Posted in Acceptance, alchemy, Appreciation, Awareness, Blessings, Co-Creation Manifestation, Divinity, Energy, Gratitude, Music, Prayer, Transcendence, Transformation, Trust, Truth, Unity, Vision, Yes

April Awareness Celebrations: Alchemizing, Strategizing, Prioritizing

Welcome April Blossoms of Beauty and Bravery!
As we near the end of April, May Transformations are beckoning! There are so many April celebrations that are near and dear to my heart, I had to speak to them before month’s end! Even though the bigger, better spotlights I woulda, coulda, shoulda given the following didn’t happen, we can still take a mindful moment of honoring and recognition. Let me first recognize you with gratitude for being here and honoring us with your time, heart, and mind. Thank you for being here!

April! The month that is often a menopausal one for our Mother with her warm flashes and surprise storms. April is the time of recognition of our mother with Earth Day/Month. Of course, Earth Day every day of the year yet April 22 is a longstanding calendarization for our attention. We love you mama earth! We have this and other earth songs featured on our ETV Music Video page.

April is also the official month to celebrate Young Children and Libraries; 2 cornerstones of our work/play at Leaping Literacy Online Library!

Much as I thought I would leverage these celebrations this month with progress in the Library and new production work, my main focus was inward yet again. I came face to face with an ongoing health challenge that actually has its roots in another April occasion ~ today is the 42nd year anniversary of breaking my neck. The vlog below speaks to the journey. Some of the metaphysical nuggets are letting go of ‘old fixes’ and employing new opportunities, releasing resistance, allowing alchemy, transcendence, and evolution, trusting transformation. I still struggle with the volume of me expressing concisely! I did this April vlog twice and while the 2nd time conceivably is more organized and concise, it is just as long and in fact, a bit longer than the 1st! The 1st one was full of tears and led me to some places I needed to go to gain the clarity for the 2nd one 🙂 I spent time producing the 1st one and had vowed to put it out so in a game time decision, I am posting both onsite in the quiet vlog space. If you are going to invest the time, I highly recommend the 2nd one over the 1st. Yet, in the spirit of birth and death, i did post both, at least for now. So goes the journey of messy me trusting the divinity of alchemy!

There are MANY celebrations, every month and every DAY! In the April Vlog 2, I celebrate some of them noted TODAY from the fun website whereby they give all the history and significance of each day’s celebration/honoring. Apparently, anyone can start a Day with a little momentum! April 28th is noted for many things including Biological Clock Day, Clean Comendy Day, National Super Hero Day, Pet Parent Day, Stop Food Waste Day, Great Poetry Reading Day and more! I read from the great Unity poet James Dillet Freeman in Vlog 2 as a nod to another of today’s celebrations, ‘Pay It Forward Day’. Poets indeed pay it forward sometimes for generations with the power of their words!

There is an infinity of ways we can focus and show up any moment, day, month. There are so many celebrations, honorings, ponderings we can give our time, heart, and mind to. By following our heart and natural curiosity, we are aligniung with our soul purpose in being here, in this incarnation and lifetime. With our own unique gifts and skills, we are here to serve each other and our own soul’s purpose in choosing to be here now.

There is much to say about where Leaping Literacy Library is now and is going yet I will be ok, this anniversary day with just being messy me, showing up as me ~ the light of divinity mirroring the same in YOU! Free from needing to be anything more. My latest song is on the site Blog page, Be Free. As I root in the call of prayer (James Dillet Freeman) and the sense of what free is for me, I allow this moment’s April alchemy to be enough. Just right. As is. Divine perfection expertly evolving through transformation. That is a celebration! Thanks for being with me and your own divine alchemy. Namaste, Love!

Posted in Acceptance, Affirmations, Appreciation, Awareness, Balance, Beauty, Blessings, Co-Creation Manifestation, Divinity, Dreams, Reconstructurist, Service, spiritual family literacy, Trust, Truth, Unity

Living The Dream!

Namaste Dreamers and Peacemakers!
Greetings on this holy day holiday celebrating the great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.!
Let us listen to his melodic voice from his “I Have A Dream” speech as well as some song inspirations in this ETV segment playing in our Leaping Literacy Library ETV:

Here are lyrics from another one of our songs honoring Dr. King:

I gave a talk yesterday at the Unity Spiritual Community, Citrus Heights touching on Dr. King and inspirational others yet mostly focused on each of us as divine creation, breathing in the beauty we truly be. Today I will share a few points and power point slides from the talk as well as lessons learned DOing the talk!

The usual custom these days is to have a video recording of the talk yet apparently the FaceBook live stream ended up being a Zoom view of one of the participants rather than us so it was deleted. I am still hoping to at least hear an audio of it.
(1/18 Update! For any on FaceBook, the talk I speak of in this post did post there!)

Yet! Herein lies so many more spiritual lessons! I will leave it at 3:
1. Trust the divine order of ALL, paying attention to what the ALL might be saying at any given time! The main trick in doing this with an appreciation celebration is to release expectation of how things “should” be rooted in the knowing that it is ALWAYS for the highest if we let it be. And! Knowing we are always flowing with what we allow and can ALWAYS keep choosing what we allow!

