Posted in Abundance, alchemy, Awareness, Beauty, Blessings, Co-Creation Manifestation, Divinity, Remembrance, Reverence, Sacred, Transcendence, Vision, Wisdom

November Transcendence of Abundance

Namaste November Remembrance of Transcendence Abundance!

Wherever you are in your dance of transcendence ~ from resistance to abundance, I greet you this 1st Sunday of November with persistence. I meet you here with more mountain juju from Silver Lake and Thunder Mountain. After the Pioneer morning music program, I returned to my beloved lake spot and was able to explore the exposed islands usually covered in lake water, now with layers revealed.

I strolled through the layers of sand, plant life, tree roots and lava rocks originally a part of the great Thunder Mountain. Once a volcano, the mountain’s boulders can be found at her base as well as miles away. Large reminders of how we scatter pieces of ourselves throughout the journeys of our lifetime(s).

The gifts of this moment, this day, this place, were remembrances of the vast abundance of life as well as the layers of depth accessible through our awareness, free will, and choices to be in the positivity or negativity of our experiences. I was inspired to vlog; I share the mountain beauty as well as honoring the land and our Native Americans and their wisdom, along with sharing some thoughts on healing, transcending trauma, taking sacred steps and choosing how we frame our stories.
I invite us all (on the site Blog page) to keep transcending any and all negativity anywhere in our circle of time as we root into the truth of who we truly be:

And so it is that the beauty of our planet is always here to help us realign with the shine of our own divine design! In addition to being in nature’s beauty, we can turn to native wisdom, in an honoring of all they know themselves and this earth to be.

In addition to the vlog reflections, this new month comes with renewed cyber invitations; our daily Play & Pray ThanksLiving CalendarETV shows on Abundance, Appreciation, Gratitude, Feature Creature Teachers like Pumpkin & Turkey and lotsa Gratitude Songs! Through the layers, we journey on!

Whatever gifts that layer your table this November, may you ever remember the bedrock of your divinity, cradled in it’s infinite capacity to love you and dance you through any and all layers of your transcendence. Namaste, Love!