Posted in Acceptance, alchemy, Appreciation, Awareness, Blessings, Co-Creation Manifestation, Divinity, Energy, Gratitude, Music, Prayer, Transcendence, Transformation, Trust, Truth, Unity, Vision, Yes

April Awareness Celebrations: Alchemizing, Strategizing, Prioritizing

Welcome April Blossoms of Beauty and Bravery!
As we near the end of April, May Transformations are beckoning! There are so many April celebrations that are near and dear to my heart, I had to speak to them before month’s end! Even though the bigger, better spotlights I woulda, coulda, shoulda given the following didn’t happen, we can still take a mindful moment of honoring and recognition. Let me first recognize you with gratitude for being here and honoring us with your time, heart, and mind. Thank you for being here!

April! The month that is often a menopausal one for our Mother with her warm flashes and surprise storms. April is the time of recognition of our mother with Earth Day/Month. Of course, Earth Day every day of the year yet April 22 is a longstanding calendarization for our attention. We love you mama earth! We have this and other earth songs featured on our ETV Music Video page.

April is also the official month to celebrate Young Children and Libraries; 2 cornerstones of our work/play at Leaping Literacy Online Library!

Much as I thought I would leverage these celebrations this month with progress in the Library and new production work, my main focus was inward yet again. I came face to face with an ongoing health challenge that actually has its roots in another April occasion ~ today is the 42nd year anniversary of breaking my neck. The vlog below speaks to the journey. Some of the metaphysical nuggets are letting go of ‘old fixes’ and employing new opportunities, releasing resistance, allowing alchemy, transcendence, and evolution, trusting transformation. I still struggle with the volume of me expressing concisely! I did this April vlog twice and while the 2nd time conceivably is more organized and concise, it is just as long and in fact, a bit longer than the 1st! The 1st one was full of tears and led me to some places I needed to go to gain the clarity for the 2nd one 🙂 I spent time producing the 1st one and had vowed to put it out so in a game time decision, I am posting both onsite in the quiet vlog space. If you are going to invest the time, I highly recommend the 2nd one over the 1st. Yet, in the spirit of birth and death, i did post both, at least for now. So goes the journey of messy me trusting the divinity of alchemy!

There are MANY celebrations, every month and every DAY! In the April Vlog 2, I celebrate some of them noted TODAY from the fun website whereby they give all the history and significance of each day’s celebration/honoring. Apparently, anyone can start a Day with a little momentum! April 28th is noted for many things including Biological Clock Day, Clean Comendy Day, National Super Hero Day, Pet Parent Day, Stop Food Waste Day, Great Poetry Reading Day and more! I read from the great Unity poet James Dillet Freeman in Vlog 2 as a nod to another of today’s celebrations, ‘Pay It Forward Day’. Poets indeed pay it forward sometimes for generations with the power of their words!

There is an infinity of ways we can focus and show up any moment, day, month. There are so many celebrations, honorings, ponderings we can give our time, heart, and mind to. By following our heart and natural curiosity, we are aligniung with our soul purpose in being here, in this incarnation and lifetime. With our own unique gifts and skills, we are here to serve each other and our own soul’s purpose in choosing to be here now.

There is much to say about where Leaping Literacy Library is now and is going yet I will be ok, this anniversary day with just being messy me, showing up as me ~ the light of divinity mirroring the same in YOU! Free from needing to be anything more. My latest song is on the site Blog page, Be Free. As I root in the call of prayer (James Dillet Freeman) and the sense of what free is for me, I allow this moment’s April alchemy to be enough. Just right. As is. Divine perfection expertly evolving through transformation. That is a celebration! Thanks for being with me and your own divine alchemy. Namaste, Love!

Posted in Awareness, Beauty, Co-Creation Manifestation, Divinity, Energy, Gratitude, Light, Love, Presence, Transformation, Vibrations

Valentine Shine!

Namaste Divine Shine Valentines!
I greet you in Love this Valentine’s eve turned day ~ Happy Valentine’s Day! We have lots of Valentine & heart celebrations @ and here on our New Thought Families Mindful Multimedia page including the Divine Shine Valentine Om HomETV show. Our February Heart of Love video calendar is playing to remind us daily to be home in the heart of Love. My mind and heart are stayed on the freedom of big Love; the ‘Always Love’ referred to by Earnest Holmes that I put into song some time back and return to often, especially on Valentine’s Day. For while the holiday is indeed a celebration of couples and romantic love, it is a spotlight on Love itself, what it means and what it brings. And what we bring to it. I embrace it as a joyful holy day even though I am not coupled.
I did an active meditation on the word Valentine as Love in action:

It is fully explained in the Valentine vlog @ New Thought Families if you want to spend some heart shine time with me. You can also do your own heart exploration meditation with these words or whatever words, concepts, visions, come to you.