2. There were several people yesterday both live and on Zoom who expressed their gratitude and blessings from hearing my musical talk. Their heart felt kindness expressed, reverberates in me especially if a wondering of, “How was that?” creeps in. The lesson here is, it is ALWAYS great to express your appreciation of another!

3. Back to divine order paired with discernment. I spent a lot of time and energy on doing the talk experience and it was a wonderful one in so many ways. Yet! It necessarily means other important projects in my world were put on hold. My ongoing sorting of prioritizing my callings is SO present and real ~ AlWAYS!

In the same way I talked at other churches and performed in schools and libraries for so many years with no video or audio records, I get to sit with what the experience was. I think the biggest thing I “messed up” was showing my power point slides in the right places 🙂 and I was guided to print them into my paper copy of the talk and just got too tired and outa time to do it! It was a small thing while I mastered a big thing by delivering the talk, mediation and songs pretty darn close to the prescribed time. No small feat for me! Though of course, I was working with all things possible, divine flow Source. I could ‘improve’ my presentation by not talking about these ‘flubs’ during the talk yet that’s me, always my heart on my sleeve. And perhaps it makes me and the whole thing more real ~ there is that crazy thing called reality as a part of living the dream! I loved being able to use the prepared talk to keep me on (timing) track while I left plenty of what was written out and allowed Spirit to say some of those written words and plenty that weren’t actually on paper, as such. A fun flow of divinity, creativity, and functionality!

SO! The spiritual lesson here is to fully allow the goodness of what was and sift that through with trust! Trust your callings and dreams ~ always and in ALL ways!

So! How about sharing a bit of the talk here and now?! I began with a song and meditation to center into Source, to allow “Peace breathing me”.

From this centered place, we began the unification conversation. There were many points from the talk I could make here yet since I have blogged on about the experience of doing it, let’s be with the first part of it and I will return with more over the next few weeks. Among other things, the talk was an overview of the 5 Unity principles, each of which is a talk all their own! As I approach the anniversary of New Thought Families as a .com, this process is great for my discernment and commitments for this space going forward. Leaping Literacy Library spiritual family literacy resources continue on ~ no matter the name! After all, Unity principles are at their heart, universal principles!

Oh yes in the center of the Circle of Life is our ever present, omni present Great Creator! The 1st basic Unity principle is that there is One Presence, One Power, God the Good. We come from this Source, by any name, breathed into existence with this Love of Creation. Could it be that our very lives are born out of our Creator’s dream? The one Presence had a dream of us! The mighty essence of creation had a dream to Love more, express more, BE more Love! To be yes Love expressed AS US! Perhaps at the very heart of what it means to live the dream is to acknowledge that WE ARE the dream! In this way, we can step away from the cynical meme when we say we are ‘Living the Dream’ because we are indeed, in the truest sense living our Creator’s dream of us as Love expressed, divinity expressed, creativity expressed. Which brings us naturally to Unity Principle # 2. Next week!
Namaste beautiful breath of Life expressed!

PS. Here’s some old recordings of the 2 songs I opened and closed the talk with!
~ Currently here in our Library ETV that is always streaming commercial free!

Posted in Acceptance, alchemy, Awareness, Beauty, Co-Creation Manifestation, Divinity, Remembrance, Sacred, Spiritual ABCs, spiritual family literacy, Yes

October Circle of Mystery Awareness and Guidance

Namaste Blessed Faces of the Divine!
I greet you merry mid-month, living and loving Mystery aligned shine! Since our beginning of the month, have you been experiencing your alignment of being full, free, and happy in the Divine ~ aka The Mystery?! Any new awareness’ as the commotion of the world always offers opportunities to tune our navigation? Remember, as co-creators, we always choose our point of attention and attraction! Here’s my playhouse altar this day & my feet altar in the backyard sand turtle which is always issuing transformation conversation invitations!

I am celebrating new Halloween segments and re-mixed Halloween ETV shows too, wooooo hoooo!

And I’m celebrating YOUUUUU! Thanks for being here! Thank you for being a conscious co-creator on your journey through the sacred! I am also celebrating my broken ankle anniversary from last weekend so what follows here is a brief travel log, some takeaways from this year’s healing journey, and some updates on the web offerings & ongoing content for your consideration. Ah, to be in the circle!

As the mountain aspens brilliantly glow, change is in the air beckoning us, as always, to be the alchemists of our co-creations. For my part, I am still sifting through a lot of birth and death, with a deep gratitude breath in all of it!

Last weekend, I celebrated the 1 year anniversary of breaking my ankle coming down the mountain. The miles between the break and the car were painful and set the stage for a long winter of being off my feet. The moments and hours before the fall were full of bliss and glee; enJOYing the 8,000 ft. elevation with friends, beauty, and high mountain vibrations. In a snap of a second, seemingly thrive turned to survive. It was a slow hobble down with some prayer, affirmation, song all employed as transformational tools tempering the physical & emotional pain. I have been back up there twice before this summer yet did not do any serious hiking. This anniversary trip was also not one to hike though it was filled with serendipitous experiences of comfort and celebration in deep appreciation of my healing.

