Posted in Awareness, mystery, Nature, Oneness, Presence, Remembrance, Reverence, Sacred, Service, Vision, Wisdom

October Circle of Mystery: Ancestor Awareness in the Circle

Namaste Blessed Awareness in the Divine Design Circle!
I greet you at the end of this Mystery month, as we near Samhain, aka, Halloween. I remain in a deep clean of my work webs, ever rejoicing for the gifts of life. I am surrounded in remembrances of my ancestors who are illuminated now at Samhain.

Ah, the time of year where ghosts, goblins, tombstones, giant spiders, all appear in people’s yards as decorations with Jack-o’-lanterns, initially constructed to ward off evil spirits, now elaborately stencil carved ~ all of it in the name of fun.

Here, on this web space, we play with Spider, Pumpkin, Cat, Cat, Owl, as Feature Creature Teachers with much to say about how we are the co-creators of the web of our own lives. Our fun is to align with the shine of our divine design!

Spider is being integrated on our Oneness page for a visit in any season! She joins our other Feature Creature Teachers of the month, Bat, Cat, Owl, and Pumpkin,
in the backroad wrap up vlog that also speaks to nature and the ancestors found on our New Thought Families Blog page.
Nature is indeed always our great healer, teacher, preacher, and soul reacher, speaking to us of earth’s rhythms and seasons and also always offering beautiful sacred ground to stand upon ~ barefoot if you can! The Mother Earth is always providing us a place to anchor and ground for more wellbeing. She is also always whispering of all who came before, and are still here now in the circle.

It is said the veil is thinnest this time of year between here and those who have gone before us, oft referred to as the dead, they are simply not in bodies among us anymore. Their Spirits live on and are available to us to continue our relationships, just in a different configuration. People often receive signs from their loved ones on the other side ~ pennies, butterflies, anything of meaning can bring a meeting of heart and mind. Most often, our departed loved ones are held in memories rather than direct presence interaction yet any medium can tell you, their loving Spirits certainly are among us should we choose to experience them. In meditating on how I wanted to speak to this today, a new song was born! It is an invitation into conversation and inspiration with whoever comes to heart and mind.
Brand New Song: Ancestor Circle is playing on our Blog Page

I mention my mom and dad, aunt and uncle yet I have friends I also visit with regularly. My dear Renee gave me a Tinkerbell travel mug and I often speak to her when using it. Today was a special event for Faith, the matriarch of the SF Folk Music Club and I really felt her reaching out ~ literally through the voices of a few club members I haven’t connected with in a while. Faith and Ranger Bob, both gone from here 10 years now though they, and others, are still friends I visit with. Of course ancestor visits are necessarily different than human to human interactions yet Spirit relationships are real nonetheless. I have been experiencing them my whole life and am the richer for it, to be sure. This way of being has also eased some of the pain experienced in the transition we all go through when a loved one makes their transition to the other side. A huge part of having these Spirit relationships is doing what we can to honor what they left behind, sometimes the actual physical things that require us to be their hands and feet for incompletes. I have had a heaping helping of this from multiple peeps and it has made me all that much more inspired to take care of as much of my own accumulation as I possibly can. Having relationships with those on the other side is a huge inspiration to live fully while here. I am currently embracing life as if I have another 30 years or could go tomorrow. Truth is, that is one Mystery question most of us don’t know.

These Ancestor Treasure, Vintage Voices are playing on our Blog Page and @

And so it is that I bid you a sacred Samhain, and take leave of you with these ancestor voices. May your holiday be fun and may you also connect with a dear one or ones on the other side if that calls to you. Thank you for answering the callings of your heart and for sharing this moment in the circle with me. Namaste, Love!