However you celebrate Love on this and every day, may you know yourself in the heart of it. Thank you for your divine shine, visionary Valentine! Namaste, Love!

Posted in Affirmations, alchemy, Awareness, Beauty, Blessings, Co-Creation Manifestation, Creativity, Divinity, Dreams, Love, Music, Oneness, Peace, Presence, Transformation, Trust, Truth, Unity

Being The Dream!

Namaste Divine Dreamers! I greet you this Thoughtful Thursday in a place of peaceful balance as I allow priorities to inform my actions and disallow the sense of overwhelm and not enoughness I know too well as informant. You could say I am employing Unity tools of affirmation and denial to bring me into harmony along with a whole host of other tools from my Transformational Toolbox!

So! I return where I left off here on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Monday, drawing from a talk I gave wherein we explored Unity principles, which again, I must say are universal principles! We looked at ourselves as divine dream of the One Presence (principle #1) and spent time being with ourselves as divinity:

In the infinity of divinity and beauty created on this planet; magnificent life forms as tall as mighty majestic mountains and as small as miniscule mushroom mitochondria supporting all of life, so are we created with this same magnificence. Look at your hand or any part of your beautiful body now and see the wondrous Love you are created of. Be with your body, any part of it or all of it and feel yourself as this Love you are created of here and now ~ experience your body with Love, appreciation and celebration! Let’s sing it!

I Am! The acknowledgment and affirmation that we are Spirit, The metaphysical meaning of I AM denotes our oneness with Source. Created in Love, we are this Love and goodness expressed as stated in Unity principle #2, I am good, we are good, made in the likeness of our Creator, each of us embodies divinity. Sometimes or perhaps often times, in the wake of distraction and forgetfulness, we don’t see our divinity and beauty. We may not even see it in the beauty that always surrounds us; in our loved ones, spouses, children, parents, pets; in our food sitting on dishes crafted for us and our nourishment, beauty smiling at us from the tree outside our window, or from clouds in the sky or the colors there that begin and end each day. Beauty and goodness is indeed all around us and inside us even if and when we forget to notice it. All too often, we take beauty, divinity, creativity for granted! We forget who we are and where we are; beautiful divine miracles able to co-create our reality, co-create our dreams and callings into reality on this multifaceted dreamscape of beauty and abundance where we live. Even those of us on a conscious path are only aware of so much. Generally we take (too) much for granted, we don’t think too much about the very essence of life that animates our bodies ~ the breath! Our breath keeps our bodies alive of course yet it is also one of our greatest transformational tools! We all know to take a deep breath to calm down and many of us have practiced different breathing patterns in yoga and other teachings. Let’s center now with our breath as we breathe in the goodness and beauty of who we truly be. With or without this song, breathe deep now into the essence of the beautiful dream you are created of.

an you see yourself in the mirror of your mind with only eyes of unconditional Love and appreciation? Deepen into that appreciation and awareness of the beauty of your body temple, your spirit home; keep breathing beauty down deep in your depths, breathe your truth, you are a blessed breath.While the busy distractions of the world may call us away, we can always take a mindful moment to breathe (our) beauty. No matter where we are and what’s going on, we can always take a beautiful breath, a deep breath of our beautiful depths.

Unity principle # 3 says that we co-create our reality with our thoughts. Thoughts held in mind produce after their kind. This includes all we feel and believe. This can be the place where our dreams give way to a different “reality”; the one that surrounds us rather than the one inside us. When we think about the life we dream of, do we know it as possible or do we make alterations based on what others or society may say is not easy at best and impossible at worst. We know that impossible is also ‘I’m possible’ with the Spirit I Am of our being if we so choose it. Still most folks I know including me have dreams that are subject to a long list of compromises. Many dreams become ‘rationalized away’, some dreams are completely forgotten. Can you recall a forgotten dream now?

