Posted in Awareness, Blessings, devotion, Divinity, expression, Grace, Light, Love, Music, Nature, Presence, Remembrance, Reverence, Yes

Spring Things Alive & Bright ~ Reverent Remembrances!

Namaste Meditative Minds & Brave Hearts ~ Circle of Life Alive & Bright!
Glad Greetings this Mindful Monday! We are celebrating Spring ~ Equinox 3/19, Easter 3/31, Palm Sunday hailing Holy Week and dad’s 2 year departure date anniversary, 3/24. Whew! No wonder this post took me more than a minute. I vlogged and blogged most of this on the 24th yet it took well into the 25th to get here. So! It’s here and NOW so let’s hop to it! Thank you, thank you for joining me; let’s be wHOLY centered in this celebration circle of Life!

On this 2 year anniversary date of my dear ‘ol dad’s departure, I am SO reminded to keep finishing what I start and to commit and re-commit to all I choose to do as me, Laurie Story V. May my life be an incarnation celebration for the Love that created me, expressing as me ~ may my humaness be Love blessed, yes expressed!

From February’s Love letters found here:

And so it is that the Circle of Life and Love bring us to this moment; the top of Holy Week, Spring/Autumn, Birth/Death, Seeds, Gold, Rainbows, Bunnies, oh my! Let’s Play & Pray in this 3/24/24 reverent & playful Vlog:

This vlog is a voluminous 24 minutes on the 24th day and year. So! If you just need a blessedly brief spring salutation invitation, got you clovered, click this one!

The egg altar in the video above joins many other spring invitations here. My home has been enJOYing some Spirit Rising UPliftment this month including a visit from Mr. and Mrs Clover who came to visit on Equinox! Their video is linking this week with more Om Home invitations on our Leaping Literacy Library Spring page.

There are SO many Spring invitations hopping about here at home and in the Leaping Literacy Library. Our daily Play & Pray video calendar, Planting Seeds has us planting Love, Hope, Joy, Surrender … oohh, let’s DO today’s Reverence:

There are SO many ways to be reverent for this gift of life. Always centered in awareness and nurtured with gratitude, reverence provides us a good compass for our heart and soul. As I discuss in the vlog, our inner GPS< Grace Positioning System, is always a wise whisper away to bring us back to the center essence of our egg, ourselves embodied as that Love blessed, yes expressed.

Rabbit is center stage this week with lots of celebrations @ and here with other spotlighted spring things on our New Thought Families Mindful Multimedia page including the Spring Celebration Om HomETV show.

If you shared the 24/24/24 vlog with me, yippee skippee! If you want to hear some of those songs, yippee skippee x3! Ostara, Daddy’s Song, and Pot of Gold are linked below on the Site Blog! From the bottom of my egg to yours, thank you for singing along in the musical rainbow of my heart & soul song!

And! Before we go, let us send 1 breath of peaceful love into the world ~ aho!

Sent with the breath of this month’s full moon! (In this time zone, 3/25, 3:00 a.m.) Picture taken 3/24, 9:00 p.m.

Wherever you are, this holy moment in the Circle, I wish you Joyful Peace & Passionate Purpose that you are able to experience with reverence & express with happiness. Yippee Skippee! We truly be Love blessed, yes expressed!
Namaste, Love!

Ostara Playing Here!

Daddy’s Song Playing Here!

Pot of Gold Playing Here!

Posted in Awareness, Blessings, Co-Creation Manifestation, Divinity, expansion, expression, Music, Remembrance, Sacred, Yes

August Promise: Sacred Awareness of Now

Namaste Sacred Yes, Love Expressed!

I greet you this right now moment with the certainty of alchemy that weaves divine order’s tapestry! If you were here for last week’s post and stepped into any part of the invitations, do you have moments of alchemical clarity and celebration?! As with any of our spiritual practices, the more we stay present to the gifts of presence, the more mastery we will see manifest. Think back on your day, week, life block of any amount of time where something(s) came together. In this sacred recognition, give your divine awareness over to sacred celebration. Life IS always working out for us. Alchemy IS always weaving a tapestry of goodness. Yes, we are always divinely blessed!