Posted in Acceptance, Divinity, Freedom, mystery, Reverence, spiritual family literacy, Vibrations, Vision, Wisdom, Yes, Zeal

October Circle of Mystery

Namaste Mystery’s Love Expressed,
I welcome you and your wise heart of reflection, here on this 1st day of October or in whatever divine appointment moment of this connection. We now join in the circle of the changing season, the heightened awareness sitting between illumination and darkness, oneness, ancestors, birth, death & rebirth, the balance of all in the circle, and the discerning wisdom of the witch. Witch, of course, meaning wise one in touch with the wisdom of the earth and all creation in the circle. I center in my inner witchy wisdom in today’s vlog:

Yes, the season of the witch is upon us! And it is high time we honor the truth of the witch as wise woman. As I sang in the vlog, we do indeed welcome the wisdom! Here are the lyrics and Mp3 Song (download!) of the Welcome Wisdom song found on my Timeless Spirit A-Z CD. On the recording, I am singing and playing with extra cool guitar added by the CD’s young and talented producer Cameron Lawson. Also, on the site in music video honoring all the wise women past, present, and future.

While we all have powerful inner wisdom, we don’t always tap into it. In fact, all too often we forget it is there and/or we really only turn inward for guidance when we are feeling lost or in pain. More often, we seek our answers from anyone else besides ourselves and our higher guidance. From this naturally human place of conditioning, we may consider The Mystery as a puzzle to be solved or perhaps never understood. While there are aspects of the mystery beyond our comprehension, we have an ongoing invitation into being with this divine flow of inspiration and supportive co-creation.

If you have been a visitor to this New Thought Families’ website anytime since its’ inception in 2007, you most likely encountered the anonymous audio, eventually turned video, of The Mystery. It is an endearing, simple, and profound invitation to BE the Mystery and to live full, free, and happy! After all these years, it still speaks to my heart and I hope it does to yours as well:

rom this place of being the mystery, all the imperfections melt into unconditional Love. My ever lovin’ looooooooong list as usual got partly done for this 1st of the month and on a later timeline than what I had planned. I had some intense tangos with the dance of resistence this week as well as the OMG overwhelm yet I made new inroads in my Library work and my inner playground of who I be. Definitely messy and I choose to embrace the chaos of creativity with the compassion of divinity. I choose to see, know, and affirm my progress even if it is less than what I had hoped to be sharing in this meoment. No need for the blah blah deets because I am living my divinely expressed Mystery ~ choosing to experience this life as full, free, and happy! I will share the part of the calendarization that is done that shows the themes of our explorations this month.

There is rotating content spotlighted on our multimedia page currently featuring the Om HomETV show The Mystery and the full segment with Feature Creature Teacher Cat. We are revisiting the brief daily invitations to play and pray with the Mystery in everyday ways on our October calendar!

For you, the wise one reading this, here’s an extra invitation for you:
Watch the flow of the Mystery in and through you and all you do.
What makes you feel free, full, and happy?
How can you realign with this consciousness when you or anyone else would act in ways that would have you forget the Mystery? Finally, can you simply just BE in the Mystery allowing for all that is there in any given moment?! Blessed BE!
Namaste, Love!

Posted in Awareness, Blessings, Children's Books, Co-Creation Manifestation, Creativity, expansion, expression, Love, mystery, Transformation, Transition, Truth, Yes

Living Love: Rising Above!

Namaste Love Expressing As Life’s Blessing!
Happy Valentine’s Day! Happy Life of Love! I greet you in the name of Love from my heart to yours as I return to this blog space for a February check in. Herein is a sharing of my (still!) new home and a whispering of where Leaping Literacy Library is headed. February is our New Thought Families anniversary and always seems a time of birthing. Before sharing some of the NEWs … Let’s look inside. How is your heart? Your energy? Your Love? If you were Love (and you are!), what would you do?!