I had a morning music program with the littles. I recently returned to doing early childhood music and movement programs ~ a piece of my work I had previously retired ~ set up shown below with owl friends in the playhouse being perched for the trip. I drove up the mountain after the morning program and parked myself for a bit by beloved Silver Lake. The sparkle was intoxicating, the wind chilly, and as beautiful as it was, I could not sit still. Not motivated to hike yet stirred to move.

I travelled further up the mountain and was struck by the aspen splendor. I was reminded of divine timing and guidance as I breathed in their beauty I had not consciously thought of earlier. My inner GPS was certainly in the know though so I followed along the divine flow raptured by their golden glow …

My intuitive flow took me to the Hot Springs where the sign said they were full. I went ahead and asked anyway and the beautiful young woman working ushered me in. We had a lovely Owl connection, she had an Owl tattoo, I ended up giving her an owl stuffy friend and a CD for her young daughter. Beyond the outer chatter, we had a divine appointment connection ~ you know, when you just feel aligned in a moment of time?! The mineral water soak was glorious! I later had a great mermaid swim, ah!

I was travelling with my peeps on the other side so of course I drove into Nevada and actually had a prime rib dinner, whoa, thanks dad! Unexpected flow yet it felt good, nurouishing, as I was thanking my body for healing this year; broken ankle and broken heart ~ our bodies are always delivering messages from our heart. I centered then and now on the deep appreciation I have for the way my body has healed, continuing to bring me a deeper connection with the information our physical is always transmitting vibrationally to our mind and spirit. I was able to walk my talk, even when I was crutching, in that I chose to predominately heal myself. I was blessed with a fine chiropractor who helped with alignment and monitored the break with x-rays. It took at least 5 months for the bone to come back together and I still am in a healing, feeling dance yet the come and go pain is very minimal. It did re-awaken lots more awareness of the chronic conditions I have had since breaking my neck, now more than 40 years ago! Whaaat?! So let’s begin there with some awareness’, aka lessons learned. Yes, many say this is an earth school giving us lessons. I say all we experience is for our soul expansion, however we term that! Here’s a short list of experiences, remembrances, awareness’ that perhaps can (re) awaken something in you!

1. What do we tolerate day in, day out, that is chronically painful or numbing?
Sometimes these situations can bring us ‘wake up calls’ yet more often it seems we ‘put up and shut up’ allowing for a life experience that is unnecessarily diminished or compromised. Of course our comfort zone can keep us ‘comfortably numb’ one way or another and only you, in alignment with your wise heart, knows what you are tolerating that is calling you to the dance of transcendence.

2. How good are you able to allow yourself to feel?
Unfortunately, that comfort zone set point often leaves us unconsciously only able to feel so good. When you are feeling deep happiness and contentment, does it feel like home? Are there any ‘waiting for the shoe to drop’ thoughts or ‘accidents’ to snap you out of it? If so, can you compassionately notice & choose happy anyway?!!

Some of the mountain still stands in charred testimony to raging fire destruction.

4. Are you at peace with death knowing there is only always a circle of life? Yes, of course we all will ‘die’ to this body temple and journey on at the appropriate time for our soul’s next chapter. Yet, there are so many other deaths in this circle of life! Relationships, circumstances, work and play places where we put our energies. As humanity evolves, chaos and death are part of the process. Can you partake in the process choosing to turn and return to peace, acceptance, unconditional Love, rather than struggle and suffering? It is always a choice. Really.

5. Do you take sacred steps on your journey with heart eyes wide open to the ever present omnipresent presence of the divine? All the time? Part time? Any time?
One of the gifts of being off my feet was the hyper awareness of my steps and the ability to deepen the experience of sacredness through slowness. We live in a fast paced society that values top speed. I have always wanted to be in the fast lane. Aging and injury can bring the gift of slowing down and I do indeed see more of the glow when I allow the flow of slow mo. Aho!

My Thunder Mountain last weekend in gorgeous glow!

In this month’s celebrations of the Mystery, our multimedia page is changing every week. Owl Awareness flew off today to make way for Bat Intuition. Both of these Feature Creature Teachers have many lessons for us in human navigations. You can find Owl on our Sacred Awareness page, Yes, woooo hoooo, I took today to publish the 1st of our looooong planned Spiritual ABC pages being revised and re-instated in our Leaping Literacy Library. Blessing that mess along with all the rest! And!
In keeping with today’s list, I could no longer tolerate the wait list on this, I am naming and claiming the good in the progress, unconditionally loving librarian me, allowing for the period of death and the new sacred steps. YES, blessed!

Thank you again for being here! I will return 10/29 with a Samhain celebration blog and vlog. May your Mystery awareness practice continue to bless. Namaste, Love!