From the song When Dreams Die Â©1994 Laurie Story V
Where do dreams go when they die?
Do they live in salty tears that dreamers cry?
Or do they float to a home where hope can make them fly?
When dreams die, where do they go? Does anybody know?
Since I wrote that so many years ago, I have come to know there are many, many places dreams can go including into the divine order of alchemy and sometimes better, bigger dreams. If we live long enough, there’s usually at least 1 pretty big, aha, ‘ glad I didn’t get that’job, person, house, whatever, that you once thought was so perfect! And there is also the aforementioned dreams that we never realize due to arguing for our limitations. Just as we can forget or divinity, we can diminish our powerful creativity to create our dreams and visions. We are created out of Love AS Love to express Love! Acting on our dreams is a way we express the Love we are made of. Consciously, unconsciously, with divine grace, we are indeed the cocreators of our lives including how and if we manifest our dreams. Unity principle #4 says that we use cocreation manifestation tools like affirmative prayer and meditation.

Through spiritual practices, we do stay anchored in source and centered in our truth of beauty and goodness. We can use affirmations and denials. I love using the word CHOOSE to help me align with these tools and keep the words, intentions and vibrations positive, especially when I am needing to transition from a negative or low place like feeling lonely or unsupported, “I choose to know that I am not alone. I choose to know I am surrounded by Spirit and that I am loved and supported. “ In these positive denials and appreciative affirmations, I usually shift my feeling and vibration quickly. Words are so powerful! Along with prayer, meditation, denial, and affirmation, there are so, so many transformational tools like the breath and visualization, all of which help raise our vibrations of Love and Peace and goodness. We know that raising our own vibration also raises the whole planet’s energy and can even help those who are suffering next door or around the world! The vibration conversation is, of course, an important one in our evolution! In the wake of this moment’s unification conversation, we take note of how embodying our divinity does indeed ripple out to the world. Which brings us to the 5th and final Unity principle:

With this, we return to the truth of our beautiful breath selves and living our dreams. We remember to be anchored in Source, to breathe our beauty, to dream, to use our transformational tools to align with the shine of our divine design, to be and live the truth of the dream we were birthed to be.

No matter where we are planted and who we are with, we can and will keep listening and trusting our own divinity and creativity, unified with Source and our divine essence. We choose to stay anchored in this omnipresent, ever present presence, breathing our beauty, living from this place, able to reset into our beautiful depths in any moment. We can, will, do, use our transformational tools to know our dreams and live them. Aligned with Source and highest good, we raise our vibrations and send this blessing out to raise the consciousness of humanity. Together, we dream and we rise, living the dream of the Love we are created of. And so it is!

I am sharing the dream in Leaping Literacy Library with a spotlight on Panda this week! The gentle giant is a beautiful breath of beauty gracing the planet for the last 8 million years! Once a carnivore, now Panda only eats bamboo and reminds us to sit peacefully and chew on our blessings! Namaste, Love!

Posted in Acceptance, Awareness, Blessings, Co-Creation Manifestation, Creativity, devotion, Dreams, Transformation, WOW

Harvest August Promise!

Namaste Blessed Wonders of Wowness! I greet you with awareness of our sacredness this Lammas Day, 1st of August Promise!

Lammas is the midpoint holiday between Summer Solstice (last time i was here at the blog!) and the upcoming Fall Equinox coming in September (9/22/23). While mainstream consciousness looks at the Solstices and Equinoxes because of the sun’s and astronomical placements, the midpoint holidays were and still are celebrated by some in pagan traditions. Lammas and Lughnasa are the first of the Harvest Festival celebrations followed by Mabon and Samhain.

Image: Wheel_of_the_Year.gif but redrawn, Public Domain Found Here

Interfaith traditions and reflections can help all of us find navigation and inspiration. August begins with this harvest focus under a full super moon. It is invitation to give seasonal gratitude for the abundance of sun, food, life itself! The celebration can also be invitation to wrap up things in progress, tie up loose ends, take care of unfinished business.

I am allowing for all of the above; celebrating so much gratitude and abundance while simultaneously being with my harvest mess. At the worst, I can focus on mess as lack of coherence and at best, mess is just creative chaos here to bless. In the Lammas, August Promise Spirit, I offer you a few July vlogs that went unposted. Here’s a quick overview video of the 2 that are offered in full on the site; one a short shout out from Silver Lake and the other an embrace of self and infinite potentiality!

So! There is actually quite a bit more that went into the quiet corner in July like this tearful vlog about Feathers Camp that will be posting here 1st sacred Sunday in August, 8/6:

1st Sacred Sunday in August? Yes, I am vowing to post a sacred something each Sunday in August here in this space ~ even if it’s a vlog from last month. July vlogs in August? Why not? In the circle of time, I am choosing to re-align with my Harvest! Part of my mess happens when I fail to say yes, resistance acts as an anchor to slow or stop progress. So there are many areas of life and production harvest that I am choosing to say yes to! Again!

Are there places in your life where you resist actions you are called to do including recognizing and appreciating your harvests of abundance? It really is never too late!
We do well to regularly take stock of all we have, do, are. We CAN keep showing up for whatever is calling … especially if it is the same or a similar call. If the call is indeed coming from our heart and soul, by saying yes, we are always blessed!

So yes, there are many aspects I am saying a blessed yes to and I have them mapped out for our Sacred Sunday Somethings. In part, the structure is my way of saying yes ~ to me ~ and to you if you so choose!

I am also finishing our Sea Splash ETV Series this August that I ‘ran out of time’ and energy for last summer! I am choosing to return for Whale, Narwhal, Mermaid, Seahorse and more! Yippee Skippee Harvest of Creativity!

Our ETV Feature Creature Teachers this week are Crab and Octopus. I am definitely an Octopus! From multitasking to ghosting or hiding out, I relate to the wonderous Octo in so many ways! As I bless the mess of my harvest and invest in the August Promises including Sacred Something Sundays, I am inspired by the 3 hearts and 9 brains of Octopus as well as the way Crab moves sideways, so fast!

Explore Octopus and Crab @ ETV! Whoever and however you are called to play and explore facets of you, your life, your harvest blessings, may you say yes to all that calls you to be yes expressed! Love and Appreciation! Hugs and Celebration!

Posted in Awareness, Co-Creation Manifestation, Compassion, Creativity, Divinity, Fortitude, Freedom, Gratitude, Hope, Light, Love, Music, spiritual family literacy, Transformation, Trust, Truth, Vision, Yes

Shining Through The Darkness

Namaste Shining Summertime Friend of Intention!

In this week before Solstice, we have had a June to swoon weather wise, unseasonably and utterly delightfully cool. Which makes for a great space in my upstairs of the barn. I have been creating playful, sacred space there and all over the playhouse for the longest time yet definitely renewed of late as I have once again become mobile after the winter/spring of healing off my feet.

As I have been healing and recalibrating into my future, there has been a lot of dancing with grief and release, listening with compassion to the places of darkness and depression. I have been leaning into the intentions to bring all my online content (back) into fruition and it has definitely been a getting ready to be ready to be ready! Ever called to shine through the darkness!

I sing about shining through the darkness on the blog space @ New Thought Families.

Darkness can show up in SO many ways to get in the way or light the way ~
or both ~ as we journey through the duality of life. When we stumble on our journey in doing what is ours to do, it is ALWAYS an invitation to love ourselves through the insistence of resistance, no matter how persistent! We are, indeed, created of a light stronger and brighter than any darkness!

Messy me is in celebration of opening up 4 summer camp invitations even though the manifestations were short of the vision and behind in the timing. I am ever aligning knowing the bigger picture of the constant invitation to keep divining! Here’s yesterday’s vlog speaking to that process and inviting you to show up for whatever is calling you, found @ New Thought Families! Irrespective of you sharing the vlog conversation, I do issue you an ongoing invitation or at least a meditation to show up for whatever calls to you, especially if it is something that continues to knock at your door! Show up messy, late ~ incomplete ~ show up any way you have to! When you show up for what calls you, you shine your light brightly through any darkness that would diminish you or your calling! As my new song sings, we are created of a light way to powerful to hide in the darkness. Shine the divine design of your radiant goodness!

And YES! I do invite you into the online camps with the intention of continuing to clean up, level up, and dare I say, continue to perfect the celebrations and invitations coming your way throughout this summer of divine shine!
May we all continue to align and shine! Namaste, Love!Summer FUNdamentals!Summer FUNdamentals!Summer FUNdamentals!Summer FUNdamentals!

Join us on the Free Shelf of Leaping Literacy Library for participation in these invitations. Yippee skippee for Leaping Literacy and to be soul play free!