Some of what we choose to co-create does take the insistence of persistence. The persistence of showing up, releasing resistance, putting in the efforts required for completion. Yet, as natural as the blooming of flowers, we have the innate capacity and beauty to be blessed in all we manifest! It IS a celebration!

I am celebrating a bunch more hours this week and all morning today to launch all the new ETV Whale content that began last summer, yippee skippee! Co-creation manifestation is always a celebration especially when it has taken such an ongoing conversation with all the layers of resistance and other life commitments. Whew! Anything and everything you are in a creation conversation with, I support and celebrate YOU! No matter where you are in your process, may you know your sacred essence, here, and now.

This week, I offer a vlog in the sacred now from my main altar at the playhouse.

At the urging of my friend who was here this weekend, I included a time of meditation and this song from the Born For CD.

In This Moment Â© 2021 Laurie Story Vela Mp3 Sample

All is well in this moment.
All is well with me.
I breathe in deep, gratefully.
Knowing in this moment, all is well with me.

Present to this moment of peace
I consciously choose to release
the need to look behind or ahead
I center in this breath of now instead

Now I separate from
all that’s been and all to come.
No need to know where, when or how.
My well being is right here, right here, right now.
Present to this moment, all is well with me

Thanks for sharing your sacred essence in this time of centering in Presence.
YES, we be blessed as Love expressed. Namaste, Sacredness!

Sacred Essence Awareness Now at the Altar @ New Thought Families!

Posted in Awareness, Balance, Blessings, Co-Creation Manifestation, Creativity, Divinity, Dreams, expansion, expression, Faith, Family, Fortitude, Freedom, Gratitude, Hope, Humanity, Oneness, Presence, spiritual family literacy, Transition, Trust, Unity, Vision, Yes

Rebirth & Renewal

Namaste Beautiful Beings of Sacred Awareness!

I hope you are finding your centered place of yes blessedness in the midst of the chaos we collectively face. Times of breakdown are portals into breakthroughs, woo hoo! And there can be a lot of pain along the way in this human journey. Yet! Spirit is always here to Love us through, inviting us to release resistance and to embrace the new. In keeping with these callings, this blog has moved to our new commercial free space; the branch of Leaping Literacy Library called Creative Family Literacy. We have new and developing Invitations and Celebrations there supporting you and yours for Traditional, Creative, and Spiritual Family Literacy. I hope to see you there in this new start and I wish you all the best in living true to you, following the wisdom of your heart! Namaste, Love!

Posted in Acceptance, Awareness, Co-Creation Manifestation, Divinity, expression, Family, Forgiveness, Love, Oneness, Presence

In The Heart Of Love

Who Do You Love? What Do You Love? Where Do You Love? When Do You Love? Why Do You Love?

Namaste Beautiful Hearts Of Love! Happy Valentine’s Day!

While this day has long been seen as a romantic celebration for couples, the patron Saint Valentine also brings protection to epileptics and beekeepers! Most folks probably don’t think much about the Saint, more about the cards, chocolates, flowers, balloons, aka STUFF that we get to say, “I love you.” However we celebrate this day, it is, in fact, an opportunity to focus on LOVE!

As conscious co-creators of our lives, being in the heart of Love any day and every day is the best way to stay awake and aware. We are sometimes aligned with the heart of Love and sometimes we can be aligned with our wounded heart looking for Love. Our song, Always Love, sings this concept, “An act of Love or a cry for Love, Love always.”

If we look at life through the heart of Love, we can clearly see that we are always living this … we are acting with Love or we are acting out with a cry for Love. When we choose to look at life and Love this way, compassion, forgiveness, kindness, tenderness, oneness all become more plausible and practical as everyday concepts we can choose to embody every day. There are many ways to keep our hearts open and free to flow Love yet like all else it is a spiritual practice that requires showing up!