Posted in Acceptance, Divinity, Freedom, mystery, Reverence, spiritual family literacy, Vibrations, Vision, Wisdom, Yes, Zeal

October Circle of Mystery

Namaste Mystery’s Love Expressed,
I welcome you and your wise heart of reflection, here on this 1st day of October or in whatever divine appointment moment of this connection. We now join in the circle of the changing season, the heightened awareness sitting between illumination and darkness, oneness, ancestors, birth, death & rebirth, the balance of all in the circle, and the discerning wisdom of the witch. Witch, of course, meaning wise one in touch with the wisdom of the earth and all creation in the circle. I center in my inner witchy wisdom in today’s vlog:

Yes, the season of the witch is upon us! And it is high time we honor the truth of the witch as wise woman. As I sang in the vlog, we do indeed welcome the wisdom! Here are the lyrics and Mp3 Song (download!) of the Welcome Wisdom song found on my Timeless Spirit A-Z CD. On the recording, I am singing and playing with extra cool guitar added by the CD’s young and talented producer Cameron Lawson. Also, on the site in music video honoring all the wise women past, present, and future.

While we all have powerful inner wisdom, we don’t always tap into it. In fact, all too often we forget it is there and/or we really only turn inward for guidance when we are feeling lost or in pain. More often, we seek our answers from anyone else besides ourselves and our higher guidance. From this naturally human place of conditioning, we may consider The Mystery as a puzzle to be solved or perhaps never understood. While there are aspects of the mystery beyond our comprehension, we have an ongoing invitation into being with this divine flow of inspiration and supportive co-creation.

If you have been a visitor to this New Thought Families’ website anytime since its’ inception in 2007, you most likely encountered the anonymous audio, eventually turned video, of The Mystery. It is an endearing, simple, and profound invitation to BE the Mystery and to live full, free, and happy! After all these years, it still speaks to my heart and I hope it does to yours as well:

rom this place of being the mystery, all the imperfections melt into unconditional Love. My ever lovin’ looooooooong list as usual got partly done for this 1st of the month and on a later timeline than what I had planned. I had some intense tangos with the dance of resistence this week as well as the OMG overwhelm yet I made new inroads in my Library work and my inner playground of who I be. Definitely messy and I choose to embrace the chaos of creativity with the compassion of divinity. I choose to see, know, and affirm my progress even if it is less than what I had hoped to be sharing in this meoment. No need for the blah blah deets because I am living my divinely expressed Mystery ~ choosing to experience this life as full, free, and happy! I will share the part of the calendarization that is done that shows the themes of our explorations this month.

There is rotating content spotlighted on our multimedia page currently featuring the Om HomETV show The Mystery and the full segment with Feature Creature Teacher Cat. We are revisiting the brief daily invitations to play and pray with the Mystery in everyday ways on our October calendar!

For you, the wise one reading this, here’s an extra invitation for you:
Watch the flow of the Mystery in and through you and all you do.
What makes you feel free, full, and happy?
How can you realign with this consciousness when you or anyone else would act in ways that would have you forget the Mystery? Finally, can you simply just BE in the Mystery allowing for all that is there in any given moment?! Blessed BE!
Namaste, Love!

Posted in Acceptance, Awareness, Blessings, Co-Creation Manifestation, Creativity, devotion, Dreams, Transformation, WOW

Harvest August Promise!

Namaste Blessed Wonders of Wowness! I greet you with awareness of our sacredness this Lammas Day, 1st of August Promise!

Lammas is the midpoint holiday between Summer Solstice (last time i was here at the blog!) and the upcoming Fall Equinox coming in September (9/22/23). While mainstream consciousness looks at the Solstices and Equinoxes because of the sun’s and astronomical placements, the midpoint holidays were and still are celebrated by some in pagan traditions. Lammas and Lughnasa are the first of the Harvest Festival celebrations followed by Mabon and Samhain.

Image: Wheel_of_the_Year.gif but redrawn, Public Domain Found Here

Interfaith traditions and reflections can help all of us find navigation and inspiration. August begins with this harvest focus under a full super moon. It is invitation to give seasonal gratitude for the abundance of sun, food, life itself! The celebration can also be invitation to wrap up things in progress, tie up loose ends, take care of unfinished business.

I am allowing for all of the above; celebrating so much gratitude and abundance while simultaneously being with my harvest mess. At the worst, I can focus on mess as lack of coherence and at best, mess is just creative chaos here to bless. In the Lammas, August Promise Spirit, I offer you a few July vlogs that went unposted. Here’s a quick overview video of the 2 that are offered in full on the site; one a short shout out from Silver Lake and the other an embrace of self and infinite potentiality!

So! There is actually quite a bit more that went into the quiet corner in July like this tearful vlog about Feathers Camp that will be posting here 1st sacred Sunday in August, 8/6:

1st Sacred Sunday in August? Yes, I am vowing to post a sacred something each Sunday in August here in this space ~ even if it’s a vlog from last month. July vlogs in August? Why not? In the circle of time, I am choosing to re-align with my Harvest! Part of my mess happens when I fail to say yes, resistance acts as an anchor to slow or stop progress. So there are many areas of life and production harvest that I am choosing to say yes to! Again!

