Posted in alchemy, Awareness, Balance, Co-Creation Manifestation, interfaith, Oneness, Presence

September Glimpse Of Sacred

Time & Service in the Circle

Namaste Sacred Awareness in the Circle! And a Sweet New Year to You!
Yes, the Jewish New Year begins this Friday beckoning a time to release and embrace a sweet new year.

Below are some Leaping Literacy Library teachings and songs from guest Joanie Calem a few years back. Under those I have a few videos from 2 years ago that are reminding me of the ever present, omnipresent presence of hope and positivity in the circle of life and time. In some ways, they seem spot on for today. Kinda the good news and bad news. I also have blogs quoted and linked from 9 and 10 years ago with some of my same life laments & attempts. Sigh. I embrace myself & my phyche in the circle!

If you are intrigued, do peruse these snapshot invitations into oneness awareness’, yet irrespective of visiting with me from the past, here are some mediation invitations to visit with YOU in the circle…

Are there patterns you have been aware of repeating for what may feel like too long? Can you love yourself deeply even and especially through any desire or need to transform them? Can you reside in divine order or at least a ‘good enough’ acceptance?

Can you see and appreciate the different facets of you that have changed despite the persistent pattern? Can you find a balance of oneness in all of it?

All of the above ponderings leave me with this look at oneness from the past. I am at one with this & with you in the circle. Thank you for joining me. Namaste, Love!

Here are 2 posts of the past:

Love Expressed: Balance In Oneness Posted on September 10, 2013

Called To Love Posted on September 10, 2012 

And the videos are onsite @ New Thought Families!


Passionate about co-creation; deepening awareness & embodiment of Love. Life's work focus on children & families playing with literacy & spiritual literacy. Author/Illustrator/BookTeller/MusicMaker/Webmaster/ContentCreator&Producer

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