Snuggle into the prayer chair to see and free your heart!

It’s true that often forgiving anyone or anything or even any 1 given situation is a process that must be repeated with dedication to keeping your heart open & free … The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
~ Mohandas K. Gandhi

We win by tenderness. We conquer by forgiveness.
~ Frederick William Robertson

The Heart of Love is tender and soft, forgiving, allowing. It is there we can be fully aware of who we Love, how we Love, what we Love, when and where we Love. In this place of awareness, we can experience more of our oneness with all that is created in the great Love of our Creator. We can flow this great Love, in and through us as co-creators!

We all are Love in action choosing what we bring our hands and hearts to!

Before I leave you to the questions of who, what, when, where, why to explore in your own heart of Love, I will say for my part, all that I have done and loved here for New Thought Families as well as in other areas of work and family continue to be an exploration of transformation. We have new web resources being slowly implemented to serve the families who are called to be with us and our resources. In my own family, we midwifed my mama out of this world a few weeks ago and continue the process with my dad and stepdad. My Jeremiah is here today and before he returns to school tomorrow, we celebrate his 21st birthday. Family, in all the generations, is indeed at the heart of Love ~ including the wounded heart crying for Love ~ it is all there for our transformative gifts of embodying more Love, mind, heart, soul!

I leave you now divine Valentine to be in your own heart of Love to answer any call or cry that is there. May you know yourself as the heart of Love you truly be, able to align with your divine shine! Thank you for the Love of you lighting up this world. Namaste, Love!

Posted in Awareness, Beauty, Blessings, Co-Creation Manifestation, Creativity, Divinity, expansion, expression, Transformation

Transformation Of Becoming: Pollination Celebration

♥️ Namaste Yes Blessed Love Expressed ♥️

I greet you in the name of awareness and blessedness as we all continue to show up for this time in our humanity’s and in our planet’s transformation celebration!  Still in the midst of Covid19 suffering, sacrifices, confusion and needed solutions, we as a nation and in fact, as a global family, are called as never before to creation, co-creation, and re-creation. Even if we are kicking and screaming with resistance, the gifts of this pandemic include a persistence and insistence towards change. Transformation can be painful yet it doesn’t have to be. It is, after all, part of how we are naturally designed.  Inevitable change is a celebration when we are divinely aligned.
Spring continues to bloom here with birds, butterflies, bees, bats all doing the dance of pollination. It is a divine order dance of interdependence that calls us to grateful awareness, as recipients of the beauty and bounty this dance produces for our very life here on this planet home. Pollination is also the perfect reminder of how we impact each other’s lives and society as a whole with our every thought, step, breath. 

Like all of earth’s inhabitants, BEE is an excellent Feature Creature Teacher to show us the divine order beauty of how all of life is made. From our Flower Power Leaping Literacy ETV show & our Flowers & Bees Power Point, prayerfully consider the following:

While so much of our insistence of resistance caters to an economic model of well being, nature reminds us ~ when we stop to be aware and take care ~ that our chosen normal is literally destroying our planet home!

We have known so many inconvenient truths for decades; how habitat destruction and use of plastics for instance are literally causing part of the harmonic balance of our planet home to collapse. Giving our time, attention, and energy to this or any and every other sign of imbalance in our personal, societal, and global lives is an act of pollination. We can pollinate the truth! We can pollinate wise stewardship! We can pollinate Love! ~ ♥️

Ah yes, pollination, like all else, begins with us. What do you pollinate? For my part, I continue to shift so many aspects of my life and callings; priorities, time management, focus, creations, co-creations, and re-creations. I have birthed the long time vision of Leaping Literacy Library ETV with 9 episodes in 2 months. It is a beautiful time of more self discovery and opportunity for self mastery as I face off with engrained limitations and embrace the celebration of embodying more of who I came here to be 🌈🦄🌈 with as much Love and Appreciation as I can in any given moment. Yes, I am extremely blessed. Yes, I am challenged in many ways as we all are. Ongoing responsibilities for my elders. My college age Jeremiah is back home with classes online and that has yielded many gifts and challenges ~ like a new sleep cycle! Our Student Author Program necessarily moved online and sadly has meant being ‘ghosted’ by some of our kids/families when they were so close to their book completions! The whole process is a glimpse into what teachers are going through and it is a huge undertaking for them and for the families in this moment of time. My hope is that, again, there can be long needed reform of creation, co-creation, and re-creation in the educational system. That this new ‘normal’ will at least keep the ongoing conversation of transformation going.