Posted in Acceptance, Awareness, Beauty, Compassion, Creativity, Intuition, Transformation, Truth, Vision, Wisdom

Transformation Conversation

Namaste Change Agents of Inspiration! Thank you for tuning into this transformation conversation. I welcome you along with mama moth and her eggs on a garage window slated for cleaning ~ now postponed for gestation.
This week brought an interesting encounter with the ‘real world’ outside of the bubble I live in most of the time. I was called for jury duty. I arrived 8 minutes later than call time finding a room full of waiting faces so solemn I almost laughed at loud. More than an hour later we were called into the courtroom where the general questioning began. The case entailed the freedom of an adult who wanted to be in charge of their life vs. the county who said they needed conservatorship of this individual. The preliminary questions for jury selection covered experiences and opinions of topics like mental illness, medications, doctor authority. I was struck by several things; the first of which was my own trigger and potentially cloudy lens from my parent’s dementia, especially my mom and the arsenal of drugs the doctors had her on. Life can definitely shine a light on dark shadows that still need healing! I truthfully said I would do my best to hear both sides yet I did favor personal sovereignty and the patient themselves over the professional doctor, who spends moments with a patient and all too often runs on a pharmaceutical paradigm I don’t subscribe to. There was 1 other woman, more outspoken than I about how her mother was being mistreated currently with medications and the health sick system yet everyone else who was a perspective member of the jury of ‘peers’ were on board with dr. knows best, 100%. 
Where things got really eye and heart opening were the questions, “Can you make this decision solely in your mind without emotional input?” “Can you make a decision without compassion for the individual in question?” I was not asked so did not say aloud that we have an internal GPS that helps guide our way with emotions and that compassion is an important tool in seeing and helping each other. I did not say that humanity is being asked to evolve at this time into embodying our oneness awareness and heart intelligence with compassion and intuitive feelings being such important tools in this transformation! It was just so clear the box of brain knows best was the only acceptable answer and thereby the only acceptable peers for that jury were those living in that box. Though it took me a day or 2 of assimilation, I was able to get over the depression these realizations induced and perhaps most importantly, revisit the ‘lack of belonging’ feelings that can be triggered by my life journey of choosing to live outside the ‘normal’ box. This process brought me to revisiting Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and ultimately turn IT upside down!

Maslow’s Theory of Motivation through a hierarchy of needs was presented in a paper in 1943. He asserted that when the basic levels of breath, food, water, elimination, etc. were met, then came the need for shelter and safety followed by the need to belong in family, community, etc. From there came the sense of self and self esteem leading to the self actualized individual who accepted themselves and others without critical judgement. Beyond acceptance, it is also the desire to reach our full potential, and cannot be reached without the fulfillment of the other needs according to Maslow. In 1969, Maslow expanded the needs adding cognitive and beauty stimulation above self esteem and transcendence above self actualization. This is to transcend ego and self into holistic, oneness spiritual awareness.

Because we are spirit beings inhabiting these physical bodies, I thought we should flip the hierarchy! When we are rooted in knowing ourselves as spirit, as connected, as one, we are living the truth of who we truly be, self actualized expressions of Love! The more we are accessing this mastery, the more we are aligned with our soul’s purpose in being here. From this place, we are secure in who we are and have a sense of connection and belonging wherever we are. When we are living with this resonance and vibration, of course all of our physiological needs are met. Any and all things we need for survival, safety, and growth easily flow. We are in harmony with ourselves and our world.

What struck me later, when actually making the above visuals, is that the placement of belonging does not change! Belonging is also Love; a necessary element to live, thrive, give, receive, grow, know, and be!

I speak to the above from my front porch in the vlog here which is a transformation conversation revisiting the reconstruction zones of home and my (oh so close) neighbor’s home. The vlog speaks to the gifts of awareness, construction, small acts of change, serenity prayer, and the ever present cycle of transformation always unfolding in and through us ~ with or without our consciousness!

Join me @ New Thought Families for the vlog, and more blog transformation conversation with some home renovation. You can also add your voice here ~ what is changing for you? What small or big transformation inspirations are you experiencing ? Join the conversation and celebration of the ever present, omnipresent presence of transformation! Namaste Love!

Posted in Awareness, Co-Creation Manifestation, Divinity, Nature, Transformation

Resonance, Resistance & Resilience!

Namaste Celebrations of Transformation and Inspiration!

If you have found your way here at any given moment or calendar day,
thank you, thank you, thank you! I am always ahmazed at the divine order of divinity’s resurgence and resonance ever flowing through life. I am also ever humbled at the persistent insistence of Spirit to Love, Love, Love me through my resilient resistance.

Though I have not been here in this space for quite some time, I have Blog and Vlog sharings here. I have not been here for many reasons. It started as not wanting to be in a commercial zone and then there have been many layers; losing my why/who, doubt, too many other places and callings to engage in and the never good enough vibes, all being central to the resistance. Through Spirit Love, Love, Love, I am here now and SO grateful that you are too!

