Posted in Affirmations, Awareness, Creativity, Faith, Fortitude, Gratitude, Love, Presence, Spiritual Parenting

Monumental Moments

Namaste this Mindful Monday!

I have just experienced a monumental moment; my just turned 12, 6th grade boy is sitting in a high school algebra class as I type this. I just walked him across the street to the high school with his buddy & cohort in advanced math. They have been allowed to go ahead in math for many years and this year on a computer math program through Stanford. Since they have now surpassed our Jr. High level math classes, they will go to high school math from now on. I’ll spare you the rest of the logistics but suffice it to say, this is definitely a sky moment for us! ~The song I wrote for Jeremiah when he was in utero sings, “I vow to give you safe nest, I vow to give you the sky.” I never thought I would have to hold high school sky space this early and yet I am so grateful that he is allowed to embrace and expand his genius mind. I will not be a crab!! (See last week’s post for more on the crab pull of resistance!)

 And yes, I said the “g” word. Genius. God expressed. We all have our moments of genius whether we consider them monumental or not. And why not? When our babies utter their first words or take their first steps, we proud parents squeal with delight and indeed, embrace the moment(s) as monumental. I believe our all things possible God does the same; when we make forward motion in tiny steps or giant leaps, we are expanding our expression of Love, our expression of God. Sometimes we call it genius, more often we call it gifts and perhaps, sadly, the most often, we don’t call it at all. But as awakening, conscious beings we are called to call! Called to call the beauty of each day, each sunrise or sunset, spring bloom or hatched egg  as the monumental outpicturing of Love that it is. Let us turn, this moment to what is right before us … be it computer screen, sky of any hue outside the window, our own hand poised on the scrolling mouse … say, “I celebrate you!” “I honor you!” “You are monumental!”

Now, I hear the doubting Thomas voice of a college professor who severely marked my paper in red when I argued that every thing is a miracle. Guess he didn’t know the quote from THE genius himself, Einstein: “There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.” By living in the sacred awareness of  everything is a miracle, every moment truly is monumental. It just so happens it often takes the bigger moments to wake us up to monumental and miracles as a way of life. Consider the online Free Dictionary’s definition of monumental:

1. Of, resembling, or serving as a monument.
2. Impressively large, sturdy, and enduring.
3. Of outstanding significance: Einstein’s monumental contributions to physics.
4. Astounding: monumental cowardice; monumental talent.
So does thinking of the ordinary as extraordinary diminish the standouts? Only if we let it! Sure, we’re not going to build monuments of every breath but that doesn’t make each breath less monumental. Ok, splitting hairs on semantics maybe but I, for one, am happy to be re-awakened this monumental moment! I am also celebrating the culmination of many cow & crab moments (again, last week’s post!) with the revision & implementation of new videos on many web pages at Laurie’s Stories. Will it mean a business break through? I certainly hope it will help but in this moment I can woo hoo myself for perseverance & pluck! ~ AKA Faith & Fortitude! Now, I must say, completing this project doesn’t mean perfection but co-creation is often about the messy middle of things that are perfectly imperfect. I saw this in our Free Form Craft Days with the kids last week as well. Letting go of perfectionism isn’t always easy but it is almost always required to manifestation. And perhaps what’s needed most is just to adjust the view of perfectionism. What if a sunset angel sat back with their paintbrush musing, “Oh this would have been a good one if only I had …”

In our Mindful Meditation Invitation last week, we embraced all facets of co-creation, even the resistance. For this week’s Mindful Meditation Invitation, let’s embrace all of creation including our co-creations as monumental miracles! Thanks so much for your monumental moment here with us today; I mindfully hold you as the miracle you are! As always, we invite you to daily reflections on our intergenerational, interfaith, Play & Pray Calendar at New Thought Families where you are always old enough to pray & young enough to play!  Here’s a re-post of our monumental debut of Are We There Yet?
Conscious Comedy Screen

~ Can’t get the media insert to go … so for now, here’s the perfectly imperfect delivery with the  URL: