Posted in Acceptance, alchemy, Appreciation, Awareness, Blessings, Co-Creation Manifestation, Divinity, Energy, Gratitude, Music, Prayer, Transcendence, Transformation, Trust, Truth, Unity, Vision, Yes

April Awareness Celebrations: Alchemizing, Strategizing, Prioritizing

Welcome April Blossoms of Beauty and Bravery!
As we near the end of April, May Transformations are beckoning! There are so many April celebrations that are near and dear to my heart, I had to speak to them before month’s end! Even though the bigger, better spotlights I woulda, coulda, shoulda given the following didn’t happen, we can still take a mindful moment of honoring and recognition. Let me first recognize you with gratitude for being here and honoring us with your time, heart, and mind. Thank you for being here!

April! The month that is often a menopausal one for our Mother with her warm flashes and surprise storms. April is the time of recognition of our mother with Earth Day/Month. Of course, Earth Day every day of the year yet April 22 is a longstanding calendarization for our attention. We love you mama earth! We have this and other earth songs featured on our ETV Music Video page.

April is also the official month to celebrate Young Children and Libraries; 2 cornerstones of our work/play at Leaping Literacy Online Library!

Much as I thought I would leverage these celebrations this month with progress in the Library and new production work, my main focus was inward yet again. I came face to face with an ongoing health challenge that actually has its roots in another April occasion ~ today is the 42nd year anniversary of breaking my neck. The vlog below speaks to the journey. Some of the metaphysical nuggets are letting go of ‘old fixes’ and employing new opportunities, releasing resistance, allowing alchemy, transcendence, and evolution, trusting transformation. I still struggle with the volume of me expressing concisely! I did this April vlog twice and while the 2nd time conceivably is more organized and concise, it is just as long and in fact, a bit longer than the 1st! The 1st one was full of tears and led me to some places I needed to go to gain the clarity for the 2nd one 🙂 I spent time producing the 1st one and had vowed to put it out so in a game time decision, I am posting both onsite in the quiet vlog space. If you are going to invest the time, I highly recommend the 2nd one over the 1st. Yet, in the spirit of birth and death, i did post both, at least for now. So goes the journey of messy me trusting the divinity of alchemy!

There are MANY celebrations, every month and every DAY! In the April Vlog 2, I celebrate some of them noted TODAY from the fun website whereby they give all the history and significance of each day’s celebration/honoring. Apparently, anyone can start a Day with a little momentum! April 28th is noted for many things including Biological Clock Day, Clean Comendy Day, National Super Hero Day, Pet Parent Day, Stop Food Waste Day, Great Poetry Reading Day and more! I read from the great Unity poet James Dillet Freeman in Vlog 2 as a nod to another of today’s celebrations, ‘Pay It Forward Day’. Poets indeed pay it forward sometimes for generations with the power of their words!

There is an infinity of ways we can focus and show up any moment, day, month. There are so many celebrations, honorings, ponderings we can give our time, heart, and mind to. By following our heart and natural curiosity, we are aligniung with our soul purpose in being here, in this incarnation and lifetime. With our own unique gifts and skills, we are here to serve each other and our own soul’s purpose in choosing to be here now.

There is much to say about where Leaping Literacy Library is now and is going yet I will be ok, this anniversary day with just being messy me, showing up as me ~ the light of divinity mirroring the same in YOU! Free from needing to be anything more. My latest song is on the site Blog page, Be Free. As I root in the call of prayer (James Dillet Freeman) and the sense of what free is for me, I allow this moment’s April alchemy to be enough. Just right. As is. Divine perfection expertly evolving through transformation. That is a celebration! Thanks for being with me and your own divine alchemy. Namaste, Love!

Posted in Acceptance, Affirmations, Appreciation, Awareness, Balance, Beauty, Blessings, Co-Creation Manifestation, Divinity, Dreams, Reconstructurist, Service, spiritual family literacy, Trust, Truth, Unity

Living The Dream!

Namaste Dreamers and Peacemakers!
Greetings on this holy day holiday celebrating the great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.!
Let us listen to his melodic voice from his “I Have A Dream” speech as well as some song inspirations in this ETV segment playing in our Leaping Literacy Library ETV:

Here are lyrics from another one of our songs honoring Dr. King:

I gave a talk yesterday at the Unity Spiritual Community, Citrus Heights touching on Dr. King and inspirational others yet mostly focused on each of us as divine creation, breathing in the beauty we truly be. Today I will share a few points and power point slides from the talk as well as lessons learned DOing the talk!

The usual custom these days is to have a video recording of the talk yet apparently the FaceBook live stream ended up being a Zoom view of one of the participants rather than us so it was deleted. I am still hoping to at least hear an audio of it.
(1/18 Update! For any on FaceBook, the talk I speak of in this post did post there!)

Yet! Herein lies so many more spiritual lessons! I will leave it at 3:
1. Trust the divine order of ALL, paying attention to what the ALL might be saying at any given time! The main trick in doing this with an appreciation celebration is to release expectation of how things “should” be rooted in the knowing that it is ALWAYS for the highest if we let it be. And! Knowing we are always flowing with what we allow and can ALWAYS keep choosing what we allow!

2. There were several people yesterday both live and on Zoom who expressed their gratitude and blessings from hearing my musical talk. Their heart felt kindness expressed, reverberates in me especially if a wondering of, “How was that?” creeps in. The lesson here is, it is ALWAYS great to express your appreciation of another!

3. Back to divine order paired with discernment. I spent a lot of time and energy on doing the talk experience and it was a wonderful one in so many ways. Yet! It necessarily means other important projects in my world were put on hold. My ongoing sorting of prioritizing my callings is SO present and real ~ AlWAYS!