Nature’s miracles: new life growing from ‘dead’ wood!

I have had a stop start journey with this blog for several years now yet intend to show up regularly here and @ New Thought Families where the full blog with vlogs resides.

I have come to know that no matter how vivid our life visions and guidance, if we are not a resonant vibration, we will resist action through procrastination and other means. Yet! In divine order, I often ‘catch up’ on other things in the process that hopefully increase my ability to hold vibrational resonance with what I have been side stepping. There are always so many layers of growth happening simultaneously as nature (and springtime!) remind us.

I have also come to know that I am never sorry for saying yes to Spirit in my co-creations, no matter how silly they may seem years later. And! I am always sorry for saying no out of judgment, lack of resonance, or any other reason. What can happen, all too often, is that some things left undone can haunt me as if to prove that I am not enough. Cycle of insanity! It is really just a natural cycle of habitation. As conscious beings on the path, we always have the opportunity to see ourselves, our patterns and cycles, and ways to change. We are always transforming into more of who we truly be. Yet without conscious co-creative action, the transformation can be like water over stone, a slow, steady process of softening and sculpting. Irrespective of our (ability towards) actions, our soul is always calling us high and higher! One way to hear and heed our soul calls is to return to places that feed our soul. This is the pond at my dad’s ranch, where I grew up. A forever soul anchoring place for me to be! Come visit there with me! There is a vlog from the pond and much more @ New Thought Families.

Thank you again for being here, and if you are, please join the transformation conversation! Let me know what is helpful for you in your dance of resistance and application of resilience. And! How you resonate and vibrate with all that is great!

Posted in Affirmations, Awareness, Co-Creation Manifestation, Divinity, Energy, Faith, Family, Transformation, Trust, Truth, Unity

Trusting Transformation

Namaste this Unity World Day Of Prayer, Thoughtful Thursday!

In keeping with Unity’s ‘Standing In Truth, I Move From Fear To Faith’ and our Creative Spirit Families’ September Circles, I offer this prayer:

Holy Divine Presence, Creator of all there is,
We center in Your light, Your Love,
Your goodness, Your gooness, Your isness.
Like the caterpillar in the chrysalis
We pray to know the good in the goo.
From the chaos, confusion, dissolving illusions,
We breathe in the truth of Life’s Lovelight of goodness.
We breathe out the messiness of transformation’s gooness.
We breathe in trust of divine order always and in all ways.
We breathe out the fear, the doubt, the pain of all in the circle.
Connected with all there ever was, is, will be,
Faith fills our feet as we stand in truth.
We affirm our isness now. We are. I am.

Deep in the breath of the great I Am
is the breadth of all that is. Isness.
Divine essence in and though us circling this world now.
We trust the sun and moon to rise and set.
We trust humanity to awaken and not forget.
We trust the goodness in the gooness,
Freedom’s flight from silent chrysalis.
We trust the truth of who we be, created as One I Am, are we.
Trusting transformation, in faith filled fullness,
we embody Your great Isness.

Below is our latest Leaping Literacy Library ETV, Circle Of Life, in our continued celebrations. The show has special segments honoring grandparents! Grandparent’s Day is this Sunday,9/13, and we will be here with another OM HomETV sacred celebration.  I continue to trust the we that is here to share these co-creation celebrations. May you be filled with faith as you stand in truth, fortified with trusting thoughts in life’s circle of  beautiful lovelight. Namaste Love!

Posted in spiritual family literacy, Transformation, Trust, Vision, WOW, Yes

Woo Hoo! It’s New!

Transformation Celebration!

Our first Sacred Sunday OM HomETV is HERE! Our Leaping Literacy Library ETV show debuted March 8th, International Women’s Day and they are going weekly starting September 8th, Transformational Tuesdays! Our ETV shows definitely include heart literacy. Yet! The strong call to share prayer and interfaith connections has persisted. Though I have resisted, Spirit has insisted so here it is. Ta da! Highlighting the spiritual principle of transformation, prayer is at the center of this offering for families and young hearted praying folk of all ages! Unity has their World Day of Prayer this Thursday and we give mention to that as well as a few other interfaith celebrations happening this week ~ as reported on our Interfaith Inspirations at New Thought Families. As our Sunday celebrations unfold, our intention is to expand the interfaith segments with knowledgeable guests. It is my prayer that this offering may find those families and youth who it has been co-created for ~ those open to having Spirit conversations and celebrations ~ with transformation! Yippee Skippee! EnJOY! Namaste, Love!