When we look to nature’s transformations, we can be heartened by the miracles of change. From the metamorphic life cycle of a butterfly or the way a snake slides out of an old skin, we can loosen our grip on the notion that we must get back to ‘normal’. In the beautiful, rural place I live, there is a definite resistance to social distance and the guidelines of Covid19. The reality here is playing out much differently than in other, more populated places in the nation and the world. Yet! We are all one family and this pandemic calls us all to change. I have had to revisit and seek to compassionately transform huge waves of judgement for my local neighbors, family members, (lack of) national leadership, and society at large as part of my personal metamorphous of this time. I spent a good little while asking the Creator how (s)he could stand us as a species. I continue to marvel at the capacity of our Creator to love us all unconditionally and compassionately all the time, no matter what!

Indeed! We can and do trust our Creator, trust divine order, and trust the truth to transform us! Our New Thought Families daily Play & Pray May Calendar is set on this trust of Transformation. The very act of trust is an expression of expansion and of course expansion is the naturally occurring outcome of transformation. And for all the moments we can’t see or feel our good, we can look to the beauty of this world and affirm our own embodiment of it!

Our power points noted here for Flowers & Bees as well as Bugs & Butterflies are available on our Leaping Literacy Library Free Shelf:

Our Leaping Literacy Library ETV show on Bugs & Butterflies is on it’s way in the coming May days. Our Flower Power ETV show has a whole segment on bees followed by a pollination celebration and it is currently playing. Here is a song excerpt from that show. I wanted to write this song my whole life so I did! It honors and celebrates, our friends, the flowers.

Thank you, thank you for being here with me this mindful moment in the circle of time. Thank you for the beautiful, transformative flower face of YOU and your beauty! May we continue to turn and return to divine center in a celebration of the transformation that is the expansion and expression of the Love we are born of. Especially in this moment of  rebirth, for humanity and for earth, we can be the positive pollination of Love’s transformations. Namaste Love!

Posted in Appreciation, Awareness, Blessings, Co-Creation Manifestation, Creativity, Divinity, Dreams, expansion, expression, Family, kindness, Service, Vision

Spring Seeds: Kindness Kisses

Namaste Spring Seeds Of Awareness, Goodness, and Blessed Yesness!

Seeds of Infinity Bless Our Endless Possibilities!

I greet you in the name of holy divinity seeding infinite possibilities this International Women’s Day in mighty March! I am ever aware and eternally grateful of the wondrous women who have gone before as well as all those standing tall among us now. We are ever yes blessed by the courage that has been helping to seed our ways today.

This could be a well deserved post about great women. This could be a commentary of the latest women who ran for president only to be outvoted by old white men. This could speak to the corona virus or any of the other top stories in our fast paced news cycle and ongoing, evolving lives. There is always much to say here especially when a month rolls by in-between visits. This is a place I show up to speak my truth in various ways.

-Strangely, I still feel some affinity with this space. I suppose because I have been coming here for so many years. Despite the ongoing invitation and justification to build a social media profile and relationship with others, I haven’t been able to go there. For many reasons.

This is a day when having a social media following and community would be ideal. Not just to celebrate great women but to announce and celebrate something I have been birthing, literally for years! I was sure it was happening on last years ~ and this years! ~ New Thought Families (website) February anniversaries. I was REALLY sure it was happening on super Saturday Leap Day, 2/29/20! Then, I leaned into the great action day of Marth 4th. Too many other ongoing commitments with family elders and my Student Author Program. Yet! Daily actions, chipping way … and today is the day!

Leaping Literacy ETV is born! YIPPEE!

It’s just a little web show from my Victorian Playhouse. It’s just a tiny seed planted long ago raising up taller this day. It’s just a little concept I have been nurturing for years. It’s just a little dream that the great Mr. Rogers has been holding space on my altar for … for a whole lotta months. It’s still far from perfect, production wise. (Deep apologies for what *should* be an Australian accent for the koala Kara! And ongoing green screen learnings!) And ya, production aside, there’s the communication piece that is all but missing. You know, the community I am here to serve waiting to receive this ~ ?! Like dropping my last CD on Independence Day, July 4th, without a waiting audience, it is indeed a tree falling in the forest. I have always been in the camp that says of course there’s a sound even if no one else hears it!

Ah, the Oneness Of Co-Creation … In Imagination, Manifestation, and Celebration!

And goodness knows, there could be a whole team doing this; a team spreading the word much less creating the art. I do have wonderful friends in Rev Karene and Big Don lending their time, talent and treasure in this venture, yay for Owlive, Fido and Gramma K! And I do indeed have a Spirit team that has always been with me in this and all things; I know for sure, it is not I but the Spirit within me that doeth the work.

So here it is!

Because I am too full of it to speak to much else, I do hope you can experience this with us now, for the betterment of all. You can also experience our ETV debut on the New Thought Families’ Inspiration page here!

Serving FUNdamental, Creative, and Spiritual Family Literacy,
Our Leaping Literacy ETV is born with Spring Kisses!

In ramping into this for so long, there is all kinda footage in various stages of production; from fall leaves and squirrels, bats, Christmas, Ida B Wells, Sojourner Truth and MORE. I wanted SO to include the women on this international day of celebration ~ even trying to weave it in at the beginning or end. I let it go for the flow of the show ~ yet! Here it is ~ just because. Also on the NTF Inspirations page, I want some of the honoring to come up out of the silence.

Well there it is. Yes, we are still reorganizing the Leaping Literacy Library. Yes, the Free Shelf is being tended to weekly. And! Our very teeny tiny wee fee of $29 put in place last month is being held over for Membership March. Hundreds of songs! Hundreds of Laurie StorEBooks! Hundreds of videos! All for practically free. That’s Leaping Literacy!

We have also made available our year long For Humanity Calendar as well as our daily Play & Pray Plant Seeds March Calendar. Plant seeds of compassion, tenderness, goodness!

Make no mistake, you are planting seeds of divine goodness all the time. For this I am so grateful. Thank you for being here to share in all that it is to be aware and share the prayer. Namaste Love!

Posted in Awareness, Children's Books, Co-Creation Manifestation, Creativity, devotion, Energy, expansion, expression, Faith, Fortitude, Intuition, Reconstructurist, Sacred, Service, Thanks Living, Transformation, Vision

Solitary Visionary Seeing Plenty In 2020

Namaste 2020 Visionaries!
I join you in the duality of the double 20’s on this most auspicious palindrome day, 02/02/2020! This being a rare 8 digit palindrome not seen since 11/11/1111 (909 years!), it heightens all the other life celebrations of this weekend. The groundhog or woodchuck shares this day with the Christian Candlemas which was originally the purification of Mary 40 days after the birth of Christ (hugh?!), now seen more as the presentation of the baby to the temple. Both of these celebrations stem from the deeper roots of Brigid Day and Imbolc in the Pagan tradition. Imbolc falls on this date (2/1 or 2/2), as the mid-point between winter solstice and spring equinox. The solstice being the longest night and the equinox, equal light, first day of spring and time for planting seeds, the woodchuck is perhaps a more male version of the ancient goddess tradition?!

