seahorse is the only animal on the planet whereby the male/dad carries the babies (pregnant) and births them. We can be heartened by Seahorse to stay anchored in Love, go slow, at the pace of grace, focusing on our abilities and gifts vs. the challenges we all face. What gifts do you have that fuel your service in this life?

While I have a lifetime journey with working in service in return for little or no monetary pay, I am on purpose and in joy in serving these callings of my heart and soul. I am anchored in safe home and in Love! And! All is well, Spirit always has my back with wonderful home and a belly full of good food! I can and do choose to focus on my good! I am so blessed in Love!

If you so choose, to be in service to you, take some time to be with your gifts and/or some contemplative time to see who and what you serve and who and what serves you!

Thank you for being in the circle with me ~ I do consider we are in service to one another just by saying yes in this sacred moment!

And thank you for sharing some of my life’s work here, irrespective of your choice to spend time further with ETV and my playful co-creations undersea!

More September sacred circle awareness moments to come. Namaste, Love!

Posted in alchemy, Awareness, Beauty, Co-Creation Manifestation, Creativity, Freedom, Imagination, Intuition, Light, Love, Music, Nature, Oneness, Presence, Reverence, Sacred, Vision, Yes

August Promise: Flowing and Knowing

Namaste Sacred Yes, Love Expressed!

I greet you late day this Sacred Sunday in a grateful allowance of promise after promise! I speak to the challenges and celebrations of being me in this week’s video vlog sitting (via technology!) by the sea. I speak of my pervasive patterns and ask what is in you, waiting to be honored. There is an invitation to sing with me; my little mermaid song that speaks to what it is to live in divine flow:

I Am A Mermaid ©2021 Laurie Story V

I am a mermaid in the ocean of life
flowing like water, playing like an otter,
knowing like a daughter of the sea
free, free, free,
musical, magical mermaid me

How are you flowing with your sacred truth? What are you doing to play and honor that all important child and playful spirit that lives in you? What are you knowing; mystical, wise child of creation? In your flowing, play, and knowing, you are FREE! You are free to be Love expressed as the divine shine you truly be!

The playful, prayerful video vlog @ New Thought Families has the mermaid song with some video footage of the sea and a meditation invitation. You can also just go there with these words and your imagination. Sit right down and hear the waves in your mind. Drop into the space in your heart and soul that is always longing to bring you home. Home to yourself, home to the One, home with the whole. Listen to the rhythm of the waves coming to shore. Always in the flow, sometimes high and sometimes low. Yet always home. Our seas are such a masterpiece of divinity and so are we, my friends! Namaste flowing knowing of divine shine!

Posted in Awareness, Balance, Blessings, Co-Creation Manifestation, Creativity, Divinity, Dreams, expansion, expression, Faith, Family, Fortitude, Freedom, Gratitude, Hope, Humanity, Oneness, Presence, spiritual family literacy, Transition, Trust, Unity, Vision, Yes

Rebirth & Renewal

Namaste Beautiful Beings of Sacred Awareness!

I hope you are finding your centered place of yes blessedness in the midst of the chaos we collectively face. Times of breakdown are portals into breakthroughs, woo hoo! And there can be a lot of pain along the way in this human journey. Yet! Spirit is always here to Love us through, inviting us to release resistance and to embrace the new. In keeping with these callings, this blog has moved to our new commercial free space; the branch of Leaping Literacy Library called Creative Family Literacy. We have new and developing Invitations and Celebrations there supporting you and yours for Traditional, Creative, and Spiritual Family Literacy. I hope to see you there in this new start and I wish you all the best in living true to you, following the wisdom of your heart! Namaste, Love!

Posted in Acceptance, Awareness, Co-Creation Manifestation, Divinity, expression, Family, Forgiveness, Love, Oneness, Presence

In The Heart Of Love

Who Do You Love? What Do You Love? Where Do You Love? When Do You Love? Why Do You Love?

Namaste Beautiful Hearts Of Love! Happy Valentine’s Day!

While this day has long been seen as a romantic celebration for couples, the patron Saint Valentine also brings protection to epileptics and beekeepers! Most folks probably don’t think much about the Saint, more about the cards, chocolates, flowers, balloons, aka STUFF that we get to say, “I love you.” However we celebrate this day, it is, in fact, an opportunity to focus on LOVE!

As conscious co-creators of our lives, being in the heart of Love any day and every day is the best way to stay awake and aware. We are sometimes aligned with the heart of Love and sometimes we can be aligned with our wounded heart looking for Love. Our song, Always Love, sings this concept, “An act of Love or a cry for Love, Love always.”

