Posted in Co-Creation Manifestation, Creativity, expansion

Mother May Eyes

Namaste Nurturing, Manifesting, Mothering, May Eyes!

Happy May! Happy Mother’s Day Monday! Happy Mindful Moment!

I greet you in the infinite possibilities of this mindful May moment whereby we pause to be aware, to see with the eyes of our hearts, to ask and allow permission for new possibilities. As we pause here, may we see with eyes of expansive infinity. May we open to soul vision, revision, divine decisions. May we set aside division. May we make provisions to envision; giving ourselves permission to see with marvelous may eyes! Our actions begin with visions.
Peek-A-Boo! What delights are calling you ~ to see and to do?

As we celebrate ourselves and each other for the wonders, joys, challenges and sacrifices of motherhood, let us know that as powerful co-creators, we are constantly in the cycle of birthing our lives. Whether or not you are a mother, I honor you for that! Though yesterday was my first Mother’s Day without my son, he called me from college and we talked for well over 2 hours. Yay! He gave me the best gift and the one that I most gifted him, TIME! Our time and attention is how we turn our continual co-creations into mindful manifestations. As mothering my son is drastically different now, I adjust other aspects of work and service. For those that are interested, some of those updates are sprinkled into the following 5 aspects of seeing with Mother May Eyes:

  1. Infinity Of Possibility
    Seeing with may eyes means opening and re-opening to possibility. As we age and as history repeats itself in disappointing and disillusioning ways, we turn away from expansion. We contract into ways of the world thinking. Like the old, childhood ‘Mother May I’ game, we let someone else give us permission to move or do. We let others in our communities and society at large define for us that this is how it is ~ whatever that ‘it’ is. Doctors, law makers, neighbors, family members, internet, television can all contribute to your life’s prescription and subsequent decisions. Let us not lose sight of infinity ~ and beyond! We actually live in the midst of a holy Mystery full of infinite possibility. Our May Calendar at New Thought Families celebrates The Mystery daily this month. Open to the Mystery! ‘Question Authority’ comes to mind as one way to look past finite reality into expansive possibility. It starts with realigning with the truth of who we be, seeing a glimpse of our infinite potentiality, and then taking action steps daily to keep opening and co-creating what we see. Experience the video The Mystery here and on our New Thought Families Inspiration page this month.
  2.  Dedicated Daily Devotion
    As we spend time daily in spiritual practice, so we reap the harvest of expanded awareness and open heartedness. In living our potentiality, dedication and devotion are a necessity. I have been prone towards overwhelm and over-do for way too long and am dedicated to committing more fully to less. It is an uphill climb for me though demanded by exhaustion that can come from years of constant output. Mothers (and some fathers!) make great teachers for how to show up in constant, daily devotion, dedicated to the well being of our young. For any and all co-creations, as we envision birthing, growing, sustaining, may we see with this unconditional, unwavering, disciplined mother devotion! Here is the music video, Mama. Also found on our New Thought Families Inspiration page this month.

3. Consistent Commitment
Caretaking children demands consistency and commitment. As mothers, we prioritize our lives around the needs of our children. Some mothers also juggle in the needs of husband or significant other, aging parents or other family members, work demands and any and all other roles we take on for school, community, church, etc. As our children grow on, our priorities shift with time. Let us remember the lessons of consistency and commitment! Physical and emotional changes can play with our willingness and ability as I have experienced. Yet, when we truly align with what is ours to do apart from the demands of what others think we should do, energy and zeal are right there to fuel our capacity to consistently commit and act! For my part, I continue to be in service to the songs. Next month, the newest CD, We Are Called (with some of my old songs!) is due out. It features a lot of Jeremiah’s 19 year old energies and musical abilities. It can SO be argued that my music doesn’t ‘sell’ yet the songs have chosen me as their mama, some waiting a looong time to be produced! So I continuously, mostly consistently, keep showing up for these commitments! In case you missed the last CD that came out last year, the lyrics and song samples of all 37 short Spirit songs are here!Another consistent commitment is our annual Feathers Of Freedom Family Camp ~ you can still get a cabin if it calls to you and yours!

