Posted in Acceptance, alchemy, Awareness, Beauty, Co-Creation Manifestation, Divinity, Remembrance, Sacred, Spiritual ABCs, spiritual family literacy, Yes

October Circle of Mystery Awareness and Guidance

Namaste Blessed Faces of the Divine!
I greet you merry mid-month, living and loving Mystery aligned shine! Since our beginning of the month, have you been experiencing your alignment of being full, free, and happy in the Divine ~ aka The Mystery?! Any new awareness’ as the commotion of the world always offers opportunities to tune our navigation? Remember, as co-creators, we always choose our point of attention and attraction! Here’s my playhouse altar this day & my feet altar in the backyard sand turtle which is always issuing transformation conversation invitations!

I am celebrating new Halloween segments and re-mixed Halloween ETV shows too, wooooo hoooo!

And I’m celebrating YOUUUUU! Thanks for being here! Thank you for being a conscious co-creator on your journey through the sacred! I am also celebrating my broken ankle anniversary from last weekend so what follows here is a brief travel log, some takeaways from this year’s healing journey, and some updates on the web offerings & ongoing content for your consideration. Ah, to be in the circle!

As the mountain aspens brilliantly glow, change is in the air beckoning us, as always, to be the alchemists of our co-creations. For my part, I am still sifting through a lot of birth and death, with a deep gratitude breath in all of it!

Last weekend, I celebrated the 1 year anniversary of breaking my ankle coming down the mountain. The miles between the break and the car were painful and set the stage for a long winter of being off my feet. The moments and hours before the fall were full of bliss and glee; enJOYing the 8,000 ft. elevation with friends, beauty, and high mountain vibrations. In a snap of a second, seemingly thrive turned to survive. It was a slow hobble down with some prayer, affirmation, song all employed as transformational tools tempering the physical & emotional pain. I have been back up there twice before this summer yet did not do any serious hiking. This anniversary trip was also not one to hike though it was filled with serendipitous experiences of comfort and celebration in deep appreciation of my healing.

I had a morning music program with the littles. I recently returned to doing early childhood music and movement programs ~ a piece of my work I had previously retired ~ set up shown below with owl friends in the playhouse being perched for the trip. I drove up the mountain after the morning program and parked myself for a bit by beloved Silver Lake. The sparkle was intoxicating, the wind chilly, and as beautiful as it was, I could not sit still. Not motivated to hike yet stirred to move.

I travelled further up the mountain and was struck by the aspen splendor. I was reminded of divine timing and guidance as I breathed in their beauty I had not consciously thought of earlier. My inner GPS was certainly in the know though so I followed along the divine flow raptured by their golden glow …

My intuitive flow took me to the Hot Springs where the sign said they were full. I went ahead and asked anyway and the beautiful young woman working ushered me in. We had a lovely Owl connection, she had an Owl tattoo, I ended up giving her an owl stuffy friend and a CD for her young daughter. Beyond the outer chatter, we had a divine appointment connection ~ you know, when you just feel aligned in a moment of time?! The mineral water soak was glorious! I later had a great mermaid swim, ah!

I was travelling with my peeps on the other side so of course I drove into Nevada and actually had a prime rib dinner, whoa, thanks dad! Unexpected flow yet it felt good, nurouishing, as I was thanking my body for healing this year; broken ankle and broken heart ~ our bodies are always delivering messages from our heart. I centered then and now on the deep appreciation I have for the way my body has healed, continuing to bring me a deeper connection with the information our physical is always transmitting vibrationally to our mind and spirit. I was able to walk my talk, even when I was crutching, in that I chose to predominately heal myself. I was blessed with a fine chiropractor who helped with alignment and monitored the break with x-rays. It took at least 5 months for the bone to come back together and I still am in a healing, feeling dance yet the come and go pain is very minimal. It did re-awaken lots more awareness of the chronic conditions I have had since breaking my neck, now more than 40 years ago! Whaaat?! So let’s begin there with some awareness’, aka lessons learned. Yes, many say this is an earth school giving us lessons. I say all we experience is for our soul expansion, however we term that! Here’s a short list of experiences, remembrances, awareness’ that perhaps can (re) awaken something in you!

1. What do we tolerate day in, day out, that is chronically painful or numbing?
Sometimes these situations can bring us ‘wake up calls’ yet more often it seems we ‘put up and shut up’ allowing for a life experience that is unnecessarily diminished or compromised. Of course our comfort zone can keep us ‘comfortably numb’ one way or another and only you, in alignment with your wise heart, knows what you are tolerating that is calling you to the dance of transcendence.

2. How good are you able to allow yourself to feel?
Unfortunately, that comfort zone set point often leaves us unconsciously only able to feel so good. When you are feeling deep happiness and contentment, does it feel like home? Are there any ‘waiting for the shoe to drop’ thoughts or ‘accidents’ to snap you out of it? If so, can you compassionately notice & choose happy anyway?!!

Some of the mountain still stands in charred testimony to raging fire destruction.

4. Are you at peace with death knowing there is only always a circle of life? Yes, of course we all will ‘die’ to this body temple and journey on at the appropriate time for our soul’s next chapter. Yet, there are so many other deaths in this circle of life! Relationships, circumstances, work and play places where we put our energies. As humanity evolves, chaos and death are part of the process. Can you partake in the process choosing to turn and return to peace, acceptance, unconditional Love, rather than struggle and suffering? It is always a choice. Really.

5. Do you take sacred steps on your journey with heart eyes wide open to the ever present omnipresent presence of the divine? All the time? Part time? Any time?
One of the gifts of being off my feet was the hyper awareness of my steps and the ability to deepen the experience of sacredness through slowness. We live in a fast paced society that values top speed. I have always wanted to be in the fast lane. Aging and injury can bring the gift of slowing down and I do indeed see more of the glow when I allow the flow of slow mo. Aho!

My Thunder Mountain last weekend in gorgeous glow!

In this month’s celebrations of the Mystery, our multimedia page is changing every week. Owl Awareness flew off today to make way for Bat Intuition. Both of these Feature Creature Teachers have many lessons for us in human navigations. You can find Owl on our Sacred Awareness page, Yes, woooo hoooo, I took today to publish the 1st of our looooong planned Spiritual ABC pages being revised and re-instated in our Leaping Literacy Library. Blessing that mess along with all the rest! And!
In keeping with today’s list, I could no longer tolerate the wait list on this, I am naming and claiming the good in the progress, unconditionally loving librarian me, allowing for the period of death and the new sacred steps. YES, blessed!

Thank you again for being here! I will return 10/29 with a Samhain celebration blog and vlog. May your Mystery awareness practice continue to bless. Namaste, Love!


Passionate about co-creation; deepening awareness & embodiment of Love. Life's work focus on children & families playing with literacy & spiritual literacy. Author/Illustrator/BookTeller/MusicMaker/Webmaster/ContentCreator&Producer

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