Are there places in your life where you resist actions you are called to do including recognizing and appreciating your harvests of abundance? It really is never too late!
We do well to regularly take stock of all we have, do, are. We CAN keep showing up for whatever is calling … especially if it is the same or a similar call. If the call is indeed coming from our heart and soul, by saying yes, we are always blessed!

So yes, there are many aspects I am saying a blessed yes to and I have them mapped out for our Sacred Sunday Somethings. In part, the structure is my way of saying yes ~ to me ~ and to you if you so choose!

I am also finishing our Sea Splash ETV Series this August that I ‘ran out of time’ and energy for last summer! I am choosing to return for Whale, Narwhal, Mermaid, Seahorse and more! Yippee Skippee Harvest of Creativity!

Our ETV Feature Creature Teachers this week are Crab and Octopus. I am definitely an Octopus! From multitasking to ghosting or hiding out, I relate to the wonderous Octo in so many ways! As I bless the mess of my harvest and invest in the August Promises including Sacred Something Sundays, I am inspired by the 3 hearts and 9 brains of Octopus as well as the way Crab moves sideways, so fast!

Explore Octopus and Crab @ ETV! Whoever and however you are called to play and explore facets of you, your life, your harvest blessings, may you say yes to all that calls you to be yes expressed! Love and Appreciation! Hugs and Celebration!

Posted in Acceptance, Awareness, Beauty, Compassion, Creativity, Intuition, Transformation, Truth, Vision, Wisdom

Transformation Conversation

Namaste Change Agents of Inspiration! Thank you for tuning into this transformation conversation. I welcome you along with mama moth and her eggs on a garage window slated for cleaning ~ now postponed for gestation.
This week brought an interesting encounter with the ‘real world’ outside of the bubble I live in most of the time. I was called for jury duty. I arrived 8 minutes later than call time finding a room full of waiting faces so solemn I almost laughed at loud. More than an hour later we were called into the courtroom where the general questioning began. The case entailed the freedom of an adult who wanted to be in charge of their life vs. the county who said they needed conservatorship of this individual. The preliminary questions for jury selection covered experiences and opinions of topics like mental illness, medications, doctor authority. I was struck by several things; the first of which was my own trigger and potentially cloudy lens from my parent’s dementia, especially my mom and the arsenal of drugs the doctors had her on. Life can definitely shine a light on dark shadows that still need healing! I truthfully said I would do my best to hear both sides yet I did favor personal sovereignty and the patient themselves over the professional doctor, who spends moments with a patient and all too often runs on a pharmaceutical paradigm I don’t subscribe to. There was 1 other woman, more outspoken than I about how her mother was being mistreated currently with medications and the health sick system yet everyone else who was a perspective member of the jury of ‘peers’ were on board with dr. knows best, 100%. 
Where things got really eye and heart opening were the questions, “Can you make this decision solely in your mind without emotional input?” “Can you make a decision without compassion for the individual in question?” I was not asked so did not say aloud that we have an internal GPS that helps guide our way with emotions and that compassion is an important tool in seeing and helping each other. I did not say that humanity is being asked to evolve at this time into embodying our oneness awareness and heart intelligence with compassion and intuitive feelings being such important tools in this transformation! It was just so clear the box of brain knows best was the only acceptable answer and thereby the only acceptable peers for that jury were those living in that box. Though it took me a day or 2 of assimilation, I was able to get over the depression these realizations induced and perhaps most importantly, revisit the ‘lack of belonging’ feelings that can be triggered by my life journey of choosing to live outside the ‘normal’ box. This process brought me to revisiting Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and ultimately turn IT upside down!

Maslow’s Theory of Motivation through a hierarchy of needs was presented in a paper in 1943. He asserted that when the basic levels of breath, food, water, elimination, etc. were met, then came the need for shelter and safety followed by the need to belong in family, community, etc. From there came the sense of self and self esteem leading to the self actualized individual who accepted themselves and others without critical judgement. Beyond acceptance, it is also the desire to reach our full potential, and cannot be reached without the fulfillment of the other needs according to Maslow. In 1969, Maslow expanded the needs adding cognitive and beauty stimulation above self esteem and transcendence above self actualization. This is to transcend ego and self into holistic, oneness spiritual awareness.

Because we are spirit beings inhabiting these physical bodies, I thought we should flip the hierarchy! When we are rooted in knowing ourselves as spirit, as connected, as one, we are living the truth of who we truly be, self actualized expressions of Love! The more we are accessing this mastery, the more we are aligned with our soul’s purpose in being here. From this place, we are secure in who we are and have a sense of connection and belonging wherever we are. When we are living with this resonance and vibration, of course all of our physiological needs are met. Any and all things we need for survival, safety, and growth easily flow. We are in harmony with ourselves and our world.

What struck me later, when actually making the above visuals, is that the placement of belonging does not change! Belonging is also Love; a necessary element to live, thrive, give, receive, grow, know, and be!