4. Co-Creation Manifestation!
As we show up to our Infinity of Possibility with Dedicated Devotion and Consistent Commitment, there are a treasure trove of tools we can employ for Co-Creation Manifestation! I myself intend to integrate some of these more consistently ~ daily! These have to do with experiencing our dreamed reality before it is actually our hands on experience. As Jim Carey did, we can ‘practice’ our reality with visualization, feelings, out-picturings in mind, habits, emotions. Many of us take a ‘God’s will’ approach to how our lives shape up. While I certainly believe in the highest divine order that can bypass our small desires, I also know we are far more responsible, capable and powerful than we know in co-creating and manifesting our lives. To be conscious co-creators, we often need to use tools that release trapped emotions and sub-conscious limiting beliefs to access more of the true power we are created with and are intended to create with!

Sometimes, we are called to keep creating similar experiences like the annual Feathers Camp and sometimes it means saying yes to new callings like this full moon Goddess Gathering I am offering in July! In fact, we are offering several new Creativity Camps this summer found here!

5. Transformation Celebrations! 

Mother May Eye … CHANGE! The ability to change is pivotal to the flow of energy and life itself! Spring is a delighted reminder of the beauty of change. We are asked to embrace change constantly yet oh so often our default reaction is to RESIST! Of course, change will persist and insist even if we resist! When we move and flow, we stay happier as well as ultimately more in the control we seek by resisting! As the title track of the new CD, We Are Called sings, “Life itself is calling us from within our hearts. The light that shines in each of us guides us where to start!” For my part, the new CD is the least of the upcoming changes! One of the scariest is moving the Leaping Literacy Library to another online placement and membership software. It is affording me the opportunity to do some massive spring cleaning as well as seeing, believing, trusting in the context of all 5 of these Mother May Eyes tenants! Meanwhile, our Leaping Literacy Library Free Shelf is full of Mothering May goodness! Sign up or sign in!

So! My mindful, Spirit led friends, what transformation celebrations are manifesting in and through your May eyes, hands, and hearts?! I see, know, and affirm your highest and best in all you see, nurture, and manifest! Namaste, Love!

Marvelous May Video Message is here and on our Creative Spirit Families’ Library Card page!

Posted in Awareness, Divinity, Energy, Faith, Family, Fortitude, Freedom, Light, Love, Peace, Prayer, Presence, Service

Fovever Free In the Sea Of Divinity!

Namaste Divinely Designed Freedom Floaters!

Fleeting July Greetings! Thank you for being here for this month’s communication as it comes in these final days of jubilant July. As we began the month with our annual American celebration of independence and freedom, we will attend to that important awareness and theme here and now. As a gateway, here is a colorful recap of our SEAing the Divine co-creation celebrations this month at Spiritual Life Center! For indeed, creativity sets us free as an open doorway to spirituality!

 As reported last month, my sacred Sundays are now in spiritual community with the littles and middles at Spiritual Life Center. We are finishing up a 9 week inspiration exploration celebrating our divinity with the infinity of the sea! Our weekly Creature Teachers have helped us explore our own divine design and we have had some wonderful, colorful co-creations of art in our Sunday celebrations! Each Creature Teacher is truly an AHmazing testimony to divine design. This intersection of information & inspiration ~ science and spirituality ~ is working well for us. Shout out to my super son Jeremiah who, over the years has truly opened my mind and heart to the wonders of science! And! YouTube is quite the place with a plethora of possibilities we can integrate into our celebrations. Here is the YouTube video of sea turtles we had going pre and post program this last Sunday followed by a brief overview of this month’s Creature Teacher’s and the spiritual principles we explored with them. The finished integration of all of this information & inspiration is still forthcoming to the Leaping Literacy Library spiritual literacy section so stay fine tuned if you’re interested in any or all of it. Either which way, for now, enJOY this grace filled glimpse as we breathe free in the Sea of Divinity!
YouTube Video: Relax with Sea Turtles:

We started week 1 this month with Jellyfish:

                                           Freedom is truly found in The Flow!

Week 2: We explored all kinds of Breath and Play ~ including Bubbles ~ with Dolphin!

                 Creature Teacher Dolphin knows to Be Here Now and Breathe!

Week 3: We told whale tales including a metaphysical version of Jonah with WHALES!

             The biggest creatures on earth have a lot to teach about BIG LOVE!

Week 4: More stories and an array of crafts and play were explored with timeless Turtle!

                Turtle teaches us that we are always home and protected. And that yes, slow and steady makes for the pace of grace which is the surest way to win any race!

Week 5: This upcoming 5th Sunday has us embracing narwhals, the unicorn of the sea, as our Creature Teacher of divinity!

AHmazing Artic Sea Photo ‘borrowed’ from Kids National Geographic, thank you!               Our Narwhal Creature Teacher helps us SEA, we can Be Unique & Swim Free!

The final share I have from our creativity and spirituality this July at Spiritual Life Center is that the church put some kitchen kits together for local refugee families through the World Relief project. Youth and families were able to add our touch with hand painted cups (I baked at home!) The slip inside each of the 16 mugs reads, “Hand painted with Love by the kids at Spiritual Life Center.” Yay for us! May our touch of Love be truly felt by the receiving families …
So! Yes, good hearted times this month! I have also had plenty of family as always … a few trips to the mountains … dad’s 92nd, Jeremiah to band camp, visiting Silver Lake and visioning for our annual Feathers Of Freedom Family Camp coming right up August 18-20. REALLY looking forward to being in the sacred Sierras with the beautiful families and peeps of all ages in our creativity & spirituality playtime! It’s not too late for you! Be a Free Spirit with us for this wonderful weekend! In case you are called, we still have a cabin for you!

Our self guided Forgiveness Footprints Path is one of many optional opportunities at Feathers Of Freedom to playfully explore & free your heart!

DO join us if you possibly can! And if you can’t calendarize for this year, make it part of next summer’s sizzling plan!

Flowing Freedom!

So! Definitely yessing the blessings of these colorful, co-creation days! The more I say yes, the more I am blessed and therein lies the heart of freedom! Sometimes I say yes to keeping quiet until I am ready to speak; allowing Spirit to help me assimilate what is and what is mine to do in the midst of it. The pervasive political news remains in high drama mode with much of it still reeking of injustice. I cannot be on the frontlines of those standing up against bullying though I certainly, gratefully bless those that are. Every day it seems, there is yet another breaking story that if I let it, can break my heart. The recent speech of Trump to the Boy Scouts horrified me yet what is worse is the cheers and applause some of his bullying comments were met with. No matter what side of the red, white, and blue each of us resides on, my continued prayer is that we teach our children to be better than we and our ancestors have been in living the fairness and truth found in our nation’s founding principle of “Freedom and justice for all.” Unfortunately, we still have a long way to go. Yet, each of us wakes free to decide how we want to live and give the gift of liberty! For me, I am staying centered on my path of creativity and divinity. I have some really BIG news in my little corner of life as I am in the middle of taking a giant leap of faith! And! I am going to share it here next month 🙂 ~!! What I will share for now is the 3 guiding principles that have freed me up to face my fears and go forward with fortitude and faith! Perhaps they can help you too!
1. Divinely Aligned! Repeated visions and whisperings are from my holy, high self, angel team, divine guidance. If it keeps returning, it is mine to do!
2. Boundaries! In the wake of caring for aging and body failing elders, I choose to balance what I do for others and embrace this time of my life where I do have health and energy to co-create what I feel is mine to do.
3. Divine Disciple! I am choosing to use discipline and commitment as partners in freedom! As I master more of myself in the wake of inevitable doubts and fears, I am better able to stand fully in the power of my heart, taking right action for that that I am called to do.

As I employ this simple yet complex trilogy, I am free to be more fully me! I look forward to sharing the progress of the aforementioned leap of faith in a co-creation manifestation celebration next month! Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing with me this month, this mindful moment. Whatever the callings of your heart, may you be forever free to keep co-creating them joyfully! Namaste, Love!

Our Leaping Literacy Library has some jubilant July offerings on our Free Shelf incase you missed them ~ August will be here soon!