Our hearts are so divinely made to guide us, in large part through our happiness! Young children live it so cleanly and simply! As we grow on in life and our hearts experience hurts, subconscious tricks play on us and the WOUNDED heart can guide some of our decisions. Ultimately, divine order wins over all of it. Yet! Many ~ I hope not you ~ carry on too much of the time unfilled, unhappy. As busy adults we can stop listening to our hearts, regularly or altogether. I invite you here and now to place your hand on your heart and vow to listen for all your layers of happy!Of course identifying your happy is only step 1. From there, at least for me, the time tango begins! In my case, I can be pulled in so many directions, implementing my deepest heart’s desires can easily take a backseat ~ or even leave the car! In matters of living Love, we must consciously rise above all that would pull us down and out. That list can be a long one from forces within ourselves, to the people and circumstances of our personal and collective lives. As we spoke of last month in the context of dreams, it is ours to do to return to the purest Love we can muster, over and over and over again. Using our happy as a compass! Here’s a little Laurie StorEBook I co-created last week, Happy Love. The pdf is here.Our Leaping Literacy Library Free Shelf is still available though we are in the process of overhauling our structures! In this moment, you can access Happy Love here! Yes, Leaping Literacy Library and all the websites are getting some renovations with more explanations on that to come! On our New Thought Families Daily Play & Pray Calendar, we are giving away an mp3 a day ~ 28 days of Love Songs! I am showing up on Facebook to sing each of those songs  in a ‘live’ video … I was guided so am following through … many layers of true in all of that! At the end of each week, the mp3s on each of the previous Calendar days are replaced by the video. Day 1 Video, Trust What You Here is HERE!: 

I am navigating Leaping Literacy as well as other aspects of the working me through new and old content and formats birthing into the latest version of what’s next. It’s pretty messy right now. I am choosing to keep showing up for Love and do all I can to rise above ~ doubt, defeat, confusion, illusion!

The new home for me and Creative Spirit Families (and Jeremiah on college breaks!) has been all about expansion and co-creating 1 corner at a time. Here are a few pictures that may or may not translate as the magic I feel here ~ and others do to! And! So far, the live events and classes here are sparsely attended giving my heart new expansion invitations! For the most part, I do not feel sad, just curious and open to further guidance! In this right now moment, you can come on in ~! Welcome! 
Thanks so much for being here. There is a ridiculous amount of stuff that is left unsaid yet in this busy life, even you spending time with my snapshots is a gift!

And of course the greatest gift you can give yourself and this world, is to take time with your own heart ~ celebrating and honoring your own co-creations!
As we dance and romance with our own hearts, we have that much more to pour out into the world. We can co-create peace and harmony on this planet one heart at a time. Truly!

May the outpouring of your heart bring Love showers to you, your family, community and ultimately to our global family ~ humanity! We can rise above our own limitations, living Love will indeed keep us rising above. And so it is. Namaste, Love!



Posted in Awareness, Co-Creation Manifestation, Light, Love, mystery, Presence, Vibrations, Vision

Vibrational Vision

Namaste Visionary Vibration of Vitality!

This transformational Tuesday is a vibration celebration! It is all too easy to forget about vibrational energy even though it is running 24/7 co-creating our lives consciously or unconsciously. Vibration is measured by some like Dr. David Hawkins Scale of Consciousness. On Hawkins scale, 0-1000, 500 is unconditional Love which is a high(est) state to attain to for most. 1000 is pure enlightenment. At the bottom of Hawkins’ vibrational scale of consciousness is shame.

Most of us live in certain flux of emotional isness using our transformational tools to bring us into more alignment with our highest and best (feeling) selves. The lower frequencies like guilt and grief simply don’t feel good and make for a negative experience of life. The more fear based our lives, communities, nations, the further from Love and living in higher consciousness we are. Vibrate HIGH! Because we operate so much of the time in a relative unconscious state, listening to high, vibrational frequencies is one of the best ways I have found to live more Love. YouTube has a plethora of these frequencies for free from peeps like Elke Neher and channels like Meditative Mind and ZenLifeRelax who has one of my favorite Love frequencies played here:

I love the power of these frequencies to bring us home to Love. As vibrational beings, we naturally align with vibration so as the Obamas always said, “Go high!”