I speak to the above from my front porch in the vlog here which is a transformation conversation revisiting the reconstruction zones of home and my (oh so close) neighbor’s home. The vlog speaks to the gifts of awareness, construction, small acts of change, serenity prayer, and the ever present cycle of transformation always unfolding in and through us ~ with or without our consciousness!

Join me @ New Thought Families for the vlog, and more blog transformation conversation with some home renovation. You can also add your voice here ~ what is changing for you? What small or big transformation inspirations are you experiencing ? Join the conversation and celebration of the ever present, omnipresent presence of transformation! Namaste Love!

Posted in Acceptance, Awareness, Co-Creation Manifestation, Divinity, expression, Family, Forgiveness, Love, Oneness, Presence

In The Heart Of Love

Who Do You Love? What Do You Love? Where Do You Love? When Do You Love? Why Do You Love?

Namaste Beautiful Hearts Of Love! Happy Valentine’s Day!

While this day has long been seen as a romantic celebration for couples, the patron Saint Valentine also brings protection to epileptics and beekeepers! Most folks probably don’t think much about the Saint, more about the cards, chocolates, flowers, balloons, aka STUFF that we get to say, “I love you.” However we celebrate this day, it is, in fact, an opportunity to focus on LOVE!

As conscious co-creators of our lives, being in the heart of Love any day and every day is the best way to stay awake and aware. We are sometimes aligned with the heart of Love and sometimes we can be aligned with our wounded heart looking for Love. Our song, Always Love, sings this concept, “An act of Love or a cry for Love, Love always.”

If we look at life through the heart of Love, we can clearly see that we are always living this … we are acting with Love or we are acting out with a cry for Love. When we choose to look at life and Love this way, compassion, forgiveness, kindness, tenderness, oneness all become more plausible and practical as everyday concepts we can choose to embody every day. There are many ways to keep our hearts open and free to flow Love yet like all else it is a spiritual practice that requires showing up!

Snuggle into the prayer chair to see and free your heart!

It’s true that often forgiving anyone or anything or even any 1 given situation is a process that must be repeated with dedication to keeping your heart open & free … The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
~ Mohandas K. Gandhi

We win by tenderness. We conquer by forgiveness.
~ Frederick William Robertson

The Heart of Love is tender and soft, forgiving, allowing. It is there we can be fully aware of who we Love, how we Love, what we Love, when and where we Love. In this place of awareness, we can experience more of our oneness with all that is created in the great Love of our Creator. We can flow this great Love, in and through us as co-creators!

We all are Love in action choosing what we bring our hands and hearts to!

Before I leave you to the questions of who, what, when, where, why to explore in your own heart of Love, I will say for my part, all that I have done and loved here for New Thought Families as well as in other areas of work and family continue to be an exploration of transformation. We have new web resources being slowly implemented to serve the families who are called to be with us and our resources. In my own family, we midwifed my mama out of this world a few weeks ago and continue the process with my dad and stepdad. My Jeremiah is here today and before he returns to school tomorrow, we celebrate his 21st birthday. Family, in all the generations, is indeed at the heart of Love ~ including the wounded heart crying for Love ~ it is all there for our transformative gifts of embodying more Love, mind, heart, soul!

I leave you now divine Valentine to be in your own heart of Love to answer any call or cry that is there. May you know yourself as the heart of Love you truly be, able to align with your divine shine! Thank you for the Love of you lighting up this world. Namaste, Love!

Posted in Acceptance, Awareness, Co-Creation Manifestation

Awareness Blessed Circle

Namaste Shining Lights Of Love!

Greetings in the fleeting hours of this year and this decade. I have so thought of being in this sacred space over the last phase of this year. Through Thanksgiving, Advent, Solstice, Christmas, Winter Feathers By The Sea, I wrote many blog posts ~ in my mind~! And in this moment, I sit in a New Year’s concert that Jeremiah is MCing at our annual music gathering,  Camp Harmony with the San Francisco Folk Music Club. I sang Standing Rock, We’re Gonna March and For Humanity from the 2019 CD, We Are Called, Jeremiah sang with me from the CD this Camp and the house concerts earlier this year as I gave rise to some songs of the decade that had been in my unfinished pile. Singing in the circle lifts me heart and soul. And that brings me back here every year. This is Jeremiah’s 20th Camp Harmony counting the year in utero. There is always something to be said for traditions. When we honor the past and traditions, we honor the circle of life. When people gather in music and song, we uplift the world.

This new decade and year of 2020 invites us into the circle of clear vision with hindsight and honoring, foresight and visioning. With fresh perspective and hope we look to the future in this circle of time. Let us embrace opportunity with hopeful renewal as we turn the calendar page. Let’s send a prayer of peace out across the planet … wherever there is suffering for people and all of our relations on this sacred earth home As we look around the circle, let us Love all those who need it most. Let us send Love backwards and forwards to all the places of pain as well as all the places of joy and celebration. In the circle, there is room for it all.