From the darkness of winter and the womb, may we see with the eyes of spring seeds and a balance between light and dark. Nature is the great equalizer and needed tonic for the insanity of humanity. In our national politics, we remain a divided people as the impeachment trial of President Trump draws towards completion, without witnesses or evidence allowed in the courtroom. (Hugh?!) Oh where oh where do we find truth?! Always within. And always in Love. For those of us on the conscious spiritual path, divine Love is the only place to find ultimate truth, especially now in the swirl of this world and the birthing pains of the next level of humanity! We can only and always keep aligning with the Love that created us and calls to us to keep co-creating more LOVE!
From that place of Big Love and deep appreciation, I want to honor all the presidential nominees with special attention to Marianne Williamson who stood in her truth and spoke powerfully to the collective evolution. Her spiritual wisdom permeated her presentations and her pillars of moral repair, full of common sense and conscious spirit, are still up at her website. Thank you Marianne for speaking your truth and standing tall in it especially when the masses demeaned you for it. You are a warrioress of Love expressed! May we hold your vision with Love in action!

Living large in Love this 2020, we surely see in the circle of hindsight and clear forward vision. As we see with the eyes of our heart, we can and must live the Big Love that is the Spirit yes within us longing to be expressed. As the chaos of our times continues to be a daily assault on our senses and sensibilities, we continue to reach high and to reach within for the highest Love ever omnipresent calling us to truth, to home, to happiness, to Love itself. What we see and hear, sense and feel with our intuitive GPS is the vision that is ours to express. Staying anchored in Spirit, we can and will live this higher calling of truth and Love expressed in whatever ways are ours to do. With daily awareness, we can center and re-center in higher Love. It can be a messy process yet there is always peace in the center even as expansion stretches us into our fuller expressions and new manifestations may come kicking and screaming!

Leaping Literacy Library Free Shelf is in LOVE!

For my part, I continue to be filled with Spirit Love and daily devotion to finding the best ways to be in sacred service. Unfortunately in the realms of the Leaping Literacy Library, this has been a huge challenge to reckon with the thousands of files I have generated over the years. Our non-profit has received a donation that has allowed me to have some help yet I still feel some of the chaos and a lot of the overwhelm that has the Leaping Literacy Librarian in me wanting to hide between the books! I have had to prioritize and leave much of New Thought Families’ revisions on hold as I tend to my first love, Laurie’s Stories and the hundreds of Laurie StorEBooks on the website I first started 20 years ago. In twenty, I have indeed generated plenty! My intention is to revisit and renew some of the old and (finally!) move forward with the new. For New Thought Families, old visitations and revisions include Joy Boy and the long stagnant ABC pages. Most all of the thousands of pages are set for a reface or a final archive which is the process that the pages at Laurie’s Stories have been undergoing. The whole Library will be offered for a Leaping Wee Fee Membership this month (Just $29 from 2/9-2/29!) along with a special New Thought Families anniversary celebration on 2/20/2020. And! The debut of Leaping Literacy eTV is set for Leap Day 2/29! Stay fine tuned!

On our New Thought Families Inspirations page, we have links to AHmazing Reconstructionist African American women; Sojourner Truth, Ida B Wells, Claudette Colvin and Rosa Parks. Talk about warrioress women who stood ~ and sat!~ in their truth! There are videos there on the Inspirations page too with vintage Valentines and the Laurie StorEBook, Happy Love.

Whatever visions aplenty you are seeing for 2020, I wish you clarity, courage and conviction in the seeing, the knowing, the doing. Thank you so much for being here this moment and visualizing with me and Leaping Literacy! We can and we are living Love. It’s all there is. And so it is. Namaste Love!

Posted in Divinity, expression, Remembrance, smiles, Spiritual ABCs

September Smiles


Namaste Sacred Smile of Divine Life Expressed!

I greet you with a remembrance of the power held in a smile. One of the simplest transformational tools we always have at our disposal, smiling can bring us into a deeper alignment with our happy heart. A smile can also be a way to brighten someone else’s day and help them experience a moment of happy no matter how fleeting. When we remember to smile, it can be a lifeline to the divine.

If you google the science of smiles, there is much to be said about the physiology of what happens in the body when we smile, referred to by some as the ‘happiness loop’. As a radio DJ, I learned that you can hear a smile in the voice. Hearing or seeing another person smile, often causes us to smile in the same contagious way as a yawn has us yawning.

Memorial picture of His Holiness the Dalai Lama set in word art from John Hain @ Pixabay.

Let’s see, sing and be smiles right now! Smiling Spree is a song on our In Our Hands CD:
Let’s all go on a smiling spree;
I’ll start with you, you start with me.
Smiling is so easy & it’s absolutely free
so let’s spread smiles … at every opportunity!

The circle of life is a constant invitation to smile; to shift from feelings that are less than happy and to return to our hearts. Have you ever shifted the way you feel, by smiling any way?!

As the chorus of Smiling Spree sings:
Smile, smile, smile, smile with me!
Smile, smile, smile & we’ll feel happy.
Your smile shines in your heart so set it free!
Smile for nobody or for the whole world to see.

Sure! Try smiling right now for no reason or every reason! Remember to do it throughout the day. Remember to spread smiles around wherever you go especially to people you don’t know!
Smiles can be special when you share em with friends.
They’re also fine for strangers & so easy to send.
Smile at a stranger, you’ll feel better if you do.
And probably that stranger’s gonna smile back at you!This September, we are remembering to smile on our daily Play & Pray Calendar. Thank you for stopping to smile a moment with me here and now. You are the Creator’s smile of goodness in this world so remember to light up and shine! Namaste, smiling Love!

Posted in Awareness, Co-Creation Manifestation, expansion, expression, Forgiveness, Freedom, Grace, Presence, Service

Summer Solstice: Father Forgiveness

Namaste Shining Summer Solstice Souls!

Happy June! Happy Summer! Happy Strawberry Moon! Happy Longest Day Solstice! Happy Father’s Day Monday! General greetings of happy to shiny you and yours.

To all the fathers, I hope your day of honoring yesterday made you feel appreciated and celebrated.

For all of us nurturing the masculine energy in whatever ways we do, the Solstice sunshine illuminates and energizes the divine get it done energy. Father Sky beckons us to reach high with action, strength, perseverance. The longest day (or night) has us reaching for the light seeing our lives more clearly and hopefully holding ourselves and each other more dearly.

For some of us, fathers and the divine masculine offer an opportunity for forgiveness. The sins/mistakes of the fathers and the patriarchy can provide an ongoing opportunity to practice acceptance, forgiveness, unconditional Love. In this spiritual practice is the inherent gift of grace. When we allow ourselves to surrender into unconditional Love and the freedom of forgiveness, we also allow the flow of grace.

Our New Thought Families June Play & Pray Calendar is centered in grace and in the sea! The life giving oceans are such wondrous examples of our Creator’s infinity of divinity. Unfortunately, they also provide a rather horrifying look at the results of humanity’s disregard for keeping our nest clean. In the midst of too many extreme examples of plastic and trash in the seas, there is a wonderful, get it done company started by ‘2 surfer dudes’ and they are hand by hand cleaning beaches and seas worldwide ~ check out 4ocean! Thank you Alex and Andrew and all the hands you employ!

Our seas and this planet are so incredibly full of wonders like the ‘plant seahorse’ above and below. Of course, the seahorse is the ultimate dad for carrying the eggs and birthing the babies. Each of us, are also ultimate expressions of our Creators Love with daily opportunities to serve with our hearts, hands, feet, minds ~ putting Love into action!
No matter what our surroundings or various camouflage exteriors, we are Love expressed ever called to expansion. How are you expanding in the summer sizzle and shine of your divine design?!
For my part, much is under way. The new CD, We Are Called, still on the way. Our June release ‘may’ be an early July sing thing. Stay fine tuned for that celebration! Our non-profit, Creative Spirit Families has been awarded a grant through the State Library for a Student Author Program that begins in July. We have other new programing in development as well as our summer Creativity Camps. Our Leaping Literacy Membership Library website is poised for some major renovations which will hopefully flow with ease and grace providing all of that and more for our Marvelous Members in the end.  For now, our Leaping Literacy Library Free Shelf is, as always, fully stocked with songs, videos, and Laurie StorEBooks. We are celebrating music, dad, and da LIGHT! EnJOY!

