Posted in Awareness, Blessings, Children's Books, Co-Creation Manifestation, spiritual family literacy, Thanks Living

Awareness Of Goodness

Namaste Harmonious Goodness Expressed!

I greet you this Transformational Tuesday with deep awareness and an abundance of appreciation. As we all know, it has been an emotional week here in America since our election last Tuesday. It has been an emotional year that has brought all of us to our knees. As Spirits in these physical, emotional bodies, it has been a constant invitation inward to connect with our Source, our higher knowing, our highest selves. Thus, we align, realign, repeat. In this alignment we know the truth of goodness, of harmoniousness, of blessedness, of yesness, no matter what physical circumstances surround us.

From this place of inner alignment, we are called to take our physical actions in this world, to show up for what is ours to do. The goodness I most want to share awareness of in this space on this transformational day is the renewed commitment and actions that are in place and coming to fruition for New Thought Families. Designed to support those called to spiritual family literacy, these resources are re-aligning into consistent calendarization offering heart and soul centered celebrations and invitations. Yes, we continue our daily Play & Pray Calendar , our ABC pages are finally being revised and slowly finalized. And now, we are ready to relaunch our weekly offerings as well.

In September, I launched the Sunday Celebration Om HomETV shows vowing to be here each Sunday. As with other failed promises in the past, mid-October found the production schedule de-railed and me feeling too failed. The phoenix rising awareness from this is the clarity, organization and next phase of yesness in showing up to this life’s work in a way that I can make work as well as share with the people, children, families, playful hearts that are called to play and pray and be in fuller awareness of who we truly be. We are spiritual beings yet like all of life, we deepen this awareness and practice through literacy. Our Leaping Literacy Library spiritual literacy offerings are taking on a new phase of clarity.

The Free Shelf for the Library has multiple offerings from our more traditional FUNdamentals with Laurie’s Stories as well as the spiritual literacy resources centered at New Thought Families. As our Free Shelf picture above depicts, we are spotlighting weekly, thematic offerings for each part of the Library separately. The week’s resources are based on our ETV. For New Thought Families and spiritual literacy, it is Om HomETV:

With Owl as our Feature Creature Teacher, we are seeing through the shadows and seeing with the eyes of our heart. On our Free Shelf, we have the songs and book, Sebastian Wakes Up, from the show + more. We have our Owl power point, as well as Owl centered new offerings with ask and affirm cards and Your TruEBook templates for further exploration of awareness.

As I make this announcement, I stay aware that I am continuing to live the prayer I have been called to for so long. For any who have been with me on this journey or read any of the blog posts here over the last 8 years, you know my struggle is real. Yet! As I reckon with my inner demons and dance with the divine, I do indeed continue to intertwine a huge body of work that is further and further aligned. I embrace it as mine. I embrace messy me and all my failures. I embrace all that I am here to serve. I release the chaos that has swirled for too long and I vow to stand strong, singing my songs and inviting you along.

The center of the apple holds the eye and the star. It is always up to our perception to overcome deception, see clearly with reflection, and co-create with seed conception!

The creation of ETV is a long, long dream for me. This pandemic, shift your priotites year gifted me a tipping point. While definitely still reckoning with all of it, I am on better track now for the weekly ETV and Om HomETV shows speaking to FUNdamental, life, heart, and Spirit literacy. I have a birthday next Transformational Tuesday and I am more committed than ever to see with the eyes of my heart the shining star that lives in me and inside each and every one of you. We are here to shine. We are here to love. We are here to yes express our goodness and to transcend our perceived limitations in grateful life celebrations! I am so grateful for you sharing that affirmation with me in this right now moment. I am so grateful for your goodness blessing this world.

I will return to this space with this Sunday’s Sacred Celebration of Abundance. Pumpkin will be our Feature Creature Teacher as we grow all the seeds of divinity within us. If you want to see ETV, visit our and along with Owl teachings and resources on our Free Shelf, you can access past ETV shows.

May you continue to see with the eyes of your heart, an increasing awareness of the exquisite goodness you truly be. Namaste, Love!


Passionate about co-creation; deepening awareness & embodiment of Love. Life's work focus on children & families playing with literacy & spiritual literacy. Author/Illustrator/BookTeller/MusicMaker/Webmaster/ContentCreator&Producer

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