The power of the year turning is highlighted by the end of the decade. Across all, there is a time of shining on the shadows as we sift through what has been and what we long to co-create on our beautiful planet home. For my part, this last season brought a huge culmination of my lifetime pattern of not (being) enough and being too much! Our first semester of student authors ended as family Christmas unfolded into our mini Winter Feathers By The Sea straight into this annual music camp. Besides the carload of musical instruments, mermaid tails and sea creatures, I (attempted!) did food for our sea feathers group of 23, whew! At some point, I completely surrendered into the overfullness of all of it and have come full circle into better, richer, fuller harmony with myself. I am at peace with my enoughness in all its many facets. I truly feel feather free!

The Leaping Literacy Library work is also in a circle as we begin again this January with A. There are actually many new and old hindsight and foresight aspects of the Library unfolding. My vow on this very night a year ago to be a better Leaping Literacy Librarian and that vow is slowly coming true. I can only keep centered in the circle of what is MOST mine to do!

There is, of course, SO much to say yet it is all about being awake and aware of all we share and continuing to live the prayer of humanity to co-create a more compassionate, clean, loving reality reflective of our innate divinity. I wish you all the deepest connections with your highest callings as we embrace this new era of freedom to be our highest best Love expressed. Happy New Year! Happy New Decade. Namaste, Love!


Posted in Acceptance, Awareness, Blessings, devotion, Divinity, expansion, expression, Thanks Living, Yes

Expansive Gratitude

Namaste Expressive, Expansive Spirit Givers!

I greet you with the belated posts planned for last Thursday’s Thanks Living Thanksgiving, and then yesterday’s Giving Tuesday … ah, deep sigh of shifting commitments and continued life overwhelm. Thursday was a good family day and yesterday spent unexpectedly at the hospital with my dad. My dedication to being here each Tuesday until yearend morphed into Wednesdays and then last week, not at all. Such evidence of my struggle for balance. I continue to give and over-give in the endless cycle of never being enough. Our Black Friday society continuously blares the message (buy) more, more, MORE! All the deets of our lives aside, Spirit always beckons us to go within. Spotlight on self examination.

Look Within!

And so it goes, that wherever we are, there we are. After 8 and a half years, I am in a new home finding some forgotten fragments of self, I am not that fond of. Much of this is directly related to Jeremiah being away and my new life beginning as his does. He was in our new home for 2 nites before I drove him back and stayed over to see and hear him play the Rose Bowl. He is in the UCLA ‘solid gold sound’ of the band and happy. My YES for him has me reshaping my own views of my new co-creations here and on the horizon. And re-learning my tools of Thanks Living and choosing happiness.

This world teaches us that our existence is defined by the outer circumstances of our lives. Spirit allows us to know a different truth … one that is based on seeing, feeling, knowing, being the divine thread woven into every aspect of who we be and what all of Creation is. We certainly look to others for meaning and inspiration, even explanation. Yet in the end, all answers are within.

Recipe For Life!

I have been reminded of one of the elder teachers I have known and wrote a song about on our Trust What You Hear CD. The chorus of the song, Still Walking, says:
Love the Creator & the Whole Creation,
Give of yourself wherever you’re set down
Put your heart & hands into loving service
and always know you’re walking holy ground

When we align with Love and service, the reverence of walking holy ground often follows and guides our way. Yet! As so many of us over-givers know, Love and service can be depleting and lead into overwhelm, burnout, ill health of body, mind, Spirit. Again, self examination and correction of our energies is the crucial factor in keeping ourselves balanced, healthy, holy.

Care Giving!

Giving Tuesday is indeed a nice balance point for Black Friday & Cyber Monday as we pay attention to where we flow our money ~ for who & what … when and where. Perhaps the biggest invitation is to the examination of how we care ~ for who & what … when and where. As I was re-committing to a long list of work projects yesterday, my dad called to say he had just gotten up from a long night (and morning) on the floor. He sounded alert and ‘with it’ saying he had gotten himself into bed so I grabbed a shower before heading over. In shifting all priorities, the shower seemed reasonable and he was sleeping like a baby when I got there. The disarray of the house and his body took us to the hospital where tests showed his CHF was out of control. They are keeping him for a few days to ‘dry out’. As the hours rolled by at the hospital, I marveled at the nurses and doctors who so lovingly give their hearts and hands to service. And I fused waves of inspiration & motivation, with frustration and dedication returning ~ over and again ~ to the holy ground I am walking.

Choosing Expansion!

My new home is all about expansion for myself and for Creative Spirit Families ~ both the Online Library and the local community. This big place is definitely feeling full of promise and potentiality and in turn, sometimes overwhelming and lonely. I have been feeling another elder so strongly ~ Faith Petric! Like her Victorian in SF, this will be a music house full of singing.

The mixed intuition I had all along was pointing to more old dirt than I wished to care for ~ yes, my own but mostly having to clean as I go … some of it grimy yuck I cannot and will not live with. And! I was getting increasingly a bit phobic about dirt so this place is allowing some lower standards 🙂 I am choosing to expand in all kinds of ways, some of which is not inherent in the square footage! I will be bringing videos to life in the near future and the house will be open for Solstice!