Whatever co-creations your shining self is in service to this Solstice week, may you align to see clearly and dearly the divine design of your shine! Namaste Bright Light Love!

Posted in Awareness, Blessings, Children's Books, Co-Creation Manifestation, Creativity, expansion, expression, Love, mystery, Transformation, Transition, Truth, Yes

Living Love: Rising Above!

Namaste Love Expressing As Life’s Blessing!
Happy Valentine’s Day! Happy Life of Love! I greet you in the name of Love from my heart to yours as I return to this blog space for a February check in. Herein is a sharing of my (still!) new home and a whispering of where Leaping Literacy Library is headed. February is our New Thought Families anniversary and always seems a time of birthing. Before sharing some of the NEWs … Let’s look inside. How is your heart? Your energy? Your Love? If you were Love (and you are!), what would you do?!

Our hearts are so divinely made to guide us, in large part through our happiness! Young children live it so cleanly and simply! As we grow on in life and our hearts experience hurts, subconscious tricks play on us and the WOUNDED heart can guide some of our decisions. Ultimately, divine order wins over all of it. Yet! Many ~ I hope not you ~ carry on too much of the time unfilled, unhappy. As busy adults we can stop listening to our hearts, regularly or altogether. I invite you here and now to place your hand on your heart and vow to listen for all your layers of happy!Of course identifying your happy is only step 1. From there, at least for me, the time tango begins! In my case, I can be pulled in so many directions, implementing my deepest heart’s desires can easily take a backseat ~ or even leave the car! In matters of living Love, we must consciously rise above all that would pull us down and out. That list can be a long one from forces within ourselves, to the people and circumstances of our personal and collective lives. As we spoke of last month in the context of dreams, it is ours to do to return to the purest Love we can muster, over and over and over again. Using our happy as a compass! Here’s a little Laurie StorEBook I co-created last week, Happy Love. The pdf is here.Our Leaping Literacy Library Free Shelf is still available though we are in the process of overhauling our structures! In this moment, you can access Happy Love here! Yes, Leaping Literacy Library and all the websites are getting some renovations with more explanations on that to come! On our New Thought Families Daily Play & Pray Calendar, we are giving away an mp3 a day ~ 28 days of Love Songs! I am showing up on Facebook to sing each of those songs  in a ‘live’ video … I was guided so am following through … many layers of true in all of that! At the end of each week, the mp3s on each of the previous Calendar days are replaced by the video. Day 1 Video, Trust What You Here is HERE!: 

I am navigating Leaping Literacy as well as other aspects of the working me through new and old content and formats birthing into the latest version of what’s next. It’s pretty messy right now. I am choosing to keep showing up for Love and do all I can to rise above ~ doubt, defeat, confusion, illusion!

The new home for me and Creative Spirit Families (and Jeremiah on college breaks!) has been all about expansion and co-creating 1 corner at a time. Here are a few pictures that may or may not translate as the magic I feel here ~ and others do to! And! So far, the live events and classes here are sparsely attended giving my heart new expansion invitations! For the most part, I do not feel sad, just curious and open to further guidance! In this right now moment, you can come on in ~! Welcome! 
Thanks so much for being here. There is a ridiculous amount of stuff that is left unsaid yet in this busy life, even you spending time with my snapshots is a gift!

And of course the greatest gift you can give yourself and this world, is to take time with your own heart ~ celebrating and honoring your own co-creations!
As we dance and romance with our own hearts, we have that much more to pour out into the world. We can co-create peace and harmony on this planet one heart at a time. Truly!

May the outpouring of your heart bring Love showers to you, your family, community and ultimately to our global family ~ humanity! We can rise above our own limitations, living Love will indeed keep us rising above. And so it is. Namaste, Love!