In the same way I talked at other churches and performed in schools and libraries for so many years with no video or audio records, I get to sit with what the experience was. I think the biggest thing I “messed up” was showing my power point slides in the right places 🙂 and I was guided to print them into my paper copy of the talk and just got too tired and outa time to do it! It was a small thing while I mastered a big thing by delivering the talk, mediation and songs pretty darn close to the prescribed time. No small feat for me! Though of course, I was working with all things possible, divine flow Source. I could ‘improve’ my presentation by not talking about these ‘flubs’ during the talk yet that’s me, always my heart on my sleeve. And perhaps it makes me and the whole thing more real ~ there is that crazy thing called reality as a part of living the dream! I loved being able to use the prepared talk to keep me on (timing) track while I left plenty of what was written out and allowed Spirit to say some of those written words and plenty that weren’t actually on paper, as such. A fun flow of divinity, creativity, and functionality!

SO! The spiritual lesson here is to fully allow the goodness of what was and sift that through with trust! Trust your callings and dreams ~ always and in ALL ways!

So! How about sharing a bit of the talk here and now?! I began with a song and meditation to center into Source, to allow “Peace breathing me”.

From this centered place, we began the unification conversation. There were many points from the talk I could make here yet since I have blogged on about the experience of doing it, let’s be with the first part of it and I will return with more over the next few weeks. Among other things, the talk was an overview of the 5 Unity principles, each of which is a talk all their own! As I approach the anniversary of New Thought Families as a .com, this process is great for my discernment and commitments for this space going forward. Leaping Literacy Library spiritual family literacy resources continue on ~ no matter the name! After all, Unity principles are at their heart, universal principles!

Oh yes in the center of the Circle of Life is our ever present, omni present Great Creator! The 1st basic Unity principle is that there is One Presence, One Power, God the Good. We come from this Source, by any name, breathed into existence with this Love of Creation. Could it be that our very lives are born out of our Creator’s dream? The one Presence had a dream of us! The mighty essence of creation had a dream to Love more, express more, BE more Love! To be yes Love expressed AS US! Perhaps at the very heart of what it means to live the dream is to acknowledge that WE ARE the dream! In this way, we can step away from the cynical meme when we say we are ‘Living the Dream’ because we are indeed, in the truest sense living our Creator’s dream of us as Love expressed, divinity expressed, creativity expressed. Which brings us naturally to Unity Principle # 2. Next week!
Namaste beautiful breath of Life expressed!

PS. Here’s some old recordings of the 2 songs I opened and closed the talk with!
~ Currently here in our Library ETV that is always streaming commercial free!

Posted in alchemy, Appreciation, Blessings, Divinity, Gratitude, Thanks Living

November ThanksLiving with Appreciation Vibration!

Namaste Beloved Hearts of Grateful ThanksLiving!
As pictured above, we had a wonderful ThanksLiving dinner celebration here last week, a few days ahead of my birthday and this week’s ‘official’ Thanksgiving. Jeremiah was back from 10 months of international travel and our old dear friends and ETV cohorts Rev Karene and Big Don celebrated with us. Karene thankfully brushed me up with a live gravy tutorial and all was SO delicious ~ a true celebration of appreciation!

While I often run behind, it is wonderful to be ahead on Thanksgiving this year! I am baking a pie and making mashed potatoes for Thursday of this week for another family dinner elsewhere yet this one really filled me up! Sharing and caring well spent in the loving vibration of appreciation. Having Jeremiah back home has been a full circle celebration of life in all of its turnings, yearnings and earnings.

This month of ThanksLiving has had so many elements of life! Jeremiah sang with me yesterday at Unity Spiritual Community ~ neither of us could pin down the last time we did this, YEARS! While our lives tend to cycle in chapters, we have choice points along the way of returning, staying, or forging new directions. I find myself doing all at once as I continue to sift and who I am and who I am becoming.

Also years in the making, Jeremiah helped put another bandaid on a building at my dad’s ranch last week. Covering holes with the ranch iconic sheets of metal was a job well done with the spirits of the ancestors and Jeremiah’s willing hands and heart. Another of the gifts of mijo and time, I am grateful!

Though gifted a night at the ocean for my birthday, I stayed local and will go seaside on a sunny day. Jeremiah and I walked all the way around Lake Tabeau which was that much more special after being not able to walk at all last birthday!

As I often do around my birthday, this month of ThanksLiving has had an extra heaping helping of darkness as I look within and explore the crevices. Still and always, I choose to align with the shine of my divine design as I vibrate and appreciate all the goodness that is. Our free will and transformational toolbox can take us anywhere we want to go in life’s playground of dark and light.

After the church service yesterday, I dropped Jeremiah at the airport as he flew East to honor a wonderful soul at a memorial today. Celia was a woman who radiated kindness and appreciation for everyone. I’m glad that Jeremiah could honor her and see his dadio for a few days. I returned home and had some more emotional shifting to do so I walked in this ahmazing town I live in, truly grateful for ALL!

No matter what darkness we ever face, there is a path calling us forward.

After doing music with a room full of 2 year olds this morning, I returned to the ranch to do this ThanksLiving vlog sprinkled with a few of the songs we sang yesterday. The drum, the affirmative lyrics, the spirit of song all helped me align with divine design appreciation vibration. I hope it can do the same for you. The Vlog, along with ThanksLiving daily calendar and much more are found @ New Thought Families.

I also speak to honoring our Natives, I wear feathers because they free my Spirit and also in honor of the indigenous people. As I say in the vlog, I do not in any way want what I wear to be seen as anything other than an honoring.

Whatever ThanksLiving and Thanksgiving celebrations you are up to this week, may you be yes blessed in ALL of it! May you find appreciation for any and all aspects of your celebrations … appreciation ever beckoning you into higher vibration! Aho!