Thanks Living = Holy (Wholly!) Living!

The darkness ~ like all of life ~ is an ever present, omnipresent invitation to the Light. The Light invites us to be bright! Shining through the shadows is what grows our souls. And so it goes that with deep self examination and divination, we can align with the shine of our divine design. For me, that brings me back, time after time, to the Leaping Literacy Library! Creative Spirit Families mission is to support traditional, creative, and spiritual family literacy. The dreams I have for expansion have not gone away yet rather patiently wait for my scattered attention. I am choosing to focus and allow grace to guide and assist me in this labor of Love ~ especially through all the labor pains!

For us to live holy ~ and wholly ~ we must remain mindful, grateful, willing … and thereby able to be response able (responsible!) to live our highest callings! Just say YES!!

And so dear ones, when and if you are reading these words, I wish you ease and grace in knowing yourself, giving yourself care and knowing the holiness in all of it. We are infinitely blessed by this gift of life. We give our best, when we gratefully express our YES, whatever that is for you in any given moment. And so we grow in the light! Blessed be! Namaste, Love.

Posted in Acceptance, Awareness, Wisdom, WOW

Wisely Wondering

Namaste Wise Ones Walking This World With Wonder!

I greet you in the name of wonder and the expansive opportunities it lends us ~ the power of WOW! As I am in the intensity of packing and moving, I expand out into our nation and the midterm elections that happened this transformational Tuesday. I further open the wise eyes of my heart to know that this wonderful Wednesday is Diwali for Hindus worldwide. Light filled Diwali! A celebration of light over dark, good over evil. Yes, there is much to wonder about this WOW day on planet earth.

As humans, we often walk this world full of judgments. Sometimes smugly, knowing that we are wise in our truth. Sometimes, we walk our path with downright righteous indignation. And so it goes with the continued, charged political climate we are living ~ not just here in America but worldwide. It is a sign of where we are as humanity ~ the natural ascension we are growing into as humanity, has a huge backlash of resistance and insistence on lies like white supremacy. We must continue to align with the shine of our divine design ~ meeting these challenges with compassion, justice … and wonderment. When we do, we can WOW ourselves and each other with the power of Love.

Yesterday, I witnessed something that disgusted me and wounded my heart yet in later reflection, I see it as an invitation to curiosity and compassion. My rural county is more red than blue. Still, I was somewhat shocked to see a small group that included kids holding Trump signs and selling maga t-shirts yesterday at an intersection. We are indeed at an intersection in our history. What hurts my heart is that kids are experiencing Trump as a positive through their parents. In my music classes at the school last week, I had a 1st grader dressed as Trump and I had to wrestle with mixed feelings for sure. I find it appalling that any parent would want that kind of example for their child. The bald face lies, bullying, and mean spirited divisiveness he spouts that incites crowds to cheer can send me to righteous indignation straight away to be sure. It is the timeless dance of Love and fear. So! Deep breath. Transformational tool of curious wondering instead of judgmental knowing leads me to a greater, compassionate wisdom. More peace. Yes, peace begins with me … and you … and him … and her … and us … and ‘them’. Let us work together for yes blessed oneness!The election results were full of disappointments for me and for many … Yet! Many triumphs as well … for both ‘sides’ … ultimately and hopefully our divided nation will not fall but continue to grow … stronger, better, more compassionate and aligned with the shine of our divine design as we learn to let Love lead us into working together for the highest good of all.

On the home front, I have used the tools of wonder and WOW as I pack up my life including all the stuff that is mine, Jeremiah’s, and Creative Spirit Families’. I am trusting ~ myself first and foremost ~ and definitely my reliance on Spirit and faith in divine order. Though there are many contributing factors, the house being built next to me here helped push me out of the nest fairly simultaneously to my little birdie flying free. There are many aspects of this new build I could complain about yet I have been practicing wowness for the wonder of what it is to take stacks of wood and make them into a house. People, we are co-creators, more powerful than we dare to know, and we can co-create Ahmazing creations of all kinds! Let us trust Spirit and ourselves to keep creating light over dark, good over evil, Love over fear.

Fear builds walls, Love opens doors!

And so let us keep opening the doors in our own minds and hearts with wonder and wowness for what is to be alive, to see injustice and work for change, to recognize walls of fear in ourselves and others and to choose to take the walls down brick by brick. And as we all build, clean, maintain our own house of Love, mind/body/Spirit, home/community/country/world, may we marvel at what it is to live this gift of life and let this sense of wowness buoy us up to do what is ours to do where, when, how it is ours to do it.

For my part, there is still plenty in the making for Creative Spirit Families and Leaping Literacy ~ in our new, forthcoming abode and beeeeeeeeeeeeeyoooooooond! Our Leaping Literacy Library Free Shelf is stocked with exuberant, wise wowness for November so sign up or in with your free Leaping Literacy Library Card to celebrate spirituality and literacy with us including 3 short Spirit songs from the new CD!
Wishing you and all of us transformational moments of expansive wonder and exuberant WOW! Namaste, Love!