Posted in Awareness, Beauty, Children's Books, Co-Creation Manifestation, Compassion, Creativity, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Light, Love, Prayer, Spiritual Parenting, Vibrations, Wisdom, Zeal

Zealous Yes: Love Expressed

Namaste Zealous Breath Of Love & Life Expressed!

Thank you for being here this mindful moment; for saying yes to this breath, yes to this connection. In the midst of what seems a continuous swirl of suffering, injustice and instances of humanity at it’s most horriblest, let us persist in the ways we must resist and insist on experiencing glimpses of bliss despite our hurting hearts. Yes this last week has brought an array of madness moments building the momentum of the insanity of humanity with POTUS Trump actually throwing rolls of paper towels into the hands of devastated Americans in Puerto Rico and the Vegas shooter waging war on innocent civilians spraying a reign of terrifying bullets from on high. As we look on and then look away, we struggle inside and out with what to think, do, say. While some claim prayers are not enough, reaching for our holy Creator and the divinity, compassion, forgiveness inside us, is still some of the best of who we are divinely designed to be. Saying YES to reaching high is indeed, how we rise! And it can be SO challenging sometimes … I myself felt anger this week which is pretty rare for me. In our messy humanness, we feel and we deal. And we surrender, pray and reach high … and higher …

So what do we tell our children?

How can we best help our youngest navigate what we ourselves struggle with??!! The words of beloved Mr. Rogers ~ and his mother! ~ can help us all. Yes, we look for the helpers. Those are the ones that are embodying the highest in humanity. The ones called to rescue, resuscitate, renew … We tell our children to look for the helpers. We answer their questions and no more. We spare their innocence from more detail than they need; we shelter them from too many media images and messages. And we pray with our children ~ reaching on high to lift ourselves and others. We release the yuckies in healthy ways like sounding on our Leaping Literacy Free Shelf with SoulPlay Michelle Peticolas this month. We look for the good and focus there. We live the good we are blessed with, the best we can each day.

Reach High!

It is so ‘normal’ to feel sadness, anger, pain when our brothers and sisters are hurting. In today’s media age, we know so much (too much?!) in real time though of course there is always more we barely hear of (recent near genocide of Rowhingya Muslims). Most if not all of us are feeling degrees of overwhelm and it may seem somehow ‘wrong’ for us to feel good, feel joyful, much less passionate and zealous?! Let’s look deeper, shall we? If those of us who in this moment are safe, loved, surrounded by beauty & comfort are vibrating with sadness, anger or even rage and despair, who will lift humanity?! Think of it in Harry Potter terms; the Death Eaters could swallow one up, heart and soul yet be staved off with good, happy thoughts. We are not so different, friends. Though the level of chaos and darkness is seemingly growing, we must hold heart space of the highest order during these birthing pains of a more evolved, compassionate humankind. We are helpers. We are good. We are divinely designed to be a zealous YES of Love expressed!

No matter the personal or global deets of your days, say YES to your heart ~ listen and tap into … what makes your heart smile? What lights you up? What gives you a sizzling energy of YES ~?! THAT is ZEAL! Zeal is the energy of yes and pure potentiality!


For my part, I stay plenty busy being mighty mom and caretaking elders, especially my dad. These are jobs that can be exhausting and not always fulfilling. My most zealous yes is in creating ~

Above and below are ‘Peacock Cards’ I made for a spiritual literacy class this week ~ we circled up with peacock wisdom, made fruit peacock snacks and art and let this Creature Teacher speak to us of dreams. As you may or may not know, the regal beauty of the peacock embodies a wild voice ~ it kinda cries, squawks, laughs all at once! Like this pretty bird, we are all of it!
Circled up with the Peacock enlightenment!It can be so easy to ignore our hearts and live without zeal ~ seemingly saying no to our deepest desires simply by being too busy with the daily demands or by being engulfed in negativity by the gravity of current affairs. Again, I say, rise up against the ‘Death Eaters’ of insanity and gratefully embrace the goodness all around you and the goodness that is you. Reach into your Transformational Toolbox to let go of all the yuckies, surrender to your higher power and then start giving thanks for all you have and all you are. Reach high and feel the zeal ~ for your highest good and the highest good of all! Right action for what is yours to do will naturally follow your zealous YES!

Our October Leaping Literacy Library Free Shelf has a mix of home Zeal, Halloween, and a special SoulPlay PlayShop with Secrets of Life & Death’s Michelle Peticolas helping us release yuckies with sound. Great for all ages, release with us!My work/play of spiritual literacy has me developing new content for the Leaping Literacy Library as I play it out in the new Creative Spirit Families studio and at Spiritual Life Center on Sundays. Last Sunday, Squirrel was our Feature Creature Teacher. Squirrel works very hard, especially this time of year, gathering for the winter yet always seems to be at play. Rather than worrying about the approaching cold and scarcity, squirrel playfully gathers and stores with a seeming grateful joy.Life is good and the goodness of life is best felt when we stay grateful ~ and when we add some play into our work! When we look at life and death in the circle of time, we can see our lives for what we want them to be … productivity and potentiality played out passionately! Part of my calling keeps returning me to my long list of alliteration titles that are being completed in zig zag formation ~ given that last post, there were 2 new T titles and this time, the newest are from the outstanding letter O!

So! I will keep the words, Library, and live circles at play! And for my hurting brothers and sisters I will pray. With a bit of both play & pray in every breath, may we all, in our own ways, be a zealous YES of Love expressed! Namaste, Love!

Posted in Affirmations, Awareness, Children's Books, Co-Creation Manifestation, Creativity, Family, Service, Spiritual Parenting, Zeal

Synergies & Energies


Namaste Blessed Yes! In the fleeting moments of this transformational September, the smell of first rain is trickling in and all around me as light sprinkles fall on our drought soaked land … I am smiling a blessed, zealous YES! And! I am making the transition from September’s Trust The Truth To Transform Daily Play & Pray Calendar to October’s Zealous Yes Of Love Expressed.  Join us  any day and every day to remember, to celebrate, to co-create! I fairly sizzle with zeal and enthusiasm, and do the things that ought to be done by me.”~ Charles Fillmore, founder of Unity at age 94LeapYes
Ever notice how different folks react differently? Ignited or indifferent? It IS always a choice! As I continue the caretaking and spiritual parenting of my 90 year old father, this truth has become poignantly pronounced. Yet, all I can really change is my own energies in this or any other situation. As my father is dying, there is a myriad of responses around us; denial remaining a prevalent one. For some reason, our society in general prefers quantity over quality. As he constantly talks of death, I am one of the few who engages with him in that conversation, that prayer, that silence, that mystery. Others are constantly affirming he has plenty of good years left even though his days are increasingly full of bad moments. As a life long empath, I have to continually separate my energies from his … I sometimes feel so exhausted ~ like I am dying ~ then I turn to my transformational tools to free my energy and align with the ever present omnipresent synergy of what it is to die/give space for rebirth. And ya, sometimes I simply NAP! For any other caregivers out there, you know the exhaustion and I invite us all to keep nurturing ourselves with the same Love we give others. For all those who may read this who know caregivers ~ especially those (siblings) who provide this service in your own family, stop this moment to send Love (in any form) to those in service. As we all choose who and where we serve, we can honor ourselves and all those who do it … especially those who may do it differently than us.
How we are called to the music of our souls is always different!

So! My other choices of how to align with the shine of my divine design include spiritually parenting my teenager, Jeremiah. He is working on getting his driving permit in time to do some of the driving to Salt Lake City this month of October when we go the Parliament Of World Religions. Do say a prayer for us! And I know our helping angels will have the pretty Prius surrounded! I greatly enjoyed making music with my man cub this last Saturday at the El Cerrito Folk Festival. And am so excited & delighted to be presenting a performance PlayShop at the Parliament with my compassion in action, oh so talented teenage musician & co-presenter! Our Creative Spirit Families ministry both online and in live events is still my favorite way to serve! Did you know that the meaning of the word ministry is to serve? So, when we answer the callings of our hearts and souls, we are not only serving our purpose, but also the others we touch, the earth at large and THE creator that breathed our life, passions and gifts into these bodies in the first place! Yessing that blessing of full circle co-creation and manifestation!CreationInHand
Yes! I am loving the Leaping Literacy Online Library that is in my hands as the consolidation nears completion and we ready for the begin again re-opening to paid Marvelous Memberships on 10/10. This week’s Free Shelf is singing and we update the Free Shelf every Fab Friday so do join us with your free Leaping Literacy Library Card! SoulPlay, Spiritual Literacy, New Thought Families, Laurie StorEBooks, ChildSing Music … so much goodness is zealously YES blessed! Freebies
May the energies and synergies of your heart & soul callings be in full bloom this moment of our connection. Whatever your circumstances, may beauty find you and bring a smile to your heart and a zealous yes to your breath. Namaste, Love!ValleyBloom

Posted in Children's Books, Co-Creation Manifestation, Zeal

Zealous YES As Love Expressed!

Zealous Yes as Love Expressed!
Zealous Yes as Love Expressed!

Namaste Wondrous, Zealous Ones! Thank you for your yes to Love expressed mindfulness & zealousness! I am so grateful to just be with you here & now, to just stop and breathe … breathe in this holy wonder of life with you … mmm … YES!IMG_3750

This Transformational Tuesday has me catching up to the weekly blog from a swirl of family activities & demands that included performances with Jeremiah, an out of state visit from his dad who left today, multiple appointments with & for the elders mixed with my own sporadic spurts of work … sometimes I feel like I say yes to so much & so many, that it drains every bit of the zealousness needed to carry it all out! In the current American spotlight are the baseball playoffs and the government shut down … places where the players pour on all the energetic zeal they have in them after 162 regular season games juxtaposed by a stymied congress who seemingly are channeling their zealous energies into a righteous, resounding NO rather than a compassionate, cooperative yes that would at least keep federal agencies open & the folks that run them employed. The thread that runs through all of it? Choice. The choice to show up and serve others or serve a cause. The choice to step up to the plate time and again, trying to hit a home run but often striking out. And regardless of how many strike outs, the willingness to step up again. And again. The thread of courage to do our jobs ~ even and especially the jobs that don’t pay. The thread of wisdom to heal old generational wounds that would block the flow of Love expressed as a zealous yes. Just as we are all born as Love expressed, so are we each & all woven with the thread of free will and there are always so many choices! How do we know when we should say yes?
ABC4200YABC4200EABC4200SOur lives & hearts are constantly giving us the answers to our yes or no questions! Our built in GPS (God Positioning System) is always ready to guide us through the messages of mind & heart, the feelings that naturally navigate us. Zeal is one of the most intense feelings we are gifted with as it is the energy that says yes to our callings, our heart’s desires, the energy that says yes to life! When we lose our way, Love guidance uses zeal to bring us back to center, to guide us home. When we are home in our hearts, we feel the zeal and it is easy & quite natural to say yes. Often, as adults, we need to do some heart work to return to this divine truth as a way of being. The simplest tool in our Spiritual Tool Box is to simply listen to our hearts … we can make a list of callings/action steps and then let our bodies, minds, Spirits give feedback in the silence. So often our zealous yesness is waiting in the silence to surface into our mindfulness & onto our ‘To Do’ list but our moments are too noisy, cluttered & consumed for these heart directions to surface.

Last week’s Mindful Meditation Invitation was to look at the blessing of passion & zealousness ~ did you see this flow for you in the blessed circle of Love?! For this week, keep looking … write down all your yesses, maybe cross a few off the list and maybe mail it to yourself in a Love letter!

At New Thought Families this month, our daily Play & Pray Calendar focuses on embracing our blessedness with Zealousness Expressed! We have daily messages that can help uncover the zeal you naturally feel. This sacred gift of zeal has been one we have chosen to focus on over the years so we have many fun archived videos & materials on our Creative Yes page including the multimedia magazine pdf with 3 videos embedded. The wonderful contributions of zeal from our Dream Team further illustrate creative yes choices & voices. Rev Kanta Bosniak speaks beautifully & deeply to the meaning of zeal with word & art featuring inspiring examples of people who have embodied zeal. Visit Kanta’s page & folks like Steve Jobs & Clive Davis! Kanta herself speaks such a zealous yes as we spoke of here on the summer post, The Abyss Of Service.
Rev Kanta Bosniak & her art are Love expressed ~<br />a zealous yesness in the world!

Some friends that swam along with my little painted seashell fish also featured in that summer post, made it into a revised Laurie StorEBook this week, replacing some tired felt fins of the old illustrations. And further illustrating the zealous yes that is the thread of Love expressed that will keep us showing up to our callings … family, work, life’s work, passionate play … all an evolution!

International Fish Swish ~ a zealously re-illustrated Laurie StorEBook!
International Fish Swish
~ a zealously re-illustrated Laurie StorEBook!

May you tap into deeper layers of your own zealous yesness this week and find many expressions of Love within you & all around you. Namaste, Love!