If we look at life through the heart of Love, we can clearly see that we are always living this … we are acting with Love or we are acting out with a cry for Love. When we choose to look at life and Love this way, compassion, forgiveness, kindness, tenderness, oneness all become more plausible and practical as everyday concepts we can choose to embody every day. There are many ways to keep our hearts open and free to flow Love yet like all else it is a spiritual practice that requires showing up!

Snuggle into the prayer chair to see and free your heart!

It’s true that often forgiving anyone or anything or even any 1 given situation is a process that must be repeated with dedication to keeping your heart open & free … The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
~ Mohandas K. Gandhi

We win by tenderness. We conquer by forgiveness.
~ Frederick William Robertson

The Heart of Love is tender and soft, forgiving, allowing. It is there we can be fully aware of who we Love, how we Love, what we Love, when and where we Love. In this place of awareness, we can experience more of our oneness with all that is created in the great Love of our Creator. We can flow this great Love, in and through us as co-creators!

We all are Love in action choosing what we bring our hands and hearts to!

Before I leave you to the questions of who, what, when, where, why to explore in your own heart of Love, I will say for my part, all that I have done and loved here for New Thought Families as well as in other areas of work and family continue to be an exploration of transformation. We have new web resources being slowly implemented to serve the families who are called to be with us and our resources. In my own family, we midwifed my mama out of this world a few weeks ago and continue the process with my dad and stepdad. My Jeremiah is here today and before he returns to school tomorrow, we celebrate his 21st birthday. Family, in all the generations, is indeed at the heart of Love ~ including the wounded heart crying for Love ~ it is all there for our transformative gifts of embodying more Love, mind, heart, soul!

I leave you now divine Valentine to be in your own heart of Love to answer any call or cry that is there. May you know yourself as the heart of Love you truly be, able to align with your divine shine! Thank you for the Love of you lighting up this world. Namaste, Love!

Posted in Awareness, Blessings, Energy, Faith, Forgiveness, Music, Oneness, Presence, Reconstructurist, Sacred

2020 Vision: 20 Questions

Namaste and Happy New Year Seekers and Dreamers!

As we close out this perilous year, I am squeaking in my reflective 20 questions in an invitation for inner conversation. It is Hawaii time, the last of this 2020 year. I know everyone is so ready for 2021! Yet! I have a one last, big release at this moment … a new CD, Circle of One!

2020 Squeak Peak New Release: Standing On The Mountaintop In The Circle Of Time

This CD was too long in coming yet in divine perfect timing, here it is. Songs in the circle of timeless oneness. There’s a song for each Solstice and Equinox, songs of death, life, rebirth, renewal. A touch of injustice, compassion, life in the circle. The circle of time. Circle Of One. Here’s a list of the songs, each with a lyric sample and some 2020 questions offered us in the circle. I will be linking here to the actual song samples. Whether or not you have interest in this CD release, perhaps 1 or more of these questions can help you see a gift you wouldn’t want to miss from the plenty that was 2020?!! If you must, skip my poetic song snippets, and scroll to the sifted list of 20 Questions for 2020. Cheers To Us for Gratefully Seeking Gifts in the Shifts!

1. Circle Of Time:
Standing on the mountaintop in the circle of time
Heartbeats of my ancestors are beating with mine
And the heartbeats of the children who will be here soon
We are all one heartbeat in the sacred mother’s womb

What would our ancestors say about 2020?
Is there anything we learned this year that can benefit future generations?

What about the health and well being of the planet?

2. Life Is a Web
Life is a web, woven in grace. We are all weavers, weaving in faith. Love is the thread connecting the web, we are all weavers. Love is the thread.
What 2020 threads of Love were woven into life’s web? Where in 2020’s web did you weave your faith?

3. Your Wings
We celebrate your Spirit, so full of Love. We honor the goodness of you that lives on.
Who do you know that died this year? How can you honor them?

4. You Are Free
… Let your Spirit lead you on. Your heart is your home. Follow the light of your soul.
Did you find any new freedom in letting go of something(s)?

5. Travel Well
Travel well my friend, wherever it is you’re going …
Are there friends you lost or friends you found in 2020?!

6. Oh Shenandoah
Unafraid, be bound away. Home to me, your Mother Sea.
Were you afraid this year? Could you feel safe home?

7. Ostara
Green is reaching for the light. Spring is here alive and bright!
Did you grow towards the light in 2020?

8. Circle Of The Sun
We are called to shine, we are called to live this divine design.
Did you experience any sense of shine and divine design?

9. Mabon
We rest in the dark, we renew in the light …
Did you experience extra rest and renewal this year?

10. Light Of Love
The light of creation is inside of us. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Did you create new experiences from the death of old circumstances?

11. Conception
New beginnings are born in me now. From the unknown, I simply allow.
Did you allow anything new to be born in and through you?!

12. Meet In The Center
Fires are burning, yearning for justice. Our hearts are timeless flames of forgiveness.
What injustice did you see or experience this year? Did you experience (more) forgiveness?

13. Refugee Stranger
I want to live and work with meaning, when I get home to that new land.
Did your home change this year? Your work? Do you have a new way of thinking of home and work?
14. Circle Of One
We are one in the circle connected with all that ever was
Here and now, ahead, behind. All there to find because …
We are one in the circle.

Can you hold the circle of 2020 as sacred connection to past and future?

Sift For The Gifts Of 2020!
20 Questions:

May these or any other reflective, introspective questions help you find more clear vision and hindsight from the gifts of 2020 as we embrace all to come in 2021. Namaste Love!

Posted in Affirmations, Awareness, Blessings, Co-Creation Manifestation, Creativity, Divinity, Family, Music, Nature, Oneness, Presence, Remembrance, Sacred, spiritual family literacy

The Blessedness of Wondrous Oneness

We belong to the whole, we are one!
Sing it with me on today’s Om HomETV!

Namaste threads of Love in the Web Of Life!
I greet you with steadfast faith in the prevailing goodness of humanity even from the moments that feel like our tapestry is unraveling. I suppose it is and at the same time, we are weaving new patterns of ways to be. Such is the gist and the gift of oneness.

Like peace and all else, oneness begins with me, and you, and each heart and conscious mind that inhabits a body. Personal oneness is to be aware and in harmony with maiden, mother, crone, with pacifist, playfulness, and passing, passionate angry thought bursts. In our oneness with self, we reckon with ages, stages, and phases, dreams and schemes, perceived triumphs and failures. Hopefully we love ourselves through it all and when we fall, we find our way back up and in again. Back into self awareness and careness, fairness and dareness. When we can be compassionate with ourselves ~ all parts of ourselves ~ the blessedness of oneness finds us in the circle of time. Every time.

When we allow the infinity of divinity in and through us, we are open to this oneness with self and increasingly, with all others. In this expanded place of awareness and compassion, we can ever more fully understand and live this memorable poem from Thich Nhat Hahn:

Please Call Me By My True Names

Do not say that I’ll depart tomorrow
because even today I still arrive.

Look deeply: I arrive in every second 
to be a bud on a spring branch, 
to be a tiny bird, with wings still fragile, 
learning to sing in my new nest, 
to be a caterpillar in the heart of a flower, 
to be a jewel hiding itself in a stone.

I still arrive, in order to laugh and to cry, 
in order to fear and to hope. 
The rhythm of my heart is the birth and 
death of all that are alive.

I am the mayfly metamorphosing on the surface of the river,
and I am the bird which, when spring comes, arrives in time 
to eat the mayfly.

I am the frog swimming happily in the clear pond, 
and I am also the grass-snake who, approaching in silence, 
feeds itself on the frog.

I am the child in Uganda, all skin and bones, 
my legs as thin as bamboo sticks, 
and I am the arms merchant, selling deadly weapons to 

I am the twelve-year-old girl, refugee on a small boat,
who throws herself into the ocean after being raped by a sea
and I am the pirate, my heart not yet capable of seeing and

I am a member of the politburo, with plenty of power in my
and I am the man who has to pay his “debt of blood” to my
dying slowly in a forced labor camp.

My joy is like spring, so warm it makes flowers bloom in all
walks of life.
My pain is like a river of tears, so full it fills the four oceans.

Please call me by my true names, 
so I can hear all my cries and laughs at once, 
so I can see that my joy and pain are one.

Please call me by my true names, 
so I can wake up, 
and so the door of my heart can be left open, 
the door of compassion.
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

For my part, I am the one woman show, the audience of one, the dreamer who sees something greater than I am able to be. Yet. Yet! I experience the infinity of divinity in the flow of yes, the flow of blessed, the flow of oneness. Check out my flow at!

In today’s Om HomETV, we are celebrating the blessedness of Oneness with heart literacy in song, story, prayer, imagination. Spider is our Feature Creature Teacher in the web of life and we hear from Anansi and Infinity. We playfully practice oneness with imagination in our Transformational Toolbox. We spend time in nature’s oneness affirming the native teaching, :We belong to the whole, we are one.” A visit through this week’s interfaith calendar includes the Hindu festival Navarati Dusserha. We open in oneness, we open with om!

Thank you for being here in any moment that you are. Thank you for practicing presence to oneness, to goodness, to ISness! May you be fully compassionate with all in your circle. I am grateful for you and all you do. Namaste, Love!

From the New Thought Families’ daily Play & Pray Calendar today, the 292nd day of 2020!