In bringing our consciousness higher, visioning is a powerful tool that helps us see our way open up. When we act on those higher callings, we are voicing our vision in the ways we show up.The picture above is a vulture from today’s Play & Pray Calendar at New Thought Families:
The Play Invitation reads:
Visit your inner vulture today to voice your vision! Vultures are birds that clean up messes that many other animals will not touch. Vultures often eat animals that have died and are just laying on the ground or road. In this way, vultures help with the full circle of life. So! Look around your own life and deep in your heart for anything that needs cleaning up or needs to be brought full circle. Find creative ways to voice the vision of what you find … words, song, art, dance, or any other expressions. How will you voice the vision that calls loudest to you?!

Shout out to the vulture! And! Case in point that in the full circle of life and vibration, clean up and rev up go with the territory!

My own home front is full of mess as I prepare to move. I am faced with the too muchness that is me and has become my state of ‘stuff’. I am constantly reframing instead of blaming and shaming myself for the accumulation. It is actually a sacred time of re-evaluation and VISIONING where I am headed with all this stuff and why I collected it in the first place! I am letting my inner vulture have a good time with the clean up 🙂 !

Though there is strong argument against, I am simultaneously doing at least a bit of this in my online world of the Leaping Literacy Library as I try to prioritize some time and offerings. I’m not so much for traditional Halloween yet am offering some different takes on it with special daily bonus giveaways on the Free Shelf. Today’s special was all about the mystery. I pulled a Mel & Nell Laurie StorEBook out of the long ago archives regarding history as a mystery … told by ‘they’, ‘who are they’?! The ABC Mystery is AHmazing alliteration and the Spirit inspiration celebration I have loved for so many years, The Mystery … playing here and now!:

Whatever media or other experiences you bring in, moment by moment, day by day, they will surely have an effect on your vibrational field. We are made beautifully with an inner GPS to ever guide us home to Love. Remember, whatever you feel, you are vibrating and radiating into the world. So keep visioning, seeing, being the Love or above of beautiful you and attract the same mirrored back to you! Namaste, vibrational, vibrant voice of Love!

Posted in mystery, Nature, Oneness, Sacred, Service, Transformation

Meeting In The Middle Of The Mystery

Namaste Marvelous, Miraculous Mystery! Happy May!

I greet you this day in reverent miracle mindedness; measuring a few life milestones and moments ~ some in celebration of mystical manifestation and others in surrendered contemplation ~ all somewhere in the intersections of those inspirations! Near the end of these May mindful musings, I have some marvelous NEWs to share! Yet, first let’s settle in with sacred breath. Our New Thought Families May Play & Pray Calendar is embracing The Mystery narrated by intergenerational voices. Based on this AHsome anonymous audio, The Mystery, I invite you to contemplate & celebrate any May day with us on the Calendar and here and now with our video, The Mystery:

And so it is we meet here in the Mystery … the awareness of sacredness and divinity in our reality. Thank you for the gift of your presence here and now. As so many aspects of political and social culture are in varied amounts of meltdown both nationally and globally, it is good to meet here, breathe deep and affirm divine order. The more centered we stay as individuals, families, communities, the more we can stay the divine in the face of the insanity of humanity.

As spring weather warms up, the mosquitos are coming out; ever thought of how these tiny beings cause destruction in their blood sucking way of survival?! There has been talk of scientifically eradicating them due to the belief that they only cause harm and provide no measurable benefits. So why did the Creator make mosquitos? Is it divine co-creation to eradicate them and thereby the life threatening diseases they carry? Are there those in the world who would be horrified if humans eradicated mosquitos? If it were attempted, would it even be successful?! Would our Earth Mother weep if we waged war with her children the mosquitos?! As we bring those questions home, what ‘mosquitos’ in your life would you like to eradicate? What purpose do they serve?

In the middle of our May Mystery celebrations and contemplations, is motherhood. With Mother’s Day celebrated the second Sunday in May,  we honor our mothers, and often, their selfless giving for our well being. Mother’s Day began in 1870 by Julia Ward Howe as a Mother’s Day For Peace; she was, in part inspired by Anna reeves Jarvis who in 1858 started “Women’s Work Days” for women working for more sanitary conditions for both sides of the civil war. These mothers didn’t want to lose their sons to war and they didn’t want any mother to lose their child to war no matter what side of the fight they were on. It was a motherly reaching and teaching of oneness, unconditional Love and the sanity of humanity. Our New Thought Families page on these Mother’s Day origins is here.

Every month has it’s special celebrations; in fact every day has been declared for multiple somethings it seems! For instance, May 1st is not just for dancing around the May Pole! From quite a roster of holidays found here, the one that had peeps taking to the streets this year was International Workers’ Day as thousands took to the streets marching in solidarity for (undocumented) immigrants. While I have not made another march since the Women’s March, I applaud the active feet and voices chanting and singing for each other, for justice, for the health and well being of our planet. Undoubtedly, there are those who view protestors as mosquitos while I revere them as the lifeblood of democracy.

In the midst of our current civil unrest, the well being of our Sacred Mother is under another series of attacks. With climate change denial at the center, artic oil drilling tops the list of old ways surfacing to be reinstated. While we as individuals and families don’t have a lot of power against big oil, collectively our marching feet do! And! In the green begins with me core of who we are, there are truly infinite ways we can practice living green ~ in conservation and in reverent respect and adoration of our Mother.  I had a call yesterday with Rev Barbara Williams for her Deep Green series and a recording of that green talk, green walk call is here.

I join Rev Barbara again tomorrow 5/6 at noon Pacific, 3:00 Eastern on her Blog Talk Radio Show to continue the conversation! Join us in yessing the Greening Our Being!

So! Yes we can align with the shine of our divine design … any time! Especially in these crazy times where the insanity of humanity seems so prevalent. We just keep listening deep for what is ours to do and trust that transformations are always turning true! The New Thought TV Channel has been in touch for family programming and even though our archives are not of the production quality they require, we will be collaborating in the future. Meanwhile! The process led me to this compilation celebrating Mama! It includes: Mama & Earth Mama Music Videos, Sacred Moments with Nature, Green Living At Home for reverent mama earth living & Sebastian Wakes Up Laurie StorEBook. EnJOY!

New Thought Families Leaping Literacy Celebration: MAMA
Password: LLLNTM
Runs: 23:36

Our Leaping Literacy Library has some new innovations that will be going live throughout the summer. The Leaping Literacy Library Free Shelf is stocked with videos, songs and Laurie StorEBooks that celebrate variations of mama and more!
Before I close this sharing, I do want to speak to a celebration that feels like a full circle, mystic manifestation … I interviewed at our old church this week, Spiritual Life Center, for a part time Youth Education Director position. It has been a loooong time since we were really part of this loving community ~ though in divine order, I was there 3 WOW Wednesdays in the past few months, presenting with my interfaith minister friend Karene. There are a myriad of details I could dive into yet what’s important is that this was a process of surrender and “Thy will be my will” in receiving the call to apply, applying, and receiving the job. The Mystery is at work and play in and through the leadership I will be working with at the church, in and through me as well as in and through the beautiful youth and families I will serve and be served by. It has a full circle bringing home of the resources at New Thought Families ~ many that started at Spiritual Life Center! ~ and the Leaping Literacy Library in terms of them becoming more organized and accessible for use by others. It is a happy heart synergy for me just knowing that what we nurture and envision as good can be birthed as magnificence into the mundane.

So whatever good you’re up to, let’s continue to live the Mystery holding hope for the heart of humanity and walking our path as straight and true as we can … as the I Am that I Am! And so it is. Thank you, thank you for the heart of you so true. Namaste, Love!

Spiritual Family Time! Come to Feathers Of Freedom